After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 553 The First Arrival of Lingxu

"Climb to the top of Wolong Dam and you can see Lingxu City."

Returning to his old place many years later, Fu Shanyue raised his whip and pointed forward with emotion.

He had to use his true strength to speak, otherwise the sound of the roaring water would drown out his words and no one could hear clearly.

A group of more than a hundred people were walking on the embankment beside the Wolong River.

The river was surging, but after entering the "Z" shape terrain, its diameter narrowed significantly to more than 110 feet, so the waves rushed down the fault like anger, creating a waterfall with a drop of more than 20 feet.

From a distance, the waterfall looks like a broad curtain.

Wolong Dam, which is close to the river, is always filled with water vapor. Riding on the back of a blue sheep, He Lingchuan can still feel the trembling caused by the roar of the waves hitting the dam.

At this time, the sun was shining brightly, reflecting two rainbows on the water.

This is the Yingbin Waterfall in Lingxu City.

No matter who comes here, he must first feel his power and feel his own insignificance.

The road to Bega is always wide and smooth.

Without any effort, everyone climbed to the top of Wolong Dam along with the huge flow of passengers.

Even after hearing many introductions from Fu Shanyue and Shao Jian, He Lingchuan was still frightened when he saw Lingxu City for the first time.

Is this the number one spiritual city in the world?

He thought he was approaching the Guilin landscape. Let's call it a plain. Countless peaks and rocks seem to have been cut off from the top of the mountains by invisible forces and transplanted to the flat ground. Therefore, there are hills and rugged hills everywhere, some exquisite, some weird, and some pictographic. People don't have to climb to the top at all. You can see all the small mountains at a glance and enjoy the scenery of dangerous peaks.

Call it hills, but the open space between the mountains is obviously very flat, with countless buildings rising from the ground, and countless streams and rivers circling.

Coming to this world, He Lingchuan saw the endless city for the first time.

Other city-states are mostly surrounded by farmland; but here, as far as the eye can see, there are either green forests or buildings.

This was also the first time He Lingchuan saw a city without gates and walls.

In the words of Bai Ziqi:

"Lingxu City does not need protective walls."

If the above scenery is still a normal city, but the area is a bit larger, then what He Lingchuan saw when he raised his head was far beyond what ordinary people would recognize:

There are seven peaks floating in the sky, high and low, large and small.

The lowest one is only sixty or seventy feet above the ground, but the highest one is already in the clouds.

Each peak does not reach the sky or the ground, but it stands motionless in mid-air. The mountains are covered with lush greenery, and there are countless waterfalls and springs.

Today the white clouds are coming out of Xiu, and they are flowing among the floating peaks.

On the side of the green peaks and white water, you can see the beautiful buildings and jade buildings. I often hear the fairy music of bells and chimes floating down to the world with the wind.

Magnificent, majestic, and mysterious, the ancient immortal style was no different.

He Lingchuan had been through life and death several times, and his experience was far beyond ordinary people, but he was still greatly shocked when he saw this spiritual fantasy scene for the first time.

Not to mention other travelers, the sounds of gasping and admiration are endless.

Fu Shanyue explained to He Lingchuan: "The seven floating islands are collectively called Lingxu Upper City; the city on the ground you see is Lingxu Lower City. The Royal City Palace, which is the residence of the emperor, is located on the highest floating island. Sky Island Tianxin Island is called Lingxiao Palace."

As the most powerful emperor in the world, he naturally has to be condescending and look down on all living beings.

He Lingchuan was full of admiration: "If one island is one heaven, the emperor lives on the seventh heaven, overlooking the weather of Huanghuang."

Bai Ziqi smiled at the side and said, "This statement won the emperor's heart."

"Such a great city, Lingcheng, really deserves to be number one in the world." He Lingchuan opened his mouth as the flattery didn't cost money.

He had done a background check and found that the foundation of Lingxu City was the former site of the Great Return Sect. In other words, the blessed land of Lingshan in front of us was originally the territory of the Immortal family, but was later taken over by Bejia. After several expansions, today's Lingxu Up and Down City was established.

In addition to the main city in the middle, Lingxu Lower City also includes four surrounding auxiliary cities, with a permanent population of more than 7 million.

As for the seven floating islands in Lingxu Shangcheng, there are less than 9,000 residents. If you include the slaves and attendants, there are 200,000.

Even though he had already heard the answer from Shao Jian, He Lingchuan still wanted to ask knowingly: "Excuse me, Commander Bai, how can the residents get through since the floating islands are not connected to each other?"

Before Bai Ziqi could answer, Fu Shanyue was already laughing: "It's natural to communicate with each other inside the magic weapon."

He deliberately didn't say anything about this mystery beforehand, just to shock He Xiao. This guy always has a calm look on his face, which makes him look irritating.

"Magical weapon?" He Lingchuan looked confused.

Bai Ziqi patiently explained: "Lingxu Shangcheng is itself a magical weapon!"

Jiao Yu beside him was stunned for a long time, and He Lingchuan lost his voice: "These seven floating islands..."

"Yes, the seven floating islands, plus the red peak in the middle of Lingxu Lower City, are combined into a set of magical weapons that is probably unparalleled in the world." If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard for anyone to believe it. There would be such a huge magic weapon in the world!

It was hard for Bai Ziqi not to sound proud when he opened the eyes of these country bumpkins: "The magic weapon has its own internal system. Between the ground and floating islands, and between floating islands, it can be freely teleported regardless of distance. It's called 'surprise'" Hongdu'."

