After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 639 The door to the storm slowly opens

"This..." Jing Jing thought for a while, but couldn't explain it at the moment.

Obviously everything on both sides has been settled, but it seems that we can’t say that we are just like strangers from now on, right?

Finally, it yelled: "Are you worried that he will kill you to silence you?"

"It's not that simple." He Lingchuan's voice was like a gnat, almost only heard by the mirror, "He has been planning for many years and finally used Xi Yunhe to achieve his goal. Then why is Xi Yunhe still alive and not silenced by him? Obviously killing Xi Yunhe is the best way to clear up the relationship. A good idea, more effective than killing me to silence me. Oh, what can I do to hinder him?"

The mirror became even more confused and asked.

But He Lingchuan only said: "Because Xi Yunhe is useful." Then he stopped explaining and let Jingjing feel itchy.

Xi Yunhe is still alive because this man is really capable and can really do things for Imperial Master Shuangye. To Master Shuangye, he was more useful alive than dead.

Xi Yunhe also knew this very well, so he was not worried about the sudden evil thoughts of his leader.

"Besides, there are good, medium and bad strategies to deal with the aftermath. Killing and silencing is the bottom strategy. People like Shuangye Guoshi will not choose the bottom strategy easily."

Imperial Master Shuangye and Imperial Master Qingyang have been fighting for more than a hundred years. Are they fighting over martial arts skills? Of course not, what they are fighting for is "power".

Shit is power.

Power is not only resources, but also many, many people who are deeply tied to your interests and are willing to use them for you.

If Shuangye Guoshi kills one person after using them up and discards them like a rag, then he will lose the army with his own hands.

The subordinates serve the superiors, and the superiors benefit the inferiors. This is the normal operating mode of this system.

Kill and silence? It's so low-key. Who would do this unless absolutely necessary?

Just now Li Qingge and Nian Zanli were making a deal in Shuangye Imperial Master's account, while He Lingchuan thought a lot.

He secretly cooperated with Mai Xuewen/Xi Yunhe once in Baishaqing, and they jointly killed Zhongsun Mou, the inspector of Lingxu City.

Since then, he has interacted with the forces of Shuangye Guoshi.

After arriving in Lingxu City, he made a deal with Shuangye Imperial Master in order to repay Li Qingge's favor. With this back and forth, he was invisibly cooperating again.

Youdao is born once and ripe twice.

Just now when he saw Li Qingge come out in high spirits, He Lingchuan suddenly realized that not only were he and Imperial Master Shuangye not on the same page, but they were even more entangled.

Unknowingly, he was deeply involved in the struggle between Qiugong and Qinggong.

He knew the secret of Imperial Master Shuangye, and Imperial Master Shuangye also knew that he did not betray Xi Yunhe to Bai Ziqi. However, after meeting Imperial Master Shuangye for the first time today, He Lingchuan was not worried that he would kill him to silence him.

The eyes of Imperial Master Shuangye looked at him kindly and approvingly, as if to say: Young man, you did a good job.

Looking at his detailed and thorough arrangements for borrowing troops for Li Qingge, He Lingchuan felt sincerity rather than business-like matters.

So it can be summed up in one sentence:

Shuangye Guoshi had probably regarded him as one of his own.

He didn't talk to He Lingchuan personally, or even revealed his recruitment intentions through Xi Yunhe, but the entanglement between the two parties was already deep enough. As long as He Lingchuan is still in Bejia, Yuanyin will be brought under his own power by Shuangye National Master. With the latter's terrifying status and connections, He Lingchuan could confirm this relationship without even nodding his head.

If he wanted to deny this mark, he would have to resort to drastic means to betray or betray the Frost Leaf Grandmaster.

He Lingchuan believed that no normal person would dare to do this.

He, well, he didn't want to either.

In contrast, Fu Shanyue, this silly brother, only knew how to extend an olive branch to him repeatedly. Although he was sincere, his methods could not be compared with those of an officialdom veteran like Shuangye Guoshi.

He Lingchuan passed through the crowd and strode back to Prince Chiyan's carriage. He met Fu Shan's increasingly expectant eyes and said:

"The handover is complete."

Fu Shanyue patted the table and said with a smile: "Excellent, now everything is bright and clear! Come on, I respect you!"

If He Xiao hadn't been as meticulous as a hair and caught such an invisible flaw, Kong Jiaxiang would have slipped through the net. Now there is new progress in the elixir case, which is great news for Chi Yan.

The two raised their glasses and were about to drink it all, when they saw the wine in the glass condensed into beads, trembling and floating up to the sky.

This time, the wine beads rose much faster than before.

"Once again, the gate to the sea of ​​grass is about to open."

Sure enough, the clear and clear sound of jade chimes sounded in front, which seemed far away but was actually close, echoing in everyone's ears.

People whispering to each other, people crawling in front of the Tiangong tent, looked up together.

I don’t know when the sunshine will disappear, and the sky has already become overcast.

Now the clouds are getting lower and lower, becoming more and more curled, and they have actually formed a huge spiral shape!

Like an upside-down tornado cup of ice cream, but with the tip pointing down.

He Lingchuan hissed lightly.

It was such a huge cyclone, covering almost the entire sea of ​​​​grass and covering dozens of miles.

In his original world, these things were also called supercells, and some people called them spinning thunderstorms.

But here, it’s not just simple strong convective weather.

This thunderstorm just started to appear on the water surface of Caohai. The long whale sucked up water and rolled up countless aquatic plants, and then slowly moved towards the sandbank.

The reputation is unparalleled, as if the end is approaching.

