The formation seemed to be the same, and this was still a room, almost the same size as before, but the walls had turned into large stones, and He Lingchuan could feel that the air had become colder and fresher.

Of course, the guards guarding the house also changed.

"We're here." Fu Shanyue took the lead in walking out of the formation.

He Lingchuan walked out of the house and turned around. Sure enough, it was the tower where Ke Yanming came out last time. The surrounding scenery has been replaced by the scenery of Tianshu, and a large number of tourists are looking at it with curiosity and admiration.

This has reached the Heavenly Palace. Those who can come out of the teleportation formation are not ordinary people.

The two of them were about to climb the white jade steps when the guard suddenly said: "The emperor meets Prince Chiyan first."

Why, do you have to come separately to receive me? He Lingchuan was stunned.

Fushan Yue was also startled, but everyone was already here, how could they disobey orders? He nodded to He Lingchuan and headed towards the Star Reaching Tower first.

He Lingchuan wanted to see how the Tiangong would punish him, but he didn't know that a young girl walked out beside him, smiled at him and said: "You can have tea and rest in Yunzhan, waiting for the summons, or you can visit the Tiangong. The scenery on Tianshu Peak is unique, every year No less than a million tourists come to worship.”

She was only fourteen or fifteen years old, and she looked pretty, with a naturally fair and rosy face, and her smile was even more adorable.

He Lingchuan was startled: "No need to wait?"

"No need." The young girl said, "It will take a long time for the emperor to meet Prince Chiyan. Just don't leave Tianshu Peak, we will summon you."

The Cloud Inn is similar to the wing of a palace. It is a place where the subjects and the lantern keepers wait to be received. Tea and snacks are available, but it is deserted and not very popular.

Looking outside Yunzhan, it is bustling with tourists.

Although people usually don't dare to make loud noises in the Heavenly Palace, it is inevitable to gather in small groups and whisper.

Ordinary people know how to choose.

He Lingchuan asked the young girl: "Should I go by myself?"

She covered her mouth and smiled, and He Lingchuan saw the dimples between her fingers: "If this is your first time here, I can go shopping with you."

"Then it'll be hard work."

The two walked side by side, and sure enough, no palace guard followed them.

He Lingchuan followed her and asked her name.

It turns out that this little girl's name is Lu Shishi, she is only fourteen years old, and she was selected as the lantern keeper of the Tiangong last year.

He asked curiously: "I heard that the eternal lantern in the Heavenly Palace will never be blown out by the wind. Is it still necessary to keep it?"

"The fact that the wind can't blow it away doesn't mean that other forces can't destroy it." Lu Shishi said, "Since the completion of the Heavenly Palace, there have been many sneak attacks by foreign enemies. In the most serious one, even half of the lights in the Star-Zhaing Tower were knocked out."

He Lingchuan was shocked: "What opponent is so powerful?"

"This big monster is called Chi Feng, and it suddenly attacked after sneaking into Xu Mountain." Lu Shishi pursed her lips, "In short, it caused a chaos in Xu Mountain, and the Heavenly Palace was closed for more than two months before it was reopened to travelers."

"Why are they here to cause trouble?"

Lu Shishi shook her head slightly: "That's not clear. There are many countries and places in the world that fear and hate the power of gods."

He Lingchuan nodded.

The old demon emperor passed away more than ten years ago, when this little girl was not born yet. The so-called story about the great demon blaming the wind was told to her by others.

But this at least shows that even as powerful as Bega, there are still enemies watching in secret.

By the way, it seems that the great demon Chifeng was defeated by Fan Long in the end?

Today, the style on the top of the mountain is extraordinarily gentle, and even the snow that persists all year round does not seem so cold anymore. He Lingchuan was accompanied by a beauty. The little girl's smile was particularly sweet, like pear blossoms blooming in spring, which often made passers-by turn their heads frequently.

A few days ago, He Lingchuan had visited most of the buildings in Tiangong with the tour group, but the explanations given by the black-hearted tour guide Lao Ge were not as comprehensive and detailed as Lu Shishi's?

This little girl seems to be born with a friendly constitution. Anyone who stays by her side will feel the warm spring breeze and feel happy.

"Ahead is the Chongyang Hall."

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "How many gods are there under the throne of Holy Lord Lingxu?"

"Thirty-six righteous gods, one hundred and twenty-eight subordinate gods, and three thousand six hundred subordinate gods." Lu Shishi took him to the Golden Palace. "The ones enshrined here are the main gods and the subordinate gods."

"There are so many gods?" What He Lingchuan was thinking about was that Mi Tian had clearly said that there were one hundred thousand gods, but there were less than four thousand gods under the throne of Lord Lingxu.

Where are the remaining gods? Whose seat will it belong to?

However, Lu Shishi said a very mature saying: "How can a human kingdom on earth or a divine kingdom in heaven be a country if there is no conformity?"

Just as He Lingchuan was about to answer, there was a "pop" sound in front of him, and someone shouted angrily: "That's unreasonable! How dare you, a crazy bitch, disgrace yourself and throw yourself into the temple!"

The two of them had already entered the Golden Palace, which was still crowded with people. It was the busiest attraction besides the Tianji Peak Daoist Tree.

Usually the atmosphere in the temple is solemn and solemn, with people kowtowing incense and praying in low voices. No one dares to make loud noises for fear of offending the gods.

This is a heavenly palace!

However, at this moment, a woman grabbed the sleeve of the man next to her and said sharply: "Why don't you dare to let the gods tell the truth from the false, ah? If you don't have any evil intentions, why don't you dare to try it!"

