After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 585 Returning

Before the military meeting begins in the Gange Hall, the magician guarding the door will hold up a long-handled mirror to conduct a security check on everyone participating in the meeting.

Embedded on the mirror is a big eyeball, which can glance at people and call the police. He Lingchuan saw it detecting a person with eavesdropping powers, which can be said to be very effective.

Later, he fought with General Red and heard her talk about the origin of this eyeball, which was that it was cut out from a big demon named "Mulian".

This big monster has dozens of eyes all over its body, each of which has a magical function. The most basic magical power is the "eye of truth", which can not only see through magical powers, but also see through people's hearts. But it later betrayed the human world and surrendered to the gods, causing huge losses to the immortals.

It is known that the great demon "Mu Lian" was later beheaded by the Great Huanzong, and his iconic eyeballs were used to make many magic weapons, which still exist today.

At that time, He Lingchuan was curious: "Mu Lian can see through supernatural powers and people's hearts, how could he still be defeated?"

"The so-called 'Eye of Truth' is just a magical power. How can there be an eternal magical power in the world?" General Red told him, "I don't know the details, but I'm sure that the Great Return Sect has finally found a way to deceive it. "

It seems that God Miaozhan also has a Mulian eye in his hand, and it is embedded in his magical weapon.

Considering that "Mu Lian" once surrendered to the enemy, it seems not surprising that the god would have its eyeballs in his hands.

This statue can be said to be very realistic.

Lao Ge had just lit several incense sticks and heard the voice and said, "Does it matter what it looks like? Gods are gods. Maybe gods have countless appearances."

He Lingchuan smiled knowingly.

He had seen the corpse of the god in Xiqiao Palace City, and the god himself was not like this at all. They can barely be called humanoid creatures, but some of them are not humanoid at all.

So Lao Ge was wrong. The appearance of the gods in the human world, that is, the statues of gods, is very important.

Taking on a human form makes it easier to be accepted by civilians.

His smile was noticed by Gao Jilin, and he immediately asked: "Brother He, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." This person seems to be very concerned about his words and deeds? He Lingchuan responded vaguely.

At this time, Lao Ge said again: "Have you not noticed that the incense of Miaozhan God is particularly strong?"

After his reminder, He Lingchuan noticed that the incense burner in front of the statue of Miao Zhantian was the largest and contained the most incense. Passing devotees did not need to worship other gods, but they would definitely give a stick of incense to Miao Zhantian.

I really dare not miss it if I pass by.

Gao Jilin acted as a qualified admonition: "What's the truth?"

"Miaozhan God has the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, and occasionally perform miracles, and never makes mistakes." Lao Ge put incense sticks on it, "Every time such a deed occurs, it will be spread and talked about. .”

"Revealing a miracle?" He Lingchuan was curious, "Is it here?"

"Yes, it's right here." Lao Ge didn't dare to reach out and just pouted, "Just use this magic weapon!"

Magic weapon?

Does it refer to the scale in the hand of the statue of Miao Zhan?

Isn't this just a golden eagle's pimple? Is it really a magic weapon?

He Lingchuan didn't notice any fluctuations in mana from it.

Is there really a treasure that dares to be placed in the Chongyang Hall? Isn't it afraid that some kid will snatch it away?

That's all, it's none of his business.

He Lingchuan shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and looked carefully at the murals on the wall.

There are brick carvings or murals on every wall in the main hall. The contents are all about the deeds of gods. They either fight against various opponents who look like humans but not humans, and look like ghosts but not ghosts, or they perform miracles to moisten the water and soil in all directions and benefit the people of the world.

Just looking at the painting and engraving work, they are all of a palace level and are treasures of art.

He Lingchuan looked at the murals one by one, wanting to see if there were any majestic portraits here.

Well, as expected, I didn’t see it.

But he unexpectedly saw a statue of a god——

True Lord Tongming.

The statue is neither big nor small, the same height as a real person, and is placed on the left side of the hall.

The statue has a clear face, a high crown, and fluttering clothes, making it look like an ancient immortal.

When He Lingchuan saw it, his mood was very subtle.

Putting aside its entanglement with the He family, Tongming Zhenjun probably doesn't look like this. Why does the human form it embodies resemble an immortal?

The entire Chongyang Hall was magnificent, but after He Lingchuan got through the initial shock, he felt that it was a bit dazzling after staying there for a long time. Because there is so much smoke here, it suffocates your eyes.

He heard Gao Jilin cough twice and asked Lao Ge: "When can I go out?"

But many tourists lingered on, and some even grabbed a lot of incense and dipped each statue in the rain and dew.

"Why don't you worship for a while?" Lao Ge said to everyone, "Look at them coming all the way here, just to ask divination and burn incense?"

Gao Jilin smiled and said, "We don't reward gods here."

"Oh, you don't know, right? People who come from a place like you have to worship gods fiercely." Lao Ge sneered, "The more severe the ban is in the country, the more joyful it is here. Look at this The temple is full of people, and six to seven out of ten people come from places where God is not rewarded.”

Thinking that this was really the case, Gao Jilin had nothing to say and sighed.

"They have to worship for a long time." Lao Ge asked He Lingchuan, "Don't you want to find the Naturalization Tower? If you have time now, I will take you there!"

He Lingchuan responded immediately.

Lao Ge also called a mandrill as a guard, and one man and two monkeys walked out of the hall.

There is a small road on the side of Tianshu Peak that leads directly to the Naturalization Tower.