As the poem says, dark clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it. It is not an exaggeration to put it here at all.

If caught by it, the tens of thousands of people here would probably go to heaven.

Its size is much larger than the wind demon that was stationed in the Piaomiao Sect half a year ago.

However, in the face of this super strong convection, the people of Lingxu City did not flee in all directions. Instead, they stood there with their necks raised, pointing and commenting on the storm.

Some said it was smaller than the year before.

Others said it was slower than the year before.

Hun didn't take this murderous storm seriously.

If this storm had any sense of human nature, it would definitely want to show these ants some color.

However, the people of Lingxu City are certainly confident that they are so calm. After all, this kind of storm occurs every two years, and Lingxu City has experienced it for more than five hundred years. It means that they can handle it with skill and ease, and they can't make mistakes even with their eyes closed.

He Lingchuan noticed that two people appeared on the stage:

Qingyang Imperial Master.

Frost Leaf National Master.

Fu Shanyue said to him: "The storm door in the Fu Realm will open every six hundred and eighty days. It requires the national masters to take turns holding the staff in pairs to frame the entrance of the storm."

There are four national masters in Bejia. Last time, the summer and winter palace masters held the staff, so this time it is the turn of the green and autumn palaces.

He Lingchuan had just met Imperial Master Shuangye; Imperial Master Qingyang was wearing a gorgeous azure robe with gold sprinkles today. Her expression was still graceful, but her cheekbones were slightly convex, and He Lingchuan always felt that she was a little thinner than she had been a few days ago.

She and Imperial Master Shuangye walked hand in hand, and the two seemed to be having a conversation.

This was really like enemies not getting together, but He Lingchuan knew that Imperial Master Shuangye tried very hard to defeat her.

Will Imperial Master Qingyang know about Imperial Master Shuangye’s plans?

However, both national masters walked forward with smiles amidst the cheers of the people and did not show any displeasure.

From the perspective of those familiar with the matter, the situation is indeed very delicate.

The combined age of these two people is almost 400 years old, and the city is unfathomable.

After saying a few words, Imperial Master Shuangye continued to move forward and walked to the other side of the storm.

After all, the storm was still in the shape of a plump funnel, larger at the top and smaller at the bottom. The diameter of the pointed funnel at the bottom was about eighty feet. The Imperial Master Shuangye strolled beside the storm and quickly walked to the opposite side.

Qingyang Imperial Master's action of raising his hands to brush his temples before the storm may be popular among thousands of men.

But He Lingchuan observed Sun Fuling and came to a conclusion:

When women do this action, they are mostly hiding something or emotions in their hearts.

The spearhead of the elixir case was directed at Qing Palace, both covertly and overtly. Countless people in both the government and the public were criticized, and Imperial Master Qingyang was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion. Even if she is innocent, she still has to bear a lot of pressure.

What's more, He Lingchuan knew that she was indeed the instigator.

Her true heart must not be as calm as she appears.

Fu Shanyue also exhaled a breath, his voice almost drowned out by the storm: "Will this be the last time that Imperial Master Qingyang holds the staff?"

"Perhaps." If the case of the immortal medicine is finally traced to her, the sensation in Bejia will probably be no less than today's storm.

At this time, the two national masters were already in place, facing each other across the storm. Then they raised their long staffs almost at the same time and slammed them on the ground!

The capitals of the two staffs are carved into the shape of a monster, for no apparent reason.

With such a push on the ground, the two monsters spit out two rays of light, one gold and one silver, from their mouths, and quickly circled around the mouth of the storm, but in opposite directions.

They quickly melted into a halo of light.

The golden light is inside, flying clockwise, and the silver light is outside, flying counterclockwise.

Fu Shanyue explained to He Lingchuan: "These two wind-fixing staffs were specially made by the gods for the storm gate in Caohai. They are used by the national master to allocate his energy. The light hoop released can stabilize the wind gate, the golden light fixes the direction, and the silver light fixes the direction. Control the wind speed so it won’t cause disaster.”

As if to confirm his words, since being trapped by the light hoop, the originally unruly Storm Gate has basically stayed in place. The speed of the whirlwind has also slowed down a lot, and it seems that the momentum is not so scary.

It turns out that these two light hoops are used to stabilize the damper?

He Lingchuan looked at the two long staffs and said, "No one has ever come to do any damage?"

If you pull them out, will the damper move around?

As soon as they finished speaking, the two national masters pulled out their long staffs and turned around to leave without looking back.

They have done this set of tasks dozens of times, and they are never sloppy.

The halo of light did not disappear, and it still tightly held the storm door.

"Why not? Bejia has been a country for hundreds of years, what kind of strange things have not been seen?" Fushanyue smiled and said: "But this is a miracle! There have been people who have come to cause trouble in the past, but no one has ever succeeded."

That was true, He Lingchuan couldn't think of a way to break the two haloes of light.

And he always felt that it looked familiar. After thinking for a long time, well, the restraints tied to the forelimbs of Xushan Shanze Juju seemed to be similar to it.

I don’t know which god made it so fond of making prison tools?

But having said that, the only thing that can compete with the natural phenomena and the power of the two realms is Bejia's vast ocean-like Yuan Power.

Seeing such a mighty feat, the devotees present knelt down to pray again.

After being trapped, the wind circle became more and more stable, and the center slowly expanded, finally revealing the so-called storm door.

Monthly ticket doubling starts again~

Because the plot is becoming more and more difficult to set up, and the health tank of Jiufang is getting lower and lower, so I haven't been able to add anything to everyone recently. I hope you understand.

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