After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 46 Brave and Unmatched

Sun Fuping didn't even bother to answer. If the False Barrier could hold on to the end, he wouldn't want to cause trouble.

He Chunhua asked anxiously: "What should we do now?"

"Qiankun borrows the law." Sun Fuping's speaking speed has never been so fast, "Hey, Sheriff, prepare your Sheji Order!"

While He Chunhua was looking for the kite coins, Nian Songyu and Zeng Feixiong had already issued orders one after another, ordering the soldiers to form a circular formation and protect the important people in the middle.

Zeng Feixiong shouted: "Hold on! The resentful souls are about to disappear, we just need to hold on for a dozen more breaths!"

Although it was for the purpose of encouragement, his words were not wrong. The number of gale troops running out of the pond was indeed getting smaller and smaller, and it was almost over. They no longer had the overwhelming appearance before.

No one could think of any other resentful soul besides the Gale Army that could appear as the finale.

So this really should be the last wave.

However, as beautiful as the wish is, the reality is so helpless. Just as everyone mustered up their courage, the illusion barrier was broken with a "pop".


The earth-yellow light trembled twice, as if even the last bit of energy to feed the baby was used up, and then left.

Everyone's hearts tightened and they swallowed secretly.

He Lingchuan had already reminded loudly: "Don't move!"

Although the illusion barrier has been broken, the Du Hun Powder everyone took has not expired, and the life fire on their shoulders and foreheads is still there, maybe?

After all, even without the barrier, the previous resentful spirits didn't notice them.

The person who rushed out of the pool at this time should be a small detachment of the Gale Army, with a commander and a dozen cavalry.

They had just flown five feet away when the illusion barrier was broken.

Gudu, one of the bandits swallowed subconsciously.

There was no difference among the dozen or so cavalrymen, but the commander suddenly reined in his horse and turned around, staring straight at them.

Huang Qiao Ma Xiyu stood up with a sound, turned around, and his horse's head was facing here.

A dozen cavalrymen also turned around.

Time seemed to stand still, there was no movement on the other side, not even the horse was rearing.

During this weird confrontation, the living people heard their own heartbeats beating extra loudly.

Nian Songyu squeezed out the words through his teeth: "Don't even move!"

Immediately afterwards, the commander of the Gale Army on the opposite side clamped down on the horse's belly, and the horse spread its hooves and rushed straight over!

More than ten riders followed closely behind.

It was obviously just a spirit body, it was obviously just a small team, but the sound of hooves was like thunder, and it actually rushed out with the momentum of thousands of troops, and even the ground shook.

He Lingchuan clearly saw that the leader's spear point was slightly raised, and there was a flash of cold light!

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" he shouted, "They have seen us!" Then he pulled He Chunhua and hid directly behind Sun Fuping.

Even if the sky falls, the Imperial Guard will hold it up.

The distance between the two parties was close to each other, and with the speed of their horses, they were almost in front of them as soon as they lifted their hoofs.

He Lingchuan could even hear the snorting sound from the horse's nose.

So realistic, so dangerous.

Nian Songyu didn't even have time to roll her eyes. She flew ahead of Sun Fuping and held up a shield with her right hand to block the two of them.

The angle at which he draws his shield is very tricky, and he cannot easily change direction when he predicts the Heroic Soul's explosive charge. Therefore, the shield is pointed sideways at the opponent, and he never intends to engage in a head-on attack.

Even so, he tensed up his whole body and took a defensive posture.

This shield is taken from the carapace of a leatherback turtle demon. The addition of one hundred and fifty years of Taoism has made this shield incredibly hard. The square shield surface can absorb external forces and offset some magical attacks.

He Lingchuan was slightly shocked: Can this guy resist the attack of invisible and immaterial resentful spirits?

As if he knew what he was thinking, Sun Fuping pointed at Nian Songyu's shield and shouted: "Mou!"

The shield emits a little green light.

As soon as he retracted his finger, the spear of the leader of the resentful soul hit the shield, making a loud "Pu" sound.

Nian Songyu was pushed away seven steps, and he relied on his waist and legs to avoid being knocked out.

Sun Guoshi was right behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder, and was pushed back with him. However, he looked as light as an empty sack. Not only was he not embarrassed after he landed, he was even somewhat graceful.

He took this opportunity and stretched out his hand, and the staff that was originally inserted in the middle of the team flew back automatically.

As for the He family father and son, long before the gun and shield clashed, He Lingchuan pulled his father two steps away, and his footwork was very fast. This was just right to avoid being affected.

He speculated that the reason why Nian Songyu's turtle shield could resist the attack of the resentful souls was because of the help of Sun Guoshi. Otherwise, how can pure physical defense block magical attacks?

Nian Songyu couldn't help but take another look at He Lingchuan, secretly thinking that this boy's ethics and morals were equally bad, but his ability to escape was unexpectedly strong, and he had escaped danger several times.

But others were not as lucky as the He family and his son. The commander of the Dafeng Army dealt with Nian Songyu, while the dozen or so ghost cavalry soldiers dealt with Zeng Feixiong's team.

No one needed to teach them, everyone fled in all directions.

But how can two legs run faster than four legs? In just two moments of meeting each other, six people were stabbed through the chest by the ghost soldiers.

Although the other party was incorporeal, the six people were clutching their chests and rolling on the ground in pain, and two of them spurted blood on the spot. It can be seen that the spear in the hands of the ghost soldiers is not useless, it can hurt people's souls.

There's no way to hide, and there's no way to fight. What's the best thing to do?

Everyone panicked.

He Lingchuan shouted: "Captain Nian has taken down the leader!"

What he said is true. There are many bystanders.

After his reminder, everyone gathered together again.

More than a dozen cavalrymen turned their horses and prepared to charge again, only to find that the invading team had regrouped. This time it was not a round formation, but all the soldiers stood behind the opponent's leader.

The stance is still a bit messy.

The leader of the Gale Army looked at the crowd, then at the injured who fell to the ground, and actually turned his head.

This action is very similar to human thinking.

Situ Han whispered: "Is this guy still thinking about something?"

He Lingchuan also felt that something was not good. This commander was already very powerful in combat. If he could still use his brains, he could pull off a trick in this attack!

As expected, the leader of the Gale Army shook his reins lightly, and the yellow gelding sprinted towards the crowd again.

However, when passing by the pond, the commander pressed his arm and the tip of his spear dipped into the water.

This time, Nian Songyu managed to push away his impact, but his arms were sore from the impact, and the jaw of his left hand was cracked.

Unexpectedly, the commander rushed through the side of the crowd on horseback. The tip of the spear that had been swung away was retracted and turned, and it was stabbed out again!

As fast as a dragonfly touching water.

The bandit standing at the front was shot through the throat.

Crisp and easy to send and receive.

When a few drops of blood splashed on the face of the bandit's companion, the yellow gelding had already rushed out three feet away, and the bandit was carried on a spear of eight feet. He was not dead yet, his body was trembling. The commander turned him around, and blood trickled down, soaking his trouser legs and dripping onto the sand.

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