However, after He Lingchuan walked out of Chongyang Hall, he discovered that Gao Jilin was following him:

"Why is Brother Gao out? Where is Brother Jiang?"

"He is still worshiping inside." Gao Jilin pressed his forehead, "I have been there for a long time and the smoke gives me a headache. Can I go with you?"

Go to the Naturalization Tower? He Lingchuan is a natural place. It was originally a public attraction, and Xushan did not refuse tourists to go there.

The trail was slippery, in disrepair, and covered with thin ice, making it difficult to walk.

Fortunately, the monkey didn't mind, He Lingchuan didn't feel embarrassed, and Gao Jilin seemed to have some cultivation skills, so he didn't walk any slower than them.

He is a curious baby: "What is this naturalization tower? It sounds old,"

If there is no good trail, Lao Ge likes to jump on the rocks on the edge of the cliff and climb: "Thankfully you are asking me, others may not know about this naturalization tower. It is the memorial tower of the Dahuan Sect. It is far away. If a wanderer dies in a foreign land and his body and soul cannot return, he may ask his relatives and friends to send tokens and relics to the Naturalization Tower to comfort the deceased soul."

Gao Jilin's next words made He Lingchuan look at him with suspicion:

"Why are you still here?"

Although Lingxu City is open to the public, most of the buildings of Dahuanzong were destroyed by the war six hundred years ago. The subsequent reconstructions also selectively restored part of the landscape. Most of the ruins are either dilapidated or only broken tiles and ruins remain. , accompanied by desolate grass.

But the Naturalization Tower has not been rebuilt. Why was it not bulldozed by the Northern Demon Kingdom in the first place?

Lao Ge shrugged: "I don't know. This thing is not conspicuous, so there is probably no need to bulldoze it, right?"

The Naturalization Tower was built on a low hill 200 feet away and was blocked by several peaks. If it weren't for Lao Ge who led the way, He Lingchuan wouldn't have been able to find this place at all.

There are still some ruins of buildings on this low hill, and the base seems to be quite large, but now there are only a few remaining walls, and the bricks and stones scattered among the grass have been corroded into disgrace.

On the contrary, the Naturalization Tower sitting on the stone platform looked intact.

This is a nine-story stone pagoda. It is short and fat. The carvings are so simple that they are almost crude. Not to mention compared with the Tiangong buildings, even the pagodas on the ground are far inferior. Some parts have obvious traces of digging with knives and axes. Later polishing. And the height is only nine feet. He Lingchuan stood on tiptoes and stretched out his hands, maybe he could reach the top of the tower.

Now look at the base again, it is integrated with the stone platform——

It turns out that it was carved from the natural protruding rocks here.

The tower has no sculptures, no figures, no portraits, but it is full of tiny holes, and the wind blows in and out, making strange whining noises.

With such a slovenly appearance, it’s no wonder that the Northern Demon Kingdom had no motivation to bulldoze it.

At first glance, it looks like a random sacrificial pagoda set up outside a deserted village.

There is only one hole in the front that can accommodate a person's hand, which is probably the entrance to the second floor of the stone tower.

While looking at the Naturalization Tower, Gao Jilin asked He Lingchuan: "Brother He, why are you here?"

"I was entrusted by someone to send his relics to the tower." He Lingchuan took out the turtle charm from the storage ring and sent it into the naturalization tower through the hole.

"Entrusted by someone?" Gao Jilin was moved, "Could he be an immortal?"

Seeing that the tower has aged well, who would leave it behind for no reason?

"Maybe. I entered a cave, and the owner there left a suicide note and a token for me to send back here." There is nothing to hide. Immortal ruins are often found in the human world.

"Brother He really believes in people and sent them back all the way."

"It's just on the way. I originally wanted to visit Lingxu City." He Lingchuan said this and his eyes narrowed.

He was about to turn around and leave, but something suddenly slipped out of the Naturalization Tower:

Turtle Talisman.

Why did it fall out?

He stuffed the turtle charm back into the tower.

Under the gaze of four pairs of eyes, the turtle charm slipped out again.

He looked sideways. Is the tower tilted?

Lao Ge laughed and said, "I didn't send it as a gift, right?"

He Lingchuan scratched the back of his neck and felt troubled: "The suicide note only said that I should send it home, but it didn't say how to send it. Are there any rules in this?"

The last sentence is to ask Lao Ge.

It also had a confused look on its face. This question was clearly out of scope: "I don't know. I'll ask you after I get down from the mountain and see how others got there."

The mandrill behind him made an angry sound: "Maybe the tower refuses to accept it."

Gao Jilin couldn't help but said: "Maybe the owner of this turtle charm is not very popular with the Great Return Sect and doesn't want it to be naturalized into the tower?"

It seems, it seems, maybe there is some rift between Master Dongli and the Great Return Sect. Otherwise, how could he end up sitting alone in the wild?

He Lingchuan patted the Naturalization Tower.

If you say you won’t harvest it, you won’t. The weeds here are taller than the top of the tower. Are they still so arrogant?

"That's all." He put the turtle charm into his arms, "Don't pull it down."

The things have been brought here, but the Naturalization Tower refuses to accept them. Master Dongli can’t blame him, right?

Alas, poor Master Dongli. They say fallen leaves return to their roots, but his own sect still rejected him.

PS: Someone has been asking about it in the background. Jiufang is here to explain. This article roughly assumes that one tael of silver = 1,000 yuan, and the purchasing power is equivalent to 1,000 yuan, which is purple.

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