After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 593 Murder and Arson

The cushion is made of "Yanghu white" floral brocade, soft and shiny, and has a hardwood stick on it.

The hardwood has branches and a few green leaves on it.

The servants in the hall all knelt down in front of it, because there was a green snake entrenched on the hardwood!

Its body is as thick as He Lingchuan's fist, with a green back and white belly. Every scale is as moist as jade, and it is absolutely not as cold as ordinary snakes.

And its head doesn't look like a snake's head. Instead, it has high brow bones, deep eye sockets, a high nose as bulging as a cow, and a little soft hair on the tip of its tail.

"Where's Fu Shanyue?"

It makes a milky sound and sounds like a little boy with its eyes closed. In fact, when it opens its mouth, it reveals a mouth full of fangs, which are as jagged as crocodile teeth.

The servants were trembling with fear: "Our Highness, Your Highness, is out!"

"Where have you gone?"

"No, I don't know!" Did the prince need to explain to them when he left the house?

Besides, the prince has been traveling more frequently lately, leaving early and coming back late, so most of the servants have no chance to see him.

"Where is the Crown Prince's special envoy?" The milky voice showed more disgust, "Find him out!"

"Master He is not here either!" Everyone cried in their hearts.

"Where have you gone? You don't know?"

Prince Lingxu's upper body suddenly stood up like a snake, and a strong gust of wind blew into the main hall, sweeping the paintings on the wall and the silver pot on the table shaking wildly.

Everyone nodded: "Prince, spare your life, I really don't know!"

Another person said: "I heard, I heard that the special envoy went out today to visit the main city."

The main city is so big, and He Xiao even has legs. Who knows where he is going now!

Prince Lingxu said coldly: "Really? Then I will be waiting here!"

It has to wait, who dares to disagree?

The servants quickly served refreshments and fruits to the guards.

As for Prince Lingxu, no one knew its taste, and when he asked about it, the guards ignored him.

This wait is an hour.

In the meantime, Prince Lingxu urged him several times and sent several servants from Pan Shanzhai out to look for people.

But there was no news from either the person looking for him or the person being looked for.

As time passed, Prince Lingxu became more and more irritable. He walked back and forth in the hall on the brocade mat, his scales slightly opening and closing.

The atmosphere became more solemn.

There was a "pop" sound, and the prince flicked his tail, smashing a chair.

Although snakes have long tails, it is difficult for them to have such power.

The guard said: "Your Highness, why don't you go for a walk in the garden?"

"It's such a shabby garden, it's small and ugly, do you want me to go there?"

Everyone was silent, and the time passed like a year.

Not only the main hall of Panshan's house, but also two nearby buildings were affected by the prince's anger. It was a little tired to come by itself, so it ordered:

"It's all smashed to me!"

The guards under his command did not say anything, and there was a burst of pinging and banging. Doors, windows, furniture, antiques, rockeries in the garden...everything in sight was smashed to pieces.

There is also a nursing home in Pan Shan's house, but no one dares to stop him. The noise coming from outside hit everyone's heart.

Until the sun was about to set, neither Fu Shanyue nor He Xiao came back.

The guard approached the prince and whispered: "Your Highness has been out for too long. If you don't go back..."

The prince snorted: "I won't go back!"

It's very troublesome to come back late. It's quite a long journey from here to the palace at Lingxiao Peak on Tianxin Island.

But it's not angry yet.

Not only did he not come out, but he was even more furious after holding it in all afternoon!

"Looking at these servants is annoying!" It said to the dozen servants kneeling in a row by the wall, "Kill them, no one will be spared!"

The servants were frightened. Some were paralyzed with fear and shouted for mercy. Some could not care about anything else and ran away through the door.

Several guards rushed out and struck with their swords.

There were exclamations and screams everywhere.

There were two young boys with good legs and feet who outperformed the other companions and rushed all the way to the gate.

A guard came over, aimed a knife at the back of a young boy, and the latter stumbled away from the vital point, but was chopped into his left shoulder by the long knife, and screamed worse than a slaughtered pig.

"Why are you running?" The guard kicked him down, stepped on his back, and swung his knife again.

This time it was firmly inserted into the back of the heart and even twisted.

One blow and the breath is gone.

The screams stopped abruptly.

Another giant gorilla rushed past him, caught up with another boy, and punched him in the head.

The man was already unconscious when he landed.

The giant gorilla walked over and smashed him into a pulp with a series of blows.

mission completed.

The guard spat at the corpse and then returned to the main hall to resume his life.

At the main entrance of Pan Shan's house, two people were lying dead, with blood and mud everywhere.

When the palace guards killed people, the onlookers screamed and dispersed, fearing that they would be harmed.

When the blood dripped down the steps, they gathered again to watch the fun and point.

This is the station of Chiyan Kingdom and the place where Prince Yue stays. Prince Lingxu rushed here to kill people, oh my, this is incredible!

The entanglement of cause and effect behind this has opened up the imagination of the public.

More than an hour later, it was getting dark, but the real master still didn't show up.

"The more Fu Shan offends Xiao Xing, the more he can no longer feel comfortable." Prince Lingxu became anxious, "Burn his house down!"

Soon, the house caught fire.

In late autumn, when things were dry and dry, the guards used some oil, and the fire became more and more uncontrollable due to the wind.

Prince Lingxu's horse got back on the road, rumbled out of the gate of Panshan's house, and headed all the way to Chichan Peak in the middle of the lower city. The node of Jinghongdu is located there, and after entering, you can go directly to Tianxin Island above.

