After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 631 The hidden cave opens

Relative to the Wenwen Tree, he is currently located due north, that is -

The hurdles in acquired gossip.

The weather is good today, cloudless, and the peaks are indistinct. If you look far into the distance, you can actually see the peaks farther away.

The snow-capped Tianshu Peak and the nameless peak on its side.

That is the location of the Naturalization Tower.

Looking from He Lingchuan's perspective, the Naturalization Tower is a little east-south to the south!

He murmured: "Li?"

South, isn't it the "departure" in the gossip of the day after tomorrow?

The Naturalization Tower, the Questioning Tree, and the huge rock he is standing on now basically form a straight line from south to north.

From this point of view, he should be looking in the right direction.

He Lingchuan turned around and continued heading north, that is, following the extension of this straight line.

There is no road ahead, and the mountain is very steep, going all the way down to the bottom of the valley.

Then, he saw a pool of water.

In fact, this is a wall cave formed by cracks and concavities in the roots of the mountain, and has been washed away by running water over the years. Xushan has been weathered by wind, frost, rain and snow, and there are as many as eight hundred if not thousands of potholes and depressions like this.

But the water here is very clear, and you can't see the bottom; the water is not frozen, and there is still white steam coming out faintly.

The sharp rocks on all sides are like barriers, surrounding it in the middle, forming a rarely known paradise in the mountains. The surroundings were quiet, except for the occasional ape cry.

But what surprised him the most was that there was someone by the pool!

One male and one female.

The man is over forty years old, of medium build, with good clothes and a neatly trimmed beard.

The woman is in her early twenties, with an oval face, peach blossom eyes, and her hair styled in a feminine bun.

The man wrapped her in a silver rat cloak, and they hugged each other and kissed her.

He Lingchuan waited patiently for them to stop.

The woman pushed her companion away, her hair disheveled, and whispered: "My sister-in-law came with me. She is resting in front of Tianxuan Peak. I can't stay too long!"

The man was willing to let her go, so he held her and put her to the edge of the pool: "Don't panic, I will transfer your man away this time when I get back, so that he won't get in the way..."

Chidong is much warmer than other places. Should the pair of wild mandarin ducks want to take a bath in the hot spring? He Lingchuan grabbed a stone and flicked it out, hitting them at their feet with a click.

The two were startled.

When the man looked up and saw He Lingchuan, he couldn't help but be shocked, "Who are you!"

An outsider suddenly appeared here, and the woman quickly broke away and straightened her head.

He Lingchuan looked at him, then at her, blinked, and suddenly grinned: "It's not easy for you to seduce other people's wives and you have to go to remote mountains."

"None of your business!" the man said angrily, "Get out of here!"

He Lingchuan jumped off the boulder and walked slowly over.

The woman's face turned red and she suddenly turned around and ran away.

Only then did He Lingchuan discover that there was a path going up the mountain beside the pool.

It seems that these two people did not jump over through the stone ridge.

"Aqian!" The man called back to her. Seeing that she didn't look back, he said angrily, "You brat, don't let me see you again!" After that, he turned to leave.

He Lingchuan crossed his arms and said, "If you want to die, just follow me."

"What's the meaning?"

"When she jumped down the path, an arm stretched out from the mountain col and helped her up." He Lingchuan cooed in the direction where the woman disappeared, "That was a man's arm, but she didn't scream and even started talking. .”

The woman did not scream out loud, but even talked to the other person carefully. It was obvious that both parties knew each other. Thanks to his good hearing, he heard the woman say: "There's someone coming up here again... hurry up..."

The man asked suspiciously: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"There are people ambushing here, waiting for you to go down, maybe there are more than one." The wind was blowing here just now, and He Lingchuan had already heard two heavy breathing sounds, "I don't know whether this immortal dance will cost money or life."

Of course, now that he, an outsider, has stepped in, the guys behind the col have already retreated.

The man was shocked: "You're talking nonsense!"

"Didn't she invite you here today?"

The man immediately shut up and looked away.

It was indeed his subordinate's wife who spoke first and asked him to come to the mountain to play. She was also the one who found this small peak. There is no human habitation here. If someone falls into the valley and dies, he doesn't know how long it will take to find him.

Is that black-hearted woman planning to kill him together with her husband?

The man swallowed and suddenly realized what he was doing. He raised his legs and climbed up the boulder.

Regardless of whether there is an ambush on the way down the mountain, wouldn't it be safe if he walked from the stone ridge to Tianji Peak?

Suddenly there was a flower in front of his eyes, and the young man who had been standing by the pool suddenly appeared on the big rock in front of him.

This time it looked like a ghost. The man was so frightened that his hands shook and almost slipped: "W-what do you want to do?"

He Lingchuan knelt down and grinned at him: "You're already here, why don't you do me a favor?"

"no no……"

He Lingchuan walked to the back of the mountain and took a look. Everyone was gone.

Come on, he saves the trouble.

I reached into the pool and found that the water was warm, even a little bit hot.

Yes, the terrain here is lower than that of Daoshudong, and it is also closer to the geothermal heat.

He casually cut a branch seven or eight feet long and probed into the water, but he still couldn't find the bottom.