With a livid face, the man slapped her, the same crisp sound that He Lingchuan heard just now.

This slap caused all the woman's silver hairpins to fall off, and her hair fell down and was no longer as neat as before. But she didn't seem to know the pain, grabbing the man and forcing him to kneel down and ask for help.

The two kept pulling and pulling, and the palace guards heard the sound and came over to take them out.

Someone on the side laughed and said: "Brother, how many romantic debts do you owe outside?"

Everyone watching the excitement was laughing, but the woman suddenly shouted: "My ex-husband died mysteriously, and this guy immediately took a debt and forced me to marry him. I endured the humiliation for three years, and finally tricked him into coming to Xushan to pray to Miaozhan. Discern the truth clearly and give me justice!"

Her shrill shouts echoed in the hall, quickly suppressing everyone's laughter.

Even the palace guards slowed down.

Um? Have a secret?

Looking at this woman again, even though half of her face was red and swollen after being slapped, she still looked beautiful.

The man was frightened and angry, and while cursing angrily, he dragged her out.

At this moment, the statue behind the woman made a clear "dang" sound. The sound was not loud, but it echoed in everyone's heart like a bell.

Someone immediately shouted: "Touchstone! The touchstone is on the market!"

The palace guard immediately stepped forward and stopped the man with his hand: "Go back and kneel down!"

The man's face suddenly turned pale: "Sir, she is talking nonsense, you can't believe it!"

"It has nothing to do with whether we believe it or not. God wants you to accept a trial." After the palace guard said that, he took him back and knelt in front of the statue of Miao Zhan.

The last time He Lingchuan entered the Golden Palace, he had already seen the statue of Miaozhantian. It was a goddess with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, a solemn appearance, and her golden body was as tall as a real person.

Each of the gods has his own magic weapon. The magical instrument that this goddess holds in her hand is quite special, it is a golden scale.

In addition to being extremely beautiful, the biggest feature of this scale is that there is an eye on the tip of the scale.

The goddess made a seal with her other hand, with her index finger pointing upward, her thumb and middle finger connected, holding a weight that was also golden.

The clear sound that everyone heard just now was the weighing weight falling into the weighing pan below.

Lu Shishi explained to He Lingchuan in a low voice: "Every day, countless believers come and go here, praying for miracles. Today, this good woman has a fate with Miaozhan God, and the God responded to her plea."

He Lingchuan's heart moved: "Do gods often respond to believers?"

"Occasionally." Lu Shishi smiled and said, "There are a hundred and eighty thousand voices in God's ears, how can he pay attention to them all?"

"How will God Miaozhan help her?"

"Although the touchstone has fallen into the plate, the two weighing plates are still at the same level, and there is no distinction between high and low." Lu Shishi said softly, "Every word spoken by the man behind will be weighed on the plate. Heavy. If what he tells is a lie, it will not be able to bear the weight of the touchstone, and the weighing plate will tilt up immediately!"

"So, how does the touchstone confirm the authenticity of his words?"

"No lie can blind Dharma's eyes." Lu Shishi cooed at the eyes on the scale.

"It can't make mistakes?" It turns out that God calls the "Eye of Truth" the "Eye of Dharma"?

The meaning is very clear, God is the law.

The little girl was very determined: "I will never make a mistake!"

The woman had walked up to the statue, knelt down on her own initiative, then turned to the man and asked, "Did you kill my husband?"

The first question was so sharp that a wave of voices arose in the crowd.

The man shook his head vigorously.

The palace guard shouted: "Reply!"

"No, no!" the man shouted, "I have known him for twelve years and have known him since I was a child. Why should I kill him!"

Everyone went to look at the scale. A small piece of gold appeared on the empty weighing plate at some point. The two scale arms on the left and right were swaying under the weight, but the touchstone did not sink significantly.

In other words, God Miaozhan recognized his answer?

The woman was shocked, and the man said angrily: "Your ex-husband died in an accident. I told you that you didn't believe it. Now the gods say the same thing. Do you believe it?"

The woman still looked in disbelief. When she saw that the palace guard was about to let the man stand up, she said in a hurry: "Let me change the question! Does the death of my ex-husband Wang Qing have anything to do with you?"

The man said angrily: "Are you done with this woman..."

The palace guard interrupted him: "Answer!"

The man exhaled and said forcefully: "No!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the touchstone sank, and the weighing plate containing the small gold nugget tilted up!

"Lying! Even the gods have seen it." The woman immediately shouted, "Did you pay to kill someone?"

The man shook his head violently and turned pale.

The audience on the sidelines were whispering.

The palace guard poked the man's shoulder: "Reply!"

The man gritted his teeth and dared not speak any more.

Of course, the onlookers also saw the truth.

The palace guard immediately called the guards on Xu Mountain, escorted the man down the mountain, and handed him over to the government office for review.

The woman kept saying thank you, banged her head at the statue several times, and there were blood stains on the ground, and then hurriedly chased the officers and soldiers down the mountain.

After this incident, the number of believers who gathered to worship in front of the statue of Miaozhantian suddenly increased.

He Lingchuan noticed that the gold nuggets on the weighing plate disappeared, and the touchstone returned to the hands of the statue.

The golden body of this statue really has divine power.

He was about to retreat when he suddenly saw the big eyes on the scales turning and suddenly staring at him!

Thank you for your strong support from Zhuanghefei4 Children's Shoes!

What a waste of money.

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