After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 402 Spirit Seed VS Wind Demon

There was a loud "pong" sound, and a rogue horse hit the ground, leaving it bloody and bruised on the spot.

However, Fu Shanyue kicked the guard beside him down. The latter was hit under the horse without saying a word, and the brains exploded and splashed on the face of the envoy of Chiyan Kingdom.

The envoy from Chiyan Kingdom was about to reach out to wipe his face, but he felt his body lightened and was lifted up by his collar.

Fu Shanyue grabbed him and jumped off the cliff!

When the two guards saw this, they rushed over angrily. The wind demon blew, and two strong winds rushed towards them, blowing them away.

Directional and precise.

"Hey, you're actually arresting the envoy of Chiyan Kingdom?" This was beyond He Lingchuan's expectation. Fu Shanyue's target changed from the envoy of Shanyu Kingdom to the envoy of Chiyan Kingdom.

Is there any connection between the two?

There is civil strife in the Shanyu Kingdom, so what’s the problem with the Chiyan Kingdom?

He has too little information and may not be able to draw credible conclusions.

Debris from the sky fell one after another, but the members of the escort team were also very tough, and they still tried their best to fight back while hiding in XZ. The Chiyan envoy was accidentally taken away. If they could not protect the remaining envoys, the mission would basically fail.

The energy at the tip of the arrow changed from dark blue to dark green, which showed that the morale was not broken, but instead shared the same hatred of the enemy when faced with a desperate situation.

This is the only way the wind demon is afraid of. Even if the guards shoot incorrectly, the swirling wind duct will eventually send the arrow to it.

He Lingchuan's eyes always followed Fu Shanyue's figure, so he could find that he and the Chiyan envoy were not shattered to pieces, but glide back to Feng Mo Mountain under the influence of the hang glider!

It's just that they landed on the outer lower level of Feng Mo Mountain, where there are many holes, and the Feng Mo blocked the sight of the escort, who failed to discover the whereabouts of Fu Shan Yue and the two.

He Lingchuan was about to dive down to find out what was going on, but he saw the leader of the escort team taking out something shiny.

That precious tree king’s spiritual seed.

It is also the treasure designated for collection of the Divine Bone Necklace.

Therefore, He Lingchuan immediately restrained the blue sheep.

The appearance of the spirit seed made the wind demon's rage surge to the max. Its body shape even began to fluctuate, and quite thick arms actually grew from both sides of its body!

Most of the bows and arrows fired at it by the guards were blocked by their arms and then thrown back hard.

Then it approached again, raised its arms and hit the shadow of the giant tree hard. The force of each blow was unimaginable.

Once, twice...ten times.

If every heavy blow had substance, everyone could hear a huge friction sound, as if the tarpaulin was about to be torn apart in the next second.

The wooden stick on the ground was also swinging very hard.

After all, it is just a branch of the King of Treasure Trees and cannot have all its power. It is already remarkable that it can survive until now.

At this time, the leader of the guard knelt down, holding the spiritual seed in both hands, and murmuring something.

Beside them, there seemed to be another deep voice echoing.

As a bystander, He Lingchuan discovered that the wind demon gradually turned red and at the same time gathered all the outer wind. So much so that He Lingchuan, who was on the dangerous peak opposite, felt that his surroundings were calm, and even the endless mountain wind had stopped.

Concentrate all the power in one place to be more powerful. It can be seen that such a violent attack is too strong a load for Feng Mo.

Both sides have tried their best.

The wooden staff on the ground was finally overwhelmed, after all the pressure fell on it.

With a "porphy" sound, it was scraped out of the ground.

The entire convoy suddenly lost its shelter, and the strong wind, which reached almost level 18, blew everything into the sky in an instant.

No matter whether it was people, corpses, heavy carriages or boulders, no one was spared.

The barrier was broken and the wind demon won.

It roared in victory.

The leader of the guard was also unable to stand, but he was quick-sighted and took the wooden stick in his hand, and then pressed the spiritual seed on the head of the stick!

The shapes of these two things don't match, and I don't know how they are embedded. Before He Lingchuan had time to take a closer look, the leader used the wooden stick as a javelin and threw it at Feng Mo!

It stands to reason that anything within such a short distance would be distorted by the strong wind. However, this staff is an exception. It is completely unaffected by the wind and moves firmly towards the set goal——

Then it penetrated into the head of Feng Mo.

The spiritual seed suddenly glowed brightly, like sunlight reappearing in the dark world.

Although the light explosion lasted only a short moment, it stimulated the wooden stick to grow with all its strength, lengthening, thickening, and branching...

He Lingchuan was stunned. Isn't this the aerial root of King Baoshu?

Without this talent, it would not be able to grow a forest from a single tree and support such a heavy crown.

After just a few breaths, the wooden staff actually grew into a huge root ball, trapping the wind demon inside. It lasted so short that it even broke two of its arms.

Only when you look closely can you see that there are slender air whiskers on each root system, which are densely intertwined into an irregular network, denser than human capillaries.

Of course, the wind demon can't just sit in jail and turn into a few gusts of wind to get out.

However, each root emitted golden light, working together to form a solid barrier that actually held the wind demon inside the ball.

Feng Mo dashed left and right inside, making a lot of noise but was unable to break through.

This is one of Baoshu King’s signature magic spells:

Root restraint technique.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the leader of the escort team used the power of spiritual seeds to subdue the wind demon. The Baoshu King's spiritual seeds can grow into border guards all over the territory, and the demonic power contained in them is astonishingly rich.

