After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 617 The person who cannot see through

"Perhaps they know Nightmare, isn't that what Cheng Yu is like?" the strange head explained, "Besides, things are rare and valuable, and Dreamland is not easy to collect. It sounds like a high-end collection. Besides -"

It heyed twice: "You humans always have some shady thoughts. It's great to do it in a dream, and you're still free."


"Beautiful girls can also dream." The strange head laughed and said, "Being close to each other in the dream, nothing happens when you wake up. It is said that there is no trace of a big dream."

He Lingchuan understood. No wonder Fang Canran also emphasized to him that the town where the subject of the dream was located had many beauties.

"Okay, then Dreamland will be your nest from now on." It was very easy to let Nightmare leave Panlong City. He grabbed the monster's head and threw it directly into the river, "Go ahead."

To the residents of Panlong City, he just threw a stone into the water.

The strange head sank to the bottom and disappeared.

People want a house, dogs want a nest, and nightmares usually stay in their dreams to recuperate. After staying in Panlong City for a long time, it could not get any replenishment, and it could hardly walk on its recent missions.

He Lingchuan then spent a lot of money to buy it a nest.

After all, it is very convenient to send nightmares out to do things, and they can ignore many rules and regulations in reality. For example, a few days ago, the nightmare got into Zaifu Kua's dream and extracted a lot of information about the Xushan Spirit Gathering Array.

The rock-fire monster Tuoju has a bad temper and is very ill-intentioned. Why did the god designate Xushan as his above-ground palace? Isn't that a fire under the penis?

Only when Zaifu praised him did He Lingchuan find the answer:

First of all, Shouan Mountain, the predecessor of Xushan Mountain, is the former site of Dahuanzong. This is one of the longest-standing immortal sects/Taoist sects in the world. It is famous for its outstanding people. Of course, it was also the main force against the gods in ancient times. The gods specially built the heavenly palace here to trample their old enemies under their feet, which has a strong symbolic meaning.

More importantly, Xu Mountain is the source of the earth's veins in Lingxu City, and the spirit gathering array must be built here to continuously deliver more abundant spiritual energy to Lingxu City.

It is related to the well-being of all practitioners in Lingxu City and cannot be neglected.

However, the geographical conditions of Xushan Mountain were actually not suitable for this version of the Spirit Gathering Formation. It was the gods and emperors who forcibly requested the mountain to move its peaks, so it was reluctantly completed.

Leaders usually issue orders as long as the results are satisfactory, regardless of the difficulty of the process. Officials, including Zaifu Kua, changed the plan again and again. Even if it couldn't be built, they would still create conditions to build it.

Of course, the Spirit Gathering Array finally functioned as scheduled, once again demonstrating the omnipotence of the gods.

But the cost won't go away.

The built spirit gathering formation naturally has some weaknesses, which cannot be eradicated but can only be repaired. Therefore, there are numerous major and minor overhauls every year, which is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and expensive.

Of course, Lingxu City's wealth can afford this price.

Lingxu City is bustling with commerce, and restaurants, teahouses, and theaters are all places for business discussions. This is especially true for teahouses. As the weather turns cooler, more and more people come in to warm up with a few cups of hot tea. In the afternoon, there are lectures by famous speakers, so the occupancy rate is at least 70%, not to mention the bustle of people in the building.

Fortunately, of course there are private rooms in a place like this.

This teahouse has a quiet environment. There is a small patio-like courtyard outside the private room. It is only a few square meters in area, but it is paved with white sand and planted with miscellaneous trees. It has a somewhat quiet and alienated mood.

He Lingchuan asked after entering the door, and the waiter led the way: "The private room upstairs!"

Go up to the second floor and enter the elegant room. Opposite He Lingchuan there is a beautiful woman like jade.

Li Qingge.

Today she is dressed in men's clothing, wearing white clothes and a green gown, with her hair tied up in a jade crown.

There was a small red clay stove in front of her, and the cast iron spout on the stove was already steaming white.

He Lingchuan smiled after seeing it: "Sir Sir Alex really follows the trend."

In the past year, girls in Lingxu City have become popular wearing men’s clothing when going out. This trend was blown down from the floating island, so this kind of women dressing up as men does not need to darken their skin or deliberately look ugly, just because a woman wearing men's clothing will always add two points of heroism.

Even this kind of women disguised as men have special makeup.

He Lingchuan saw a lot of them on the street these days and sighed that the girls in the imperial capital really knew how to play.

Li Qingge also wore light makeup today. Who can't tell that she is a woman?

No man is so white.

No man has such charming eyes.

No man's skin can be broken like this.

It just looks good dressed like this.

It's enough to look good.

Li Qingge raised the pot and poured a cup of hot tea for He Lingchuan: "Does it look good?"

"Of course it looks good." There's nothing I can't admit.

The two of them were sitting by the window. To the left they could see the movement in the street, and to the right they could hear the storytellers on the first floor of the teahouse. It could be said that they could hear all the noise inside and outside.

"Why are your clothes wet?" Li Qingge was concerned, "Should I ask someone to buy you a clean set?"

"No need." He Lingchuan waved his hand, "Dry your strength and it will be done right away."

Before going out today, the spirit behind Pianxiang Villa is still lingering.

He rowed to the center of the lake again, but the tiger reminded him that there might be an aerial spy this time.

