After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 43 The Crazy Sand Arrives

Nian and He were thoughtful and stopped tit-for-tat.

Perhaps as time goes by, another strange beast bites the hook after just a few minutes of tea.

This thing has a bloated body like a hippopotamus, but its limbs are fin-like, and its tail and neck are very long. The head is weirdly small in comparison.

Such a low-IQ thing will never let go after biting the hook, making it easier to catch than an earth dragon.

The only trouble is that it is too big, and the weight of the walnut tray alone makes the hull shake.

Fortunately, the walnut boat was very close to the stone bridge. More than a hundred soldiers grabbed the rope and pulled it onto the bridge.

Then there is the massive slaughter scene.

Everyone found buckets from the houses in the city, bled the two monsters, and transported them to the temple one by one.

They were huge, like water jars, and the blood they released was thick and sticky, with a fishy smell.

He Lingchuan was smelling it, secretly hoping that the big square pot wouldn't be too picky.

In front of the main hall, the water in the pool is getting redder and redder.

The most gratifying thing is that after pouring more than thirty barrels of animal blood, the pool area began to expand!

"It works!" Sun Fuping was overjoyed, and his fingers holding the edge of the pool turned white, "Continue, continue!"

Finally, after the last few buckets were poured in, the blood barely covered the bottom of the pool, and it looked like there was only a thin layer.

Zeng Feixiong and his men threw the buckets: "What then?"

"Wait!" Sun Fuping stared at the water, "Just wait!"

He Chunhua suddenly said: "The wind in the city stopped very early."

After his reminder, everyone recalled, when did the ubiquitous cold wind stop?

The bright moon hid behind the thick clouds at some point, and everyone felt that the light in the city was getting darker and darker.

As soon as he finished speaking, a series of small bubbles appeared on the water surface that had been calm for a long time, creating a little ripple.

"There's a hole underneath..."

As soon as Zeng Feixiong asked, Sun Fuping "shushed" and raised his hand to stop him.

The huge Mitian Temple Square is quiet and quiet, and you can hear a needle drop.

This in itself is abnormal.

Another string of bubbles popped up.

Sun Fuping lowered his body and was about to get closer to take a closer look. There was a "crash" in the water, and something jumped out, almost bumping into his face!

Others could only see a dark shadow, but that didn't stop them from exclaiming in surprise.

Only Nian Songyu, He Chunhua and others could see clearly in their haste. This was actually a wolf-like monster. Its head, tail and limbs were like dogs, but its body was covered with rough cracks. It didn't look like animal skin, but more like tree bark. Moreover, there are no eyeballs in its deeply sunken eye sockets, instead they are replaced by a little scarlet will-o'-the-wisp!

The direction of the water coming out of this thing happened to be towards Sun Fuping, so he opened his mouth and took it straight to his throat.

This mouth can open up to 120 degrees, and it looks like it can swallow even the head. The distance between the two sides was so close that in the blink of an eye of He Lingchuan, Sun Fuping was about to lose his life.

But the Imperial Master was worthy of being a Imperial Master. He remained calm in the face of danger and thrust his staff into the monster's face.

The staff-headed beast opened its mouth and spit out a ball of red fire.

The monster then let out a shrill scream and disappeared into ashes.

Nian Songyu was startled, and then said happily: "The resentful soul!"

This monster has no entity at all, it is a resentful spirit.

People always think that resentful souls hide in the shadows of the Panlong Desert to confuse people's minds, but in fact the culprit is the Three Corpse Insects. This resentful spirit is the first real master that everyone has encountered since entering the Panlong Desert.

As soon as it appeared, Nian Songyu was overjoyed, which meant that they were looking in the right direction!

The soot dusted Sun Fuping's face, but he didn't have time to wipe it away before he lowered his head and looked at the water.

He Lingchuan thought maliciously that if he lowered himself even an inch lower, the monster that would come out next would be able to ride on his face.

At this time, the entire pool water was bubbling and bubbling, more and denser.

It's like there is firewood underneath and the water is about to boil.

The ripples did not disappear when they reached the edge of the pool. Instead, they spread out and became stronger, and eventually they all set off waves.

The waves hit the edge of the pool and returned to stir the water further.

Everyone looked ugly.

If a string of bubbles represents the birth of a monster, then the dense bubbles here mean...

Sun Fuping suddenly turned around and shouted to everyone: "Take Du Hun Powder and light the life fire! Quick, quick, quick, quick!"

This roar was blessed with real power, and the sound shook the surrounding areas, deafening, and clearly revealed his anxiety.

Everyone took action immediately.

Fortunately, more than a hundred soldiers used in Shahai Fishing had already taken Du Hun San, and now Sun Fuping, He Chunhua and others could just make up for it.

As soon as the pill was swallowed, Sun Fuping hurriedly said: "Stand to the edge of the pool with your breath held, and don't look back! These monsters are more difficult to deal with than the Three Corpse Insects!"

The last words made everyone feel stunned.

Sun Fuping emphasized again: "Hold your breath, hold your breath!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the water suddenly exploded!

The scene was like a volcanic eruption, the vent was the surface of the pool, and the lava that spewed out was countless strange-shaped resentful souls!

Some are like humans, some are like animals, some are like plants, and some have characteristics of all three, making it impossible for living people to see what they should look like.

However, there were so many resentful souls that rushed out that people had no time to observe individual ones. They could only see the spectacular black smoke rising into the sky like volcanic ash, and then spreading in all directions!

The most terrifying thing is that every resentful soul opens its mouth and screams, the sound is shrill and harsh, full of pain and hatred.

No need to remind everyone, everyone spontaneously covered their ears and shut up tightly.

But this voice echoed in everyone's consciousness, shaking people's hearts and dazzling their minds.

Most of the resentful souls that rushed out went to higher places, but a few circled twice above the main hall and flew back again!

No one dared to take a breath.

Sun Guoshi was right, these things looked much more ruthless than the Three Corpse Insects.

Three pinches of life fire ignited on their bodies, and Du Hunsan tried his best to hide the breath of the living.

The ghosts shuttled among the crowd, but they only regarded them as clay and wood sculptures, and swam away after a while.

He Lingchuan looked up at the sky and found that hovering ghosts filled the night sky and caused the weather to change rapidly.

got windy.

Twenty breaths have passed.

Forty breaths have passed.

Thousands of resentful souls rush out with each breath, and now there are tens of thousands of them, but the resentful souls are still blowing out, with no intention of slowing down.

The wind outside Panlong City gradually became stronger, and salon rolls began to take shape, growing from small to large, and finally turned into a huge funnel, with one end reaching the sky and the other touching the ground.

Apart from the violent sand and strong wind, there seemed to be nothing else between heaven and earth.

Although the wind and sand blinded their eyes, everyone rubbed their eyes to see it.

Most people in Blackwater City have grown up with the wild sand season, but how many people can witness its true cause with their own eyes?

As time went by, the soldier's face became redder and redder, almost turning the color of pig liver.

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