After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 65 The world is awake

He Chunhua lowered his head and found that a bunch of runes actually lit up under the Heavenly Thunder Formation.

Different from the Heavenly Thunder Formation, every line of it is bright blood red.

The most important thing is that this formation is not mysterious, but it is simple enough. Many of the characters are ancient symbols that will no longer be used in later generations.

Situ Han noticed that Sheriff He's eyes were wide open but his pupils were very small when he looked at the new talisman array that appeared on the ground. He was obviously extremely shocked.

He also became nervous: "What, what happened?"

"This is the blood sacrifice formation. Sun Fuping wants to use us as sacrifices!" He Chunhua squeezed out these words through his teeth.


No one noticed that just after Sun Fuping took out the tooth carving, a demon bird fell from the sky and landed in front of He Lingchuan. The splash of smoke and dust startled the two of them.

Mao Tao went to touch the knife again. Zeng Feixiong stood in front of He Lingchuan. Fortunately, the voice of the black dragon rang out: "They are preparing for the divine descending technique. Your companions outside will be killed as sacrifices soon. Why don't you come and help stop it?" What?"

He Lingchuan and Zeng Feixiong were horrified: "What did you say?"

Maotao was also shocked and said: "You, you are talking nonsense!"

"There is a sacrificial array nested under the thunder-calling array outside. Once these two people succeed in praying, the array will extract the lives and blood of your companions as the price of the gods! That kind of pain is definitely not human. Tolerable.”

"Nonsense!" Sun Fuping's voice suddenly sounded in He Lingchuan's ears. The two of them turned to look, and saw that he still had his eyes closed tightly and was still reciting the incantation. I don't know what method he used to transmit the message to them. The methods are really diverse. "The Thunder Summoning Array is only used to summon thunder and protect the Blackwater City Army. Without it, your father would have been devoured by the resentful spirit! This weapon spirit will mess with your will, so don't be fooled!"

The black dragon said: "You are hiding here, just because you are not on the same side as them. They will not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of others! Think carefully about why other people are intercepting the heroic spirits outside, and only you can get in!"

It said quietly: "If I guessed correctly, these two people originally wanted to sacrifice you. This would save the most effort."

He Lingchuan felt a chill in his heart.

He knew that these two people had been plotting against their father and son, and against the Blackwater City Army, so he didn't know what method they would use. If what Heijiao said was true, he had really escaped disaster by not going to the south city wall just now.

However, he escaped disaster, but Sun Fuping, who had been planning for a long time, would not give up. He might really blame He Chunhua and the Blackwater City Army.

Two factors confirm that the black dragon's statement has some truth to it.

Mao Tao was also confused: "Young Master, this, this..."

Which side is telling the truth, and who should they believe?

Seeing that he was wavering, Sun Fuping shouted hastily: "He Lingchuan, don't fall for its tricks! If you can't subdue the black dragon, you and I will both die here, and He Chunhua and the Blackwater City Army will have to be buried with you!"

He then said: "Zeng Feixiong, stop him quickly. The He family has committed treason, and you will also be implicated!"

Dayuan stipulates that traitors will be punished by nine tribes, one of which is the tribe or tribe. If the He family breaks into chaos, Zeng Feixiong will indeed have no choice but to die.

This threat works well for everyone. Zeng Feixiong was already tempted and wanted to persuade the eldest young master to make a calm choice. After all, He Lingchuan's usually impulsive and reckless image has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. However, after listening to Sun Fuping's words, he retracted his hand to stop him. : "Young Master, I listen to you!"

Even Sun Fuping, who was very familiar with human feelings, was dumbfounded, wondering how it could have such a counter-effect.

In fact, the word "death" reminded Zeng Feixiong that he led the troops into the Panlong Desert with the belief that he would die, as long as the He family treated his father well and provided for him until he died. It didn't matter that the two people in front of him were captains of the national division. The most important thing was to carry out the mission of Governor He.

He Lingchuan had no time to pay attention to Zeng Feixiong's thoughts at this time. He had to make a decision now, immediately, immediately.

In just a short moment, countless thoughts went through He Lingchuan's mind. Then, he suddenly raised his head and said to the demon bird following him: "If I help, can you help us get out of the Panlong Desert safely?"

The demon bird nodded immediately, never being sloppy.

Everyone was overjoyed. This is indeed what we hope for! The young master is awake in the world.

The strange phenomena in the Panlong Desert are all caused by the big square pot. If it wants to be open to everyone, it should be easy.

He could only believe it, and He Lingchuan no longer hesitated: "Take us to the city wall!"

Immediately, several more demonic birds landed, grabbed everyone's shoulders, and flew up with their wings flapping.

It had only risen ten feet when a cold light flashed behind it. The demon bird holding the peach was suddenly cut off from its right side and fell down with a loud "ga".

But Nian Songyu shot out a long knife in his busy schedule to stop them from climbing the wall. He originally aimed at He Lingchuan, but he didn't expect that the demon bird holding the peach would jump out to block the knife.

Fortunately, another demonic bird took over in time and caught Maotao in the air.

Everyone jumped to the city wall. He Lingchuan pointed at the weapons and said: "Load arrows and load bullets!"

Zeng Feixiong led his men and obeyed without saying a word, but Mao Tao was a little unsure: "Do you really want to help Black Jiao?"

He Lingchuan quickly stuffed two nail bombs into the barrel and glanced sideways at him: "Why, Nian Songyu's knife didn't make you comfortable?"

Nian Songyu's sword cut the demon bird in half, and Maotao almost died on the spot. After hearing what He Lingchuan said, Mao Tao gave up and quickly placed the four-foot-long fine iron arrow on the crossbow.

The ordnance on the city wall had already fired one round automatically, of course under the control of the black dragon. But its control of this place is obviously not impeccable, at least it cannot do more delicate tasks, such as automatically loading ammunition and arrows.

It still needs manpower.

Unfortunately, all the demon apes have been killed, and it will take some time before they can be resurrected.

If no one was available, how could it find these little fleas that were also uninvited guests?

He Lingchuan first thought of taking out his bow and arrows and firing a few shots at Sun Fuping. But he had no title, no position, no luck to protect him, so the arrows he just shot were as powerful as special weapons?

Now that he has made up his mind, he must do it to the end and do it well.

Nian Songyu was furious, and his face was as red as the violent giant behind him: "He Lingchuan, if you dare to defect in front of the battle, I will cut you into pieces, file your bones and raise ashes!"

"You have to have an attitude when asking for help. You're like this, tsk!" He Lingchuan carried the last rolling stone to the launch chute, turned to the demon bird and said, "Do it!"

Flames suddenly appeared on the rolling stones and arrows, and there was a continuous "boom" sound, and more than ten ordnance weapons concentrated on firing. The loudest sound was of course the nail bomb, which made both of their ears numb.

To be honest, firing artillery shells is by no means such a simple matter. He Lingchuan still doesn't understand the firing mechanism of Panlong City's ordnance, whether it is a fuse or a flintlock ignition. But that's not important. Panlong City, controlled by Black Dragon, did the rest.

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