Tongxinwei responded very quickly. After suffering a loss yesterday, it made up for its shortcomings today. Fan Long really cared about his affairs.

It's a pity that the goshawk hasn't come back yet, so He Lingchuan can only plunge into the water.

The lake in Qilin Mountain is connected with the cave. He held the gills of the big-mouthed catfish and let it take him into the cave.

The boss who gave him the money had a request, let alone taking him for a swim. Even if the largemouth catfish was allowed to dance in the lake covered with water plants, it would be happy with it.

Then, He Lingchuan went out from the other side of Qilin Mountain.

He really likes the geographical location of Pian Xiang Villa with beautiful mountains and rivers. He really likes it more and more, tsk!

Li Qingge didn't insist: "I heard that Pan Shan's house was burned down. Are you okay?"

"Fu Shanyue and I are not here, and the servants in the house suffered heavy casualties." He Lingchuan's face darkened, "Prince Huan couldn't find us, so he took out his anger on the servants."

"A monster is a monster." Li Qingge wouldn't say anything like "He's still young." "The residents of the floating island should be very aware of Prince Huan's temperament. Have you found the instigator behind it?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "This is probably the same as the bombing of the post house. It will eventually become a headless case."

"Honestly, I thought that a legendary place like Lingxu City would be very efficient in solving crimes." The reality surprised him a little.

Are there very few people like Bai Ziqi in Lingxu City?

"You think the emperor didn't take responsibility or send someone to supervise the matter?" Li Qingge shook his head, "I see, it's not easy to investigate."

She didn't say it couldn't be found, but said it was "difficult to find out."

He Lingchuan laughed and was not disappointed at all.

If his future is destined to be the enemy of Lingxu City, then the more chaotic and inefficient the enemy is, the happier he should be.

Someone happened to be passing by in the aisle. Li Qingge waited until the footsteps were far away before asking him:

"You asked your friends around you to pass on the news and ask me to meet, is this because...?"

Last night she received news from He Lingchuan, not from her boss, but from a little monster.

Logically speaking, she should be more composed.

But when it came to personal interests, Li Qingge finally couldn't help it.

"Tongxinwei has settled in Pianxiang Villa, and they are watching me very closely. I'm afraid that even my boss won't be able to get rid of them." He Lingchuan said softly, "I found a way, maybe I can make Nian Zanli hand over the bamboo tube voluntarily."

Li Qingge's beautiful eyes slowly widened: "Young Master, please tell me in detail!"

He Lingchuan didn't hide his secrets, and told her everything about the future.

Even though Li Qingge was full of excitement, he restrained himself and did not dare to interrupt.

She was still in disbelief until He Lingchuan finished speaking in one breath and served tea to soothe her throat:

"You, you mean, can you borrow troops from Shuangye Imperial Master to give Nian Zanli?"


"How did you do it?" The way Li Qingge looked at him changed again. It had been less than a month since this young man came to Lingxu City for the first time. He still had many crises and troubles to deal with during the process. How could he follow him? One of the most powerful people in all of Bega is involved?

She has been operating here for many years with the name of Songyang Mansion, and has only met Imperial Master Shuangye twice, without any serious friendship at all.

In the six-hundred-year-old imperial capital, how strict are the hierarchies of superiority and inferiority?

What's more, He Lingchuan was still in charge of borrowing troops.

Can soldiers be loaned out at will? Even if he borrows soldiers from Baling, Shuangye Imperial Master still has to use his own connections and bear certain risks.

After all, this matter will eventually reach the ears of the Demon Emperor.

What method did the young man in front of him use to make Shuangye Guoshi willing to sell such a big favor?

Li Qingge originally knew He Lingchuan's background very well. He was the son of the governor of the northwest borderland of Yuan Kingdom. His father was now just the general manager of Xiazhou. This does not count in Lingxu City.

The reason why he was asked to contact Nian Zanli before was because this young man had a clever mind and had the backing of Prince Chiyan. He might be able to get some troops to help Nian Zanli in a roundabout way.

It's just a try to catch fish with a net.

But now she found that she couldn't see through him at all!

How did he get involved with Shuangye Guoshi? In Lingxu City, Prince Chiyan's energy is not at the same level as that of Imperial Master Shuangye!

Does he have other backgrounds?

He Lingchuan smiled: "Sorry, this is my private matter."

He is working back and forth.

"I'm the one who said too much." Li Qingge thought for a while, "Nian Zanli just wants to borrow troops to fight back, as long as they can fight back to Xiazhou. As for where the soldiers come from, it shouldn't matter."

He Lingchuan nodded: "The infantry and cavalry in Baling are very good, and it is close to Xunzhou and the north of Xiazhou. It can save a lot of food and baggage alone. Otherwise, even if troops are transferred from Xuluo Kingdom, the distance will be at least longer. One and a half times. The most important thing when marching and fighting is that people eat horses and chew them. The battle has not even started yet, and the burden is already so heavy."

"Besides, even if the Demon Emperor nods, how many troops can Bega lend to Nian Praise? I guess they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. Besides, can Bega's army really obey his command?"

Thirty thousand soldiers and several generals are all at their command, which is a great advantage.

The so-called "borrowing troops" in history mostly sounds nice, but in fact they are basically coalition forces, with both sides exercising command independently.

If someone is strong and has the strength to fight, why should he listen to the weak one?

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