After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 496 Reality and Magic

He Lingchuan was stunned as he saw him go away. Finally, the red mist turned into a part of the giant shadow again, and then he came back to his senses:

Yes, Sun Fuping died in the illusion of Dafang Hu, and of course his soul was likely to be detained in the Soul Country.

It seemed that he would never find relief.

At this time, He Lingchuan began to feel exhausted.

If you hold your breath for too long, you will be kicked out of the dreamland if you don't return to the water.

The giant red shadow under the water moves very leisurely, but in fact it moves forward dozens of feet with every swing.

In just two breaths, it disappeared into the extreme cold.

He Lingchuan also swam back to the surface with all his strength and took a deep breath.

He was just a little bit away from suffocating himself to death in the deep water, creating a new way of death for himself in Panlong City.

The spider web bag is still hanging on the stalactite, but unknown roots have actually reached here, wrapping the head inside several times, and absorbing its power like jelly, so the monster head has not been able to grow a body.

Fortunately, these roots are very thin and did not suck it dry.

He Lingchuan grabbed the net bag and pulled it, and the roots were broken off, leaving only a few of them still wrapped around the monster's head.

These thin roots seem to be tough only on monster heads.

It was trembling, and when it saw He Lingchuan appeared, it asked him loudly:

"What happened down there, my true self, why can't I sense my true self!"

It was strange that He Lingchuan could deal with it. Looking up at the rock wall again, the monster's body was completely empty, but its roots were still there.

He thought for a while and simply swam to the edge of the rock wall and climbed up along the roots.

What kind of plant is this? Even monsters eat it. He wants to find out.

Interestingly, when he climbed up, he discovered that the cracks penetrated by the roots were large, more than enough for a person to get through.

Climbing up along the increasingly thick and entangled root system, and then crawling parallel for a short distance, he actually saw the light!

Almost to the ground?

No, there is water again in front, and the water is clear and warm when you soak in it.

Warm, hot spring?

He Lingchuan swam out of the cave and saw fish playing in the stream and water lilies in bloom.

He even heard the children laughing.

When I surfaced, I saw a familiar sight -

The small bridges and stone railings by the lake, the wide square opposite, and the businesses on both sides of the street.

When he turned around, he saw a lush green tree growing by the water.

This is not, this is not—

Panlongcheng South Gate Square? !

He had clearly been fighting monsters in the underwater cave on the northwest side of Chipa Plateau before, so how could he climb up along the tree roots and return to Panlong City?

He Lingchuan wiped the water from his face and had countless questions in his mind.

The children on the shore came to watch him, and an old man also came over and offered him a helping hand: "Come up here, are you drunk?"

Who would jump into the river here if they weren't drunk?

He Lingchuan thanked him for his kindness and jumped ashore on his own.

"Bat, bat!" A boy pointed at his net bag and shouted, "This bat looks like a monkey."

"What else?" The strange head looks more terrifying and eye-catching. Why don't these children say anything?

The boy asked him, "Can they fly?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan put the net bag in front of him, "Besides the bats, what else did you see?"

"Nothing. Well, why did you put a big rock in the net?"

"Stones?" There were no stones in his net.

"How can it be the land of souls!" The strange leader on the Internet also spoke, with a shocked tone, "You are sleeping, why are you not in the dreamland?"

"Is it my fault?" He Lingchuan was also surprised. This guy could accurately pronounce the word "hunxiang", which meant that he was not a native of the Panlong world.

Is this guy an invasive alien species?

No wonder the giant red shadow floating outside the Soul Country would take action. It seems to have been acting as the guardian of this Soul Country.

The children around him were chattering, and He Lingchuan gave them a few coins: "Go buy some candies."

The children ran away happily.

He Lingchuan was calm and had time to carefully examine the green trees in front of him.

Are the roots that penetrated the rock wall the Guluo tree?

At least judging from the location, that's what it should be.

He Lingchuan looked down from the railing and found that the hole under the water was gone.

Yes, he has been here dozens of times. The stone corridors on the riverbank are very neat. Are there any caves?

This tree broke through time and space and brought him here directly from the northwest of Chipa Plateau?

Well, or to put it another way, it extended its roots directly from here to the cave in the northwest of Chipa, in order to catch the monster and have a feast?

At this time, he looked at the little Juluo tree again. The originally thin trunk had become thicker, allowing him to hold it in his arms. It had also grown a little taller, and was one and a half feet above the ground. The crown of the tree had also begun to spread out, and now it had a little bit of growth. The bearing of our ancestors.

This Juluo tree is different from all other plants in Panlong City. It grew from the seeds of the Treasure Tree King he brought in from the outside world. It itself has the power to span Qingming, so it can sense external invasion?

It eats the monster, does it mean that the nutrients it needs to grow are also... underworld?

He Lingchuan's mind was filled with questions, but he still had the most important things to do now.

Picking up the net bag, he rushed to the shop on the street and said to the old man guarding inside: "Uncle Li, I can lend you your backyard!"

Uncle Li was grabbing straw and knitting something, without raising his head: "Go ahead."

