After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 643: Calculate carefully

At this time, they had entered the second courtyard. The main buildings of the academy were here. Each building was more majestic and solemn than the official office, and even had an exquisite halberd gate. Sun Fuling said that Panlong City spent great efforts to build the academy so that students who enter here will understand the weight of knowledge.

"It's already this time. I didn't expect there to be so many people in the academy."

In the past, the Academy closed on time in the evening. Later, Panlong City reached a business cooperation with the Burrowing Spider, and the fluorescent spores from the Ghost Needle Stone Forest were also sent to the Academy. Since then, the Academy has offered evening classes, and as a result, the students enrolling in the classes are basically adults. They work during the day and come to the Academy at night to listen to lectures.

Therefore, the school palace is still brightly lit at night, and teachers and students are coming and going.

Sun Fuling smiled and said: "This is nothing. I heard that students from all over the world gather in the academy in the capital of Bejia. Every day there are sages giving lectures and debates. There are a lot of people all day long. I really want to go and have a look."

Lingxu City is world-famous, and talented people come here every day every year to learn from it and seek talents.

He Lingchuan chuckled: "It's hard to live up to your reputation."

Having said that, he had been busy with intrigues during his stay in Lingxu City. Apart from visiting three or five scenic spots and seeing the land of sensuality and sensuality, he had not had the chance to observe the capital carefully.

Master Sun's words reminded him that after finally entering the greatest city in the world, how could he leave empty-handed?

Founded six hundred years ago, Lingxu City must have a lot of advantages in addition to its shortcomings, so that it can continuously attract talents from the world.

Sun Fuling said seriously: "Don't criticize the enemy's strengths."

Derogating your enemy's strengths will not make you stronger, it will only make you blinder.

He Lingchuan said angrily: "Master is right."

After passing the Bell and Drum Tower, you will arrive at the Third Section Courtyard. This is the office space of the Academy. No one is allowed to enter.

Entering here, the air suddenly becomes quiet.

Sun Fuling led him into a teaching hall and said: "In front is the meeting hall. I'll go find the dean. You wait here." After that, he walked through the corridor at the back and walked out quickly.

Next to it is the ancestral temple, with lotus ponds, cedar trees and various sculptures in the courtyard.

One of the sculptures is a big-mouthed monkey, covering its ears with one hand and grinning at people. There is also a big tooth missing in the mouth.

Fluorescent spores hang from the treetops in the courtyard, and soft light shines on the monkey eagle.

When He Lingchuan saw it, he felt it looked familiar. After looking at it a few more times, he suddenly remembered:

When he followed Sun Fuping, Nian Songyu and others into the ruins of the ancient city in the Panlong Desert, he also saw this monkey sculpture!

At that time, he felt that the monkey's smile was embarrassing, and he even kicked it, so he was deeply impressed.

It turns out that the location he was at at that time was Shujin Academy!

Today, the sound of books is loud and the years are quiet, but more than a hundred years later, only the yellow sand is lonely and the wind is whimpering.

He Lingchuan took a long breath and looked up at the night sky.

The Tianluo star was there, shining brightly at him.

Not long after, Sun Fuling returned, followed by a high-ranking scribe, who was Xu Shichu, the dean of Shuping Academy.

He Lingchuan had listened to his open class at Wenxiantang. At this time, he stepped forward and clasped his fists: "Dean Xu!"

"It's you!" Xu Shi looked at him for a moment, then smiled, "We have met, um, in, in..."

"Ask the Immortal Hall."

"That's right, I'm asking Xiantang. You also asked me about the Torch!" Xu Shichu nodded repeatedly, "There are many children who like to dance with knives and guns, but few can concentrate on asking questions. Xiao Sun said, you have something to do Ask me?"

Sun Fuling interrupted at this time: "You two chat first, I have a night class to attend, so I'll go first."

"Go, go." Xu Shichu waved his hand, and Sun Fuling smiled at He Lingchuan, turned around and left.

He Lingchuan did not beat around the bush and asked directly: "I would like to ask Dean Xu, can the path of Tianluo Star be calculated?"

"Tianluo Star?" Xu Shichu was startled and looked up at the night sky, "Hey, why did Tianluo Star come out tonight?"

"If we want to measure its path in real time, what's the way?"

"It has always been a hidden star. As long as it is hidden in the night sky, there is nothing we can do about it." Xu Shichu shook his head, "Tianluo Star appears only a handful of times. As far as the literature I have read, there is no in-depth research on it." It is difficult to observe, cannot make statistics, and is difficult to study.

He Lingchuan's heart sank when he heard this.

If he can't take the empty route, does he have to find a way to sneak into the Star Reaching Tower?

There should be a teleportation array that leads directly to the spirit gathering array, but under the eyes of the gods and Du Yunshi, the difficulty of infiltrating is probably beyond five-star, right?

"What if the Tianluo star in the night sky keeps flashing?" He Lingchuan thought for a moment, "Can you calculate its orientation and distance relative to the Beidou stars?"

"Relative to the Big Dipper?" Xu Shichu smiled, "How difficult is this? It's just a little calculation. However, if your reference is the Big Dipper, it is equivalent to changing the perspective, no longer from the ground where we are. Went to observe, right?”