Even though He Lingchuan had already mentally built up, he remained silent at this time.

An ordinary person would probably have to worship him at this time.

In fact, he could see as soon as he turned around that many travelers coming over the dam were kneeling on the roadside, muttering prayers to the floating island in mid-air, and bowing to the ground.

At least he couldn't do this yet, his knees were too hard to kneel down.

After a long while, he asked softly: "How many mysterious crystals does such a huge magic weapon consume every day?"

This is the point! Even he felt overwhelmed by taking care of a golden-armored guard. The energy consumed by such a huge magic weapon in Lingxu Shangcheng every day could make even a gold-swallowing beast commit suicide in shame, right?

Bai Ziqi smiled and said: "The base of Lingxu Upper City is a hanging stone. It is not a thing of this world and can float in the air. There are other ways to charge it, which you will hear about later; what really consumes energy is 'Jinghongdu', depending on the number of people and goods coming in and out, will consume more than five hundred kilograms of low-grade Xuanjing every day, and there is no upper limit."

Luxurious, too luxurious.

Waste, such a waste!

He Lingchuan thought of the three mysterious crystals on his body, but he still risked his life to investigate the case and got them from Fu Shanyue.

What a ignorant bumpkin! I should have asked for more in the first place! Considering the muddy water he was wading in now, three hundred yuan was not too much.

Looking at Sun Fuping again, until he died in Panlong Desert, he only had a few middle-grade Xuan Crystals among his belongings.

That is still a majestic national teacher.

Who can imagine that Lingxu Shangcheng consumes more than five hundred kilograms of low-grade Xuanjing every day, just to pay for transportation.

Seeing the emotion on his face, Fushan became more and more satisfied:

"Let's go into the city."

Bai Ziqi also smiled and said nothing.

No matter how smart and clever this young man is, he comes from a small country. How can his vision and experience be as good as that of a real Lingxu City person?


When you look at Lingxu City from a distance, you feel that it is huge. When people walk in, they realize that they are like water dripping into the sea, and there is a vast expanse in front of them.

The four auxiliary cities are the four major districts. After Bai Ziqi led his people into Nanli District, he waved goodbye to Fu Shanyue.

He wanted to escort the prisoners to the prison, and then rush to Xushan in the north to report on his duties before dark. The schedule was very tight. Fortunately, Du Yunshi had people to pick him up along the way, and at this moment, a beast carriage stopped.

The prisoners got into the car, and Duyunshi and his men rode away in an instant.

He Lingchuan also noticed that Bai Ziqi's horse, Linglu, had a pale gold medal hanging around its neck, and the cars and horses nearby gave way to it. Fushanyue explained that this is an "emergency order" for public servants' cars. Only with this order can they drive at full speed on the main road in Lingxu Lower City. Otherwise, there are speed limits on the main roads, and you will be fined if you exceed the limit.

Even in an auxiliary city, the main road can accommodate eight carriages traveling in parallel. However, the passenger flow in Lingxu City is too large, and the main road is busy with traffic, leaving almost no space. If there is no urgent movement order, everyone can only drive in sequence.

He Lingchuan looked at Fu Shanyue: "Don't say you didn't act urgently."

After entering the city for a while, he saw two or three groups of people with urgent movement orders, galloping on the main road, and everyone was afraid to avoid them.

They were all young men in bright clothes and angry horses, leading a group of servants who crowded in front and behind, shouting and laughing. They did not look like businessmen at all.

Fu Shanyue chuckled, took out a sign from the storage ring, and hung it under the neck of his mount: "That must be there, drive!"

He Lingchuan shook his head, and the bighorn blue sheep let go of its hooves without his urging, following Fu Shanyue through the traffic.

There is often a beast of burden galloping up and down the road:

White-tailed Mouse.

This is actually a giant moose, with plate-like forked horns on its head, a shoulder height of nearly eight feet, and extremely developed back muscles.

He Lingchuan often saw two white-tailed animals pulling a cart side by side, and the carriage was also a specially made long section with a hook at the back, and it was obvious that additional hooks could be added.

Every few hundred feet, a green wooden sign is erected on the roadside, with the place name written in white on it.

Next to the sign, there are often civilians with dull expressions on their faces.

If there is someone waiting next to the wooden sign, the white-tailed beast will stop and wait for the person to get on the bus. A full carriage can carry twenty-three people.

Uh... He Lingchuan was stunned for a moment. Isn't this public transportation?

He pointed to the deer driveway: "Can anyone sit in this?"

"It's okay to give money, but you have to squeeze into a car with a stranger. There will be one passing by in about a quarter of an hour." Fu Shanyue took a look and was not surprised, "It's convenient for the mud-legged people to go out to work. They all leave early. Come home late.”

White-tailed carts only travel on fixed routes and do not require additional drivers. However, deer carts only travel within the same city. If you want to go to the main city of Lingxu or other auxiliary cities, you have to transfer.

It was getting dark now. He Lingchuan observed casually and found that the deer carts on the road were almost full, and those who couldn't sit had to squeeze in and stand.

Fortunately, moose are extremely powerful and have good endurance, so it is not a problem to overload more than ten people.

For a giant city, an important part of planning and design is public transportation. Without such deer carts, how could migrant workers move across regions conveniently?

Seven million permanent residents, plus countless migrant workers, constantly test the carrying capacity of a city.

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