Don't look at the fact that the diameter of this irregular pool is less than two feet, but it is actually being eroded deeper and deeper by the flowing water.

More importantly, He Lingchuan saw roots under the water.

Thick, snake-like tree roots.

He murmured: "Dongli enters Kanshui."

The "Kanshui" in the sermon of Lord Mu Ling refers to the pool directly north of the Wenwen tree, right?

He took out a turtle charm from his arms and hung it with fishing line.

This is the token left by Dongli Zhenren, who was sitting on the bank of Xianling Lake. He asked someone who was destined to send it back to the Naturalization Tower in Shoan Mountain (Xu Mountain) and was rewarded.

But the last time He Lingchuan sent him back as promised, the stone tower simply refused.

He Lingchuan kept thinking whether there were other reasons for this.

Until he heard the third sentence of the Lord Mu Ling's speech:

"Dongli enters Kanshui."

The "Dongli" here actually refers to the tortoise shell left to him by the real person Dongli, with talismans engraved on it.

And judging from the orientation, it can also be said that it is a turtle symbol that was rejected by the southern (off-position) naturalization tower.

Then the "Kanshui" in the slang, the water in the north (Kan position), is probably here.

So He Lingchuan threw the turtle charm into the pool and watched it slowly sink.

Something strange happened:

As the turtle charm sank, large groups of bubbles popped up in the pool, and the water level dropped sharply.

In just a dozen breaths, the pond was out of water.

What was exposed in front of He Lingchuan was a bottomless hole!

Everyone has been searching for the Daofeng Peak Cave Mansion for hundreds of years. It turns out that the entrance is not on DaDaofeng Peak, but is hidden here!

He Lingchuan saw a few copper coins by the water. It could be seen that occasionally people climbed here and used the pool as a wishing pool to insert coins, but he did not find anything unusual.

He Lingchuan grabbed the fishing line and retrieved the turtle charm, but the water in the pond did not rise again.

It seems that Lord Mu Ling has long ago modified the rules for opening the cave and used the turtle talisman of Master Dongli as the key to the door.

He Lingchuan threw a few stones into the cave.

They rolled down the cracks in the rocks and made a clanging sound.

It seems that the head here is neither deep nor steep.

He Lingchuan patted the man behind him: "It's up to you."

He originally wanted to plot against the guards at Tianji Peak to do this. But isn’t there something ready-made right in front of us? It’s him.

The man looked dull and stood behind him without saying a word, like a puppet.

He Lingchuan handed him a sack and he walked into the cave.

The water in the pool receded, revealing stone steps underneath, but they were a bit slippery.

But two feet further down, the surrounding air became obviously hotter, and the further underground, the brighter the light became.

This man had been controlled by He Lingchuan and turned into his living puppet. His words and actions were controlled by him for a short period of time.

This move is the "Shadow of Heart" taught by Xi Yunhe, and this is the first time He Lingchuan has used it.

He walked directly back, climbed all the way up, and jumped over the stone ridge back to Tianji Peak.

There is also a small hill in the southwest of Tianji Peak, and a pavilion has been built for tourists to stay. It's late autumn now, and as soon as one sits on a stone chair, the cold air rises from under the buttocks, so the guests here come and go and don't stay too long.

He Lingchuan leaned against the railing and pretended to look into the distance, but in fact he was observing the newly opened cave through the puppet.

Now he is only a few dozen feet away from the puppet in a straight line, and has not yet left the effective range of "Shadow of Heart".

This magical power is quite energy-consuming, thanks to his abundant reserves. If it were half a year ago, his little real power would probably only be enough for a few dozen breaths.

Not all caves are their own little world, at least not this one. It was just a space opened underground. The road under the puppet's feet became wider and wider. The next second, his eyes opened up and he came to a bright world.

Three feet directly in front is the golden-red ocean of magma!

But the magma here is extremely quiet and has not flowed for a long time. It is not as noisy as downstairs in Zhaixing, and only bubbles occasionally.

It stands to reason that this is a world of high temperatures and poisonous smoke, and living people would suffocate if they were so close.

However, the humanoid puppet felt a little hot, breathing was still smooth, and there was no discomfort.

This is probably related to the runes on the surrounding rock walls and the ubiquitous tree roots.

Yes, the roots of the Wenwen tree stretched straight into the ground, and He Lingchuan even saw a few of them reaching directly into the magma pool.

Isn’t this tree afraid of high temperatures?

Thinking again, the Daoshu tree is more than 4,000 years old, and the Baoshu King would have to be five times older to catch up with it. Moreover, this spiritual tree has experienced unparalleled catastrophes and has been attacked by many gods and demons.

It should be able to withstand a little geothermal heat under Tianji Peak.

Only by seeing all this in person did He Lingchuan understand that Daoshu and Tianji Peak had completely merged into a whole and were indistinguishable from each other. No wonder Tiangong left it uncut, otherwise if the Wenwen tree dies, Tianji Peak may also collapse.

This underground space was originally opened up when magma overflowed, but Da Huanzong set up a talisman array here, which relied on geothermal energy and has been operating well for two thousand years. The magma is hot, but the stone chamber is relatively cool, so a flowing wind forms here, blowing to the top.

It can be seen that there is a gap above, reaching directly to the ground.

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