"Exactly!" As expected of the dean, he immediately grasped the key points. "It's equivalent to standing on the Nine Stars of the Big Dipper to judge the distance and position of Tianluo Star."

"Then you have to do some calculations." Xu Shichu pondered, "The nine stars are divided into nine starting points, and they all have to be calculated carefully. In fact, the method is the same. You can replace the Tianluo star with other stars and apply the same formula. Figure it out. What exactly does this do, you ask?"

"I encountered a formation during my mission. The opponent set up the formation based on the Big Dipper and set the Tianluo star as the eye of the formation." He Lingchuan said seriously, "If you want to break the formation, you must find the location of the Tianluo star."

"Very clever, but how do you know when Tianluo Star will shine?"

He Lingchuan lowered his voice: "It's hard to say much, but General Red has a way."

"Okay, I get it." As soon as he used the red general as a shield, Xu Shichu didn't ask any more questions, but just looked up at the stars again, "While it's bright now, I'll try to deduce it. Including error checking. The time... Well, I will write out the formula in a few days and let Xiao Sun bring it to you."

He Lingchuan was overjoyed and bowed his head to him: "The dean is really knowledgeable and unpredictable!" and then presented him with a souvenir.

Xu Shichu smiled when he saw the cloud cake and citrus tea: "Did Xiao Sun tell you to buy these?"

"Uh, yes." Sun Fuling said, Dean Xu has been addicted to new tea recently.

"She is very concerned about your affairs." Xu Shichu looked at him again.

Is a gentle and elegant old scholar also such a gossip? He Lingchuan puffed up his chest, but then remembered something: "Dean, I have one more thing to ask. If there is a defensive formation designed by the gods, and it can use massive spiritual power or mysterious crystals, have we broken this formation? possible?"

"God's design?" Xu Shichu smiled, "Compared to human design, it is just a little more thorough. But no matter how mysterious the formation is, its strength is limited."

Xu Shichu continued: "In today's environment, it is difficult for the ancient formations to appear again. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has weakened and cannot support the spiritual power they require."

"If this formation is crucial, can't it be topped with Xuan Jing?"

"It may be possible in the short term, but the materials used to build the formation are far less than before, even if you have a large amount of mysterious crystals. For example, the ancient Immortal Sect Piaomiao Sect used wild dragon bones to build the mountain-protecting formation. This kind of material, Where are you going to find them now?" Xu Shichu said with a smile, "How many rare treasures from ancient times are left now? Looking around the world, which of those formations that are famous from ancient to modern times are still there?"

"If gods want to build formations in the human world, they must follow the laws of the human world." Xu Shichu continued, "They may be able to destroy heaven and earth in their own world, but in the human world, they must also consider the actual situation. I think , using top-grade materials to create a top-grade formation is nothing special. Using limited materials and controllable costs to create a stable and sustainable formation is the real skill. Therefore, there is no such thing as an unbreakable formation in the world."

He Lingchuan said solemnly: "I have learned a lesson!"

Xu Shichu was very busy, so he said goodbye and left after talking about business.

He Lingchuan took a leisurely stroll around the academy until Sun Fuling finished class.

At this time, the bright moon is high and the night is dark. Before He Lingchuan could get closer, he heard another master say to Sun Fuling: "Master Sun, shall I take you back?"

The man is quite tall, has a pretty face, and smiles attentively.

Before Sun Fuling could reply, He Lingchuan stood beside her with a whoosh and stuffed an oil paper bag into her hand: "You've been waiting for a long time, shall we go?"

Start warm. Sun Fuling lowered her head and saw that it was a warm, white Poria cake with a few fat dates lying on it.

"I asked the fat lady for the piece with the most dates."

Sun Fuling smiled.

"Master Qian, see you tomorrow." She nodded to the master, turned around and walked out.

The helpless Master Qian stood there blankly.

Seeing Master Qian staring directly at him, He Lingchuan waved goodbye to him, grinning with big white teeth and an exaggerated smile.

You kid, you shouldn’t have those thoughts!

Master Qian could still hear him saying to Sun Fuling: "How about sharing a date with me?"

"help yourself."

Master Qian could still see this boy grabbing a big piece of Poria and putting it into his mouth. It was such a big piece!

"..." Sun Fuling lowered his head, only a third of the soft cake was left, and only one fat jujube was left, lying in the corner aggrievedly, "How about you eat the rest too?"

Master Qian discovered that Master Sun, who had always been aloof and clear-cut with others—

Falling out!

The next day, He Lingchuan woke up before dawn.

He was woken up by the soul-capturing mirror. This guy was shouting in his ears at high decibels: "Hey, hey, hey, stop sleeping. How can you sleep for so long at your age!"

He Lingchuan put his arm in front of his forehead and slapped the mirror: "You better be fine!"

He was bleary-eyed and very angry when he woke up.

"Look out the window, look at the sky!" Jing Jing was so excited that her voice changed a bit, "It's bright, it's bright! The sky is shining brightly!"

Bright? He Lingchuan was startled, then he got up and pushed the door open.

It's almost dawn, and most of the stars have disappeared, but the Big Dipper is still holding its position in the night sky. He Lingchuan counted from one to ten.

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