And there is no doubt about the ability of trees to block wind, fix sand, and absorb water.

Today, when the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin, perhaps only King Baoshu can accomplish this with his special talent.

The leader of the guard team was able to use the spiritual seeds, which was also the result of communicating with the little spiritual consciousness left in the seeds by the King of Treasure Trees.

Of course, it is a last resort to send it on the field. If the power stored in it is consumed too much, I am afraid that it will not be able to grow into a tree guard smoothly in the future. This is greatly detrimental to the stability of the northern border of Baoshu State.

In an era when spiritual energy was scarce, it took King Baoshu thirty-six years to give birth to such a spiritual seed.

The helplessness of the situation and the safety of the mission finally prompted the leader of the escort team to make up his mind.

The wind demon was imprisoned, the strong wind suddenly weakened, and things in the sky fell one after another, like dumplings.

The guards who landed first were busy rescuing people.

Fortunately, the two special envoys from the Sura Kingdom and the White Elephant Kingdom were still alive and injured to varying degrees. The envoy from the Sura Kingdom was only rescued because his belt was hung on a short tree. But the first thing they did after being rescued was gasping for air——

Being in a high-speed wind circle, it was impossible to breathe.

If the men and horses previously drawn into the wind circle by the wind demon were not killed by other flying objects immediately, they would also die of suffocation or become comatose.

If more people and things are unlucky and fall off the cliff, they will be shattered into pieces and cannot be saved.

The leader of the escort also jumped to the ground. He just took a breath and began to chant the incantation in a hurry to completely surrender the wind demon. No matter how high his force value is, he has no place to use his energy when facing such an invisible opponent. He can only honestly recite the terms taught by King Baoshu.

There is always a drawback to learning now and applying it now, which is lack of proficiency.

This magic formula is also fatally difficult to pronounce and long. Some syllables are not like what humans can pronounce. King Baoshu can only use his words to pronounce it himself, but the leader of the guard will repeat it if he pronounces a wrong syllable. Come, the more mistakes you make, the more urgent you are. The more urgent you are, the more mistakes you make. Your forehead is sweating profusely. In the end, you have to take a deep breath and start all over again.

During this period, the wind demon was not idle, spinning around in the root ball, creating another air vortex, drawing in the surrounding north wind to supplement itself.

After all, this ball is not controlled by King Baoshu himself. It can only follow the fixed settings when it leaves the factory. It restricts the things inside from going out, but does not restrict the things outside from entering.

Therefore, even if Feng Mo is locked up, he can still continuously draw power from the outside world.

As the wind demon collided more and more violently, the root ball floating in the air began to fly towards the east——

That is, heading towards the ruins of the Piaomiao Sect, the speed is quite fast, at least fifty miles.

Seeing this, the leader of the escort team didn't have much else to do, so he could only straighten his tongue and recite the incantation as quickly as possible.

He Lingchuan, who was not far away, saw this scene, rolled his eyes, and suddenly said to the soul-catching mirror: "Send out the evil ghosts, there is a job."

Even though it was daytime, the surrounding area was groggy and ghosts could move, so the soul-capturing mirror readily responded.

He saw a black light jumping out from He Lingchuan's body and drifting towards the official road on the opposite side, unaffected by the wind in the middle.

At this time, there was so much chaos that no one would notice the black smoke floating around.

The leader of the escort team closed his eyes and calmly recited the incantation word by word. This time, there was finally no mistake or omission.

Just when he read the last few syllables, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his calf, and it turned out that he had been stabbed!

It wasn't over yet, the person who attacked him actually dragged him back by his feet!

The leader of the escort team's chanting was interrupted again.

Two men shouted around: "What are you doing!"

"Let go!"

"This is a spy!"

The leader of the escort looked down and saw that the attacker was actually a wounded man lying on the ground, dying!

It's just that the wounded man now looks ferocious, with a black aura lingering on his body.


He had Yuan Power to protect himself, and it was immediately obvious that this guy was possessed by evil spirits.

The guard captain kicked the man away, and the wounded man's head hit the rock with a "bang" sound, and the liquid came out.

The black smoke on his body floated away quickly.

Only then did the escort discover that the unlucky guy who was kicked to death was from the Suluo Kingdom's envoy. He had just been sucked up into the sky by the tornado and lost half of his life when it fell down.

The guard captain was extremely angry, but he had no choice but to take a deep breath and recite the incantation again!

But wasting this time, Feng Mo also hit the root ball all the way up and crossed the peak of Feng Mo Rock.

"Good job." He Lingchuan patted the soul mirror to express his approval.

Finally, the treasure tree spirit species left the escort team and came to the mountain peak. Of course, he had to help Feng Mo temporarily.

The more chaotic the scene, the greater his success rate in stealing spiritual seeds.

He Lingchuan also roughly guessed why Feng Mo had to come back here, but when he drove the sheep down, he suddenly frowned.

At this time, there were actually many outsiders in the hinterland of the mountain.

There is no shortage of smart people anywhere. Some business travelers came to their senses and realized that the official road was the hunting ground of the wind demon, while the mountain opposite was safe. In fact, as long as they stay away from the crowd, the wind monster will not come to catch them.

So they came over.

But in He Lingchuan's view, they were here to die.

During the double period, continue to ask for monthly tickets~Bi Xin.

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