After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 49 A world without people

There was nothing in the water except bubbles.

No impurities, no sand, no water plants.

What's interesting is that he can breathe smoothly, like a fish in water, without feeling depressed at all.

But he was very angry in his heart. He would never do this kind of dangerous job of scouting for others, but he had just been directly swept away by Yu Jin, the leader of the Gale Army, and he came here.

To put it bluntly, his cultivation level is low.

In the past, he didn't feel that he was domineering in Blackwater City. Later, he met Nian Songyu and Sun Guoshi, and then went on an adventure in Panlong City. Seeing the crisis approaching step by step, his cultivation became more and more powerless.

It would be nice if he was stronger.

The body sank rapidly, and the ground directly below was dark, like a bottomless pit.

Just before he sank into the boundless darkness, He Lingchuan seemed to see a dark red figure.

That thing seemed to be very big, looming around him, and the exposed part of the body should be cylindrical.

Well, it's like the shape of a bucket, but magnified countless times.

Best of all, this thing moves!

It's a pity that He Lingchuan didn't have time to take a closer look, and everything was dark in front of him.

When he opened his eyes again, the scene changed again.

He was standing by a small stream. The water just below his instep was very clear and the gravel was very clean. A small river shrimp was attacking his boots.

The water peanuts and wild radishes beside the stream are pleasantly green, and there are several farms not far away with smoke curling up from their cooking stoves.

He Lingchuan touched his body and found that his clothes were dry and not wet at all from the blood in the pool. It seems that it is just a passage.

He climbed up the short slope from the valley and was stunned as soon as he raised his eyes.

The plain in front of us is full of life, with large wheat fields being harvested. The green trees on the edges of the fields are a bit sparse, but the tallest ones are three to five feet high.

Morita's huts were dotted here and there, and He Lingchuan also saw a water bag hanging on a nearby tree branch.

In the distance, a huge river surged, dividing two plains.

On the other side of the river, the stratum is much higher than here. From a distance, it looks like a giant crocodile lying by the river.

The most important thing is that the shape of the edge of the plain is very unique and familiar.

Could that be...Chipa Plateau?

He Lingchuan jumped down the slope and walked towards Chipa Plateau.

The sky is blue, the clouds are white, and the air is mixed with the scent of earth and grass. Walking in the pastoral songs, one feels relaxed and happy.

Especially for people who have just come from a deserted city.

However, the quieter it is, the weirder it is.

He Lingchuan walked several hundred feet straight and passed through a village with a hundred households, but he didn't meet anyone.

The size of this village is really quite big.

Everywhere in the fields and farmhouses was quiet. He even went from house to house to see that they were empty. But in one kitchen, the thick-wheat buns were steamed and steaming.

He didn't dare to eat it, but he took out a steamed bun and squeezed it. It was soft and hot to the touch.

Where have all the people gone?

Passing through a wheat field again, a white butterfly happened to come towards me.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand a little, and his fingertips passed through the butterfly's body.



He found a green grasshopper in the wheat field again, and when he poked it, it was still air.

These living creatures are illusions.

But the touch of wheat seedlings is very real. He cut off some of the core of the seedlings, put it in his mouth and chewed it. It was a bit astringent and bitter, which was exactly what the grass sprouts should taste like.

At this moment, there was a rustle in the wheat field, and a living thing jumped out.

He Lingchuan was so surprised that he half drew out his knife, only to realize that the person who came was actually a sand bandit.

This man was the second cousin of Situ Han's brother-in-law, and his nickname was Maotao. He got this nickname because he was thin and small and had a beard.

He was also stunned when he saw He Lingchuan, and then he was overjoyed: "Young master, you are okay!"

"Where are the others?" He Lingchuan looked around and found that only one of his teammates had come, "Also, why is there one less spark of life on your shoulders?"

"The Imperial Master took it away and put it on the candle." Mao Tao looked bitter, "Then he pushed me down. Where is this, Panlong... Wasteland?"

Anyone with eyes can see the weirdness of this place. "Is this a fake place, an illusion?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan immediately guessed Sun Guoshi's purpose, "They are using you to explore the way, so they will come down soon."

The two of them walked forward together, and He Lingchuan asked him: "While walking through the scene... No, did you see anything after you fell into the pool?"

"Even the light red blood didn't choke me. Then I was here in the blink of an eye."

"Nothing else?"

Maotao thought carefully: "No. What did you see?"

He Lingchuan shook his head.

Was he dazzled when he saw the huge unknown object in the light red pool water?

After walking for more than half an hour, the two finally approached Chipa Plateau.

The river in front of us is gentle, about three feet wide, and the water flow is neither fast nor slow. He Lingchuan knew that this should be the moat of Panlong City, but it was far from as deep and wide as he had seen before.

Then walking westward along the river bank, after another two quarters of an hour, Panlong City finally appeared in sight.

"That, that!" Maotao exhaled, "Is that Panlong City?"

Panlong City is still at the exact same location, at the lower pass of Chipa Plateau. But it never looks as grand as in the desert.

The city wall is not that high or thick, and there are not even crocodile teeth on the wall stacks.

When the two of them approached Tiansheng Bridge, they found that the bridge deck was paved with bluestones, many of which had been broken into pieces, and the gaps were filled with moss and stains.

After crossing the bridge, the city gate is still there, but the door panel is not a hemlock, but an ordinary iron-clad thick wooden door.

The defensive strength of this kind of city gate is not much different from that of Blackwater City.

However, there were still two people standing under the city gate, waving to them.

Nian Songyu and Sun Fuping.

He Lingchuan frowned secretly when he saw them, but when he stepped forward, he looked surprised: "Why are there only you two? Where are the others?"

"The spirit of the Gale Army brought reinforcements, and Governor He led his people to stay behind to defend the enemy outside the pool." Sun Fuping said, "This is the territory of the Gale Army, and we cannot fight them here."

Otherwise it will be a dead end.

It seemed to make sense, but He Lingchuan's heart thumped, and he knew he had to be extra careful, but his face was very dissatisfied: "Dad is so unkind, leaving me here alone."

Sun Fuping was too lazy to respond and only asked: "By the way, how long have you been down here?"

"About...two hours?" He Lingchuan turned around and pointed, "I fell in the village over there and climbed up from the river."

Sun Fuping's expression changed slightly. Nian Songyu pointed at Mao Tao and said, "How could it be? I came down right after this guy. He is only a few dozen breaths behind you."

The Imperial Master pondered: "The four of us came down one after another, but we all appeared here at different times. That's a problem with the flow rate. This place is indeed more than just an illusion."

Yes, anyone who comes down will first define this place as a fantasy.

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