All the civilians along the way panicked and gave way.

The entrance to Pan Shan's house was surrounded by people, and everyone came to watch the fun and gossip.

Today's Lingxu City is probably the busiest here.

There were many spies in the crowd, who had a panoramic view of what had just happened, and quickly reported back to their masters.

After two more corners, you will reach Pan Shanzhai.

He Lingchuan holds the Chiyan Envoy and can ride the bighorn blue sheep slowly home at any time.

The perfume shops in Lingxu City are more luxurious than other places - this is a bathhouse, not a perfume shop - the place is large and the technicians are good at it. He Lingchuan's nerves have been tense in recent days, and after soaking in the hot springs for a long time, he feels relaxed again. My bones are broken, my whole body is relaxed, and I feel like I have come to life again.

Venerable Mu Ling's words of "Yu Huan Li Ju" seem to have not come true. He has been out all day and hasn't encountered anything new.

As for Pan Shanzhai where he lived, he didn't think anything could happen there.

Now that Chiyan people are very popular in Lingxu City, who would risk the world's disapproval to come to Pan Shanzhai to cause trouble?

Doesn't the word "Huan" refer to the white Huan bird?

He let the blue sheep go on its own, and suddenly there was a sound of flapping wings above.

He Lingchuan raised his head and saw the goshawk swooping down on the big horns of the blue sheep. Before he could retract his wings, he said urgently: "Stop, don't go any further!"

He was startled and said in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

"Turn back quickly and go to Lanshan Residence. I'll tell you on the way."

He Lingchuan slapped the blue sheep on the head, and the latter immediately turned around and ran quickly.

Lanshan Residence is ten miles away from here, and the blue sheep have goshawks to guide them, so there is no chance of getting lost.

Standing on these two big horns is much more comfortable than standing on a branch. The goshawk fluttered its feathers and said:

"Your Highness has specially sent me to fly over Pan Shan's house to prevent Qian from returning home. Prince Lingxu is currently in Pan Shan's house!"

He Lingchuan thought he heard wrongly: "Who?"

"Prince Bega, the emperor's only son!"

"Why does it come to my house when it's not waiting for you in the court?" It's so inconsistent... No, there seems to be some reason.

Cen Boqing, who was convicted by him, had a good wife, Yao Xingning.

Why did Fu Shanyue and Bai Ziqi tell him?

Yao Xingning was Prince Bejia’s childhood playmate!

It can be said that the little prince's life was saved by Yao Xingning, so the relationship between the two is as deep as that of brothers.

"Hiss..." What good can happen if Prince Bega comes to visit at this time?

Eighty percent of them are here to cause trouble.

Goshawk did not dare to criticize Prince Bejia behind his back, and only said: "His Highness had to go back a long time ago. He received the news on the way and went straight to Lanshan Residence."

Even Fu Shanyue avoided his edge, and He Lingchuan didn't even plan to get closer.

Prince Bega beat him to death, and he probably got a few scoldings from his father.

He beat Prince Bejia to death, and Lingxu City had to cut him into pieces with a thousand knives.

He was the one who suffered anyway.

The blue sheep trotted along with the traffic and soon arrived at Lanshan Residence halfway up the mountain.

This is an elegant pavilion in a bamboo forest, with a mountain on its back and a stream on its back. In late autumn, roses and impatiens are in full bloom, and bees and butterflies are flying around. It reminds you of the tranquility in a busy city.

This is a place for people to have tea, talk, discuss, and of course, eat. It is a good place for business meetings and entertaining distinguished guests. The price is just a bit more expensive than outside. Even more expensive, a plate of crispy dried fish as an appetizer costs half a penny.

Outside, you can buy more than ten kilograms of dried fish for this price.

Fu Shanyue had a small pavilion to himself. Seeing He Lingchuan approaching, he quickly waved:

"Come, eat. I'll treat you tonight!"

Tiger Jiao Yu was lying on the side. When he saw He Lingchuan, he immediately stood up and purred to say hello.

He Lingchuan glanced sideways at Fu Shanyue: "Why are you so kind?"

This guy has been living and eating in his house for free for the past few days, and he has never made a living.

"Reciprocity is a courtesy." Fu Shanyue laughed, "Where's the wine?"

Immediately someone came over to pour wine.

Delicious food and delicacies are served like water.

Before the dishes were arranged, Fu Shanyue scattered all the servants, and the goshawk flapped its wings and flew out of the window again.

It also has a mission, which is to fly back to Pan Shanzhai and conduct reconnaissance from high altitude.

He Lingchuan stroked the tiger's big head: "Because of Yao Xingning?"

The questions were confusing, but Fushan understood more and more:

"should be."

"When can we go back?"

"Wait until it leaves." Fu Shanyue raised his glass and sipped, "The emperor only has one heir, and he treats it like a treasure. I don't want to touch his back."

"What if it comes again tomorrow?" He Lingchuan picked up the dried fish. Yes, it smells very good. "You promise to avoid it every time?"

"Let's talk about tomorrow." Fu Shanyue was not a good-tempered person. Although he grinned, there was no smile in his eyes. "After it returns, the news will most likely reach the emperor's ears."

"It's all based on the emperor's restraint?"

"Otherwise?" Fu Shanyue glanced at him gloomily, "Looking at Lingxu City, who would dare to put a finger on it?"

He's not the only one who is timid.

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