This is where Sun Fuling bought ice lanterns for mourning in the winter. In the summer, when he couldn't make ice lanterns, the old man made grasshoppers, ponies and other handicrafts out of bamboo and straw to sell, which were very popular with the children.

There was no one in his backyard, except for bamboo sticks, rattan grass and other miscellaneous items.

He Lingchuan raised the monster's head to face him: "Who are you?"

"What happened to my true self?" The strange head has been in shock since he was chopped off.

Everything that can be seen is beyond the scope of its imagination.

"No more." He Lingchuan said concisely, "If you want to follow in my footsteps, I will help you now."

What's interesting is that the roots he tore off in the cave are now tightly wrapped around the monster's head, neither sucking it dry nor leaving it.

The human head with three eyes is tightly wrapped by several tree roots. It is difficult to describe this shape with the word "weird".

But the strange head never grew a body, and He Lingchuan's intuition was related to Ju Luo Shugen.

"No, no!" the strange head reacted strongly, "I don't want to die."

"Why are you looking for me?"

"Someone marked you as a tribute." Monster Leader confessed, "We like young and strong souls. Delicious!"


"I don't know who he is." The strange leader still showed his former arrogance, "We don't care."

"Where is this person?" He Lingchuan frowned, "I want the specific location and his appearance!"

This ghost thing comes from the real world, which means that someone is dealing with him outside!

good very good.

The clues come to you.

"You're not going to kill us, are you?"

"It depends on how you cooperate."

"Three hundred feet to the west of you is Tongfu Inn. He is skinny and has a long face. He looks like he will fall over when the wind blows."

He Lingchuan picked up his net bag and slipped back to the street, when two patrolmen passed by.

He packed the monkey bats and handed them to the patrolmen, asking them to take them to the Alchemy Office and give them to A Luo.

With the human head wrapped in tree roots remaining, He Lingchuan jumped onto the Juluo tree and stuck it in the branch.

Anyway, in the eyes of the natives of Panlong City, this is just a big stone. No one will be interested and it just needs to be out of reach of the kids.

"No, no, no, don't put me here!" The strange head was shocked when he felt Ju Luoshu's aura.

Isn't this the dryad that sucked it into the human body before?

"Keep an eye on it for me." He Lingchuan patted the trunk of the Juluo tree, "Don't eat it yet, I'll keep it for some use."

The wisdom of the Juluo tree is fully reflected in the King of Treasure Trees. Although this tree is still in its infancy, it did not fight against He Lingchuan when he grabbed the net bag in the cave, which shows that this little guy is very spiritual.

Then He Lingchuan found a deserted corner and sat down, closing his eyes to rest and relax:

"Wake up, wake up, wake up..."

In the past, he thought that the only way to leave the dream was to commit suicide, but it was not a pleasant feeling. But then he thought about it. He was the owner of the Broken Knife, why couldn't he come in and out freely?

He tried a few more times, and sure enough, by concentrating like this and asking to log off, he could quickly return to reality.

When the Hundred-faced Nightmare was driven into the deep sea by the giant red shadow outside the Soul Country, almost no one noticed that a star suddenly brightened up in the night sky in the east of reality and flashed several times quickly.

Just a few times.

Then, everything seemed to be back to normal.


Tongfu Inn.

With a "click" sound, the statue on the table suddenly broke into several pieces.

The conjurer who had been reciting the spell with his eyes closed suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and said in disbelief: "Master Baimian? How is this possible!"

What answered him was that the statue's fragments shattered all over the table.

Nightmares also have strengths and weaknesses. The predecessor of the Hundred-Faced Nightmare was the Immortal Soul. Its power was something that neither its kind nor humans dared to deny.

The nightmare rarely strikes, but it never misses. Precisely because he believed deeply in the power of Bai Mian, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Even the king of the Mang Kingdom, a British lord, died under its hands. This man named He was just a commoner and had no energy to protect himself. How could he defeat Bai Mian?

This is as ridiculous as a six-year-old kid defeating a boxing champion in the ring.

But facts speak louder than words. No matter how frightened the conjurer is, he has to plan his next step.

The door of the room opened with a bang, which startled the spell master. He saw the guest from the next room step in and said, "You failed?"

The curse master was furious: "Why did you come here uninvited?"

The man stared at him and asked: "Is it done or not?"

"It didn't work, it was broken. The opponent is very strong, I'm afraid, I'm afraid they will chase me." The spell master was short of breath and could only stand up unsteadily, "Do you want to stay?"

There were fragments in the blood he spat out, and his heart was damaged. The most important thing he should do was to lie down and rest, and he would not be able to get up until at least half a month later, otherwise he would be in trouble in the future.

This is the backlash of the spell, ranging from disability to death. But the curse master couldn't care less about this. As strong as a hundred faces, there is no return, and I am afraid that it will be a disaster if I stay.

"You magicians are really unreliable." The other party supported the wall with one hand, and a giant shadow moved in the darkness behind him, and a fishy wind blew in his face. "Go ahead and leave this place to me."

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