After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 646 Oh, you are the one

Chapter 646 Oh, you are just...

Who needs these wolf-like guards? I have been in and out of Taixue for several years, but I have never used it.

Gao Jilin tried to ask: "Brother He, do you have any enemies in Lingxu City?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan sighed, "There are many, and they all want to take my life."

Everyone was puzzled.

He Lingchuan called the waiter again and said to him: "Order four good dishes for me and deliver them to the table for four at the door."

The guy did as he was told.

At this time, several people were walking down the stairs on the second floor, all of whom were dressed in brocade. One of them glanced across the audience and immediately focused on He Lingchuan.

He walked over quickly and patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder: "He Xiao! Why are you here?"

His voice was not very loud, but it was guaranteed to be heard clearly by people in two or three circles around him, and the smile on his face was particularly sincere.

He Lingchuan paused.

How could he run into Fang Canran wherever he went?

"Meet some friends to have a drink." His "real name" was suddenly called out, and he could only laugh, "Why is General Manager Fang here here?"

"I just came back from dining with some clients. I'm going to the Taoli Pond to loosen the bones. Do you want to come with me?"

Tao Li Chi is a perfume shop. In addition to bathing, it also provides one-stop services such as hairdressing, shaving, and massage. It was named "Tao Li" because it was opened next to Taixue.

During the conversation between the two, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Everyone stopped talking when they heard the name "He Xiao".

He Lingchuan saw the changes in the eyes of everyone looking over him, so he could only smile bitterly: "No need, I have something else to do, you guys can take your time and enjoy it."

Fang Canran was so shrewd that he immediately sensed the subtle changes in the hall.

Jiang Tao couldn't help but said: "He Xiao? You said his name is He Xiao?"

Fang Canran seemed startled. He looked at everyone and then at He Lingchuan. He didn't answer. He just patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry! I'm leaving first."

After saying that, he greeted the guests, turned around and left.

But this move was equivalent to giving Jiang Tao a positive answer.

Before Fang Canran could even walk out of Xiangmanlou, there was a loud "crash" behind him!

"Are you He Xiao? That He Xiao?"

"No, no, no, no - no!"

These days, whoever mentions important events in Lingxu City cannot mention He Xiao? Such a well-known figure who seems far away is now right in front of us?

Everyone's first reaction was that they didn't believe it.

This young man is only seventeen or eighteen years old. Is Special Envoy Chiyan really that young? You must know that among the students in Taixue and Academy, the oldest ones are over forty.

Look at others, and then look at yourself, have you lived as long as a dog?

"Didn't he just say that he has too many enemies? If it's really He Xiao, then that's right."

"Hey, that's what the person who walked out just said casually! Who is that? Can you believe it?"

Another celebrity kid immediately answered: "That is the chief manager of the Jinjiao family, his surname is Fang! Do you know about the Dunyuan Sales Fair? He organizes every one! I just met him at the sales meeting a few days ago. he."

There was a buzzing buzz, and everyone was chatting away, not knowing who was taking the blame for whom. The whole restaurant was as lively as if a ladle of boiling water had been poured into boiling oil, and the splash almost overwhelmed the person involved.

Seeing that everyone couldn't grasp the main point, Du Shan simply stood up, walked to the square table near the door, and asked the Tongxin guards: "Excuse me, he -" He pointed at He Xiao, " Is this really He Xiao, the special envoy of Chiyan Kingdom?"

The exquisite appetizers presented by He Lingchuan had just been brought to the table by the waiter. Tong Xinwei looked at He Lingchuan, looked at each other again, and nodded.

"So who are you?"

Several people said in a deep voice: "South of the city, Tongxinwei."

Their job is to monitor, not to keep secrets.

Tong Xinwei's words immediately confirmed He Lingchuan's identity. The guests upstairs hurriedly looked here, but unfortunately He Lingchuan was surrounded in the middle, and a circle of people on the side blocked him tightly.

Jiang Tao grabbed He Lingchuan's sleeve and loudly expressed his disbelief: "Are you really He Xiao?"

Gao Jilin sighed: "It's so hard for you to hide it from us!" The same guy who went to Xushan earlier clearly called himself "He Yun". But Lao Ge, the gibbon, has a different attitude towards others and is unusually patient. That’s an old guy who rides the highs and bullies the lows!

Now think about it, that's it.

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly: "I just want to sneak out and have two glasses of wine. Is that wrong?"

Fang Canran must have done it on purpose!

"He admitted it, admitted it!" Jiang Tao waved to everyone, "Okay, okay, don't argue, just ask questions one by one! Don't let people think that Taixue is just a bunch of people."

He roared at the top of his lungs, and the noise in Xiangmanlou actually subsided.

"I'll go first, Brother He! Is the mastermind behind the elixir case really in the Qing Palace?"

He Lingchuan was dumbfounded. The students are too wild. They can ask this casually, but can he answer casually?

However, everyone's eyes were glaring, and they were obviously particularly interested in the answer.

"Without evidence, how can I just talk nonsense?" He was the one who investigated the first half of the Eternal Medicine case. Since he has a special status, he doesn't even dare to speak out.

"What do you think?" Another person asked, "I heard that Cen Boqing was arrested because of your fierce pursuit."

He Lingchuan shook his head: "Why don't I think it's important? Cen Boqing was caught because there were both witnesses and material evidence. There is a fire in Qingfu Temple right now, and the evidence related to the case is incomplete."

Wang Mao also asked: "I heard that Mrs. Cen rushed to Baishaqiang and brought a witness with her to reduce her husband's crime. Is it true?"

He Lingchuan only said: "Brother Wang's source of information is really well-informed."

Everyone understands.

Gao Jilin also joined in the fun: "So far, all the clues in the elixir case have been found. Is it true?"

"The case has been taken over by Bai Duzhi. I have no right to participate. Only he knows the details best." He Lingchuan grabbed the wine glass and moistened his throat. When you are the focus of everyone's attention, you must not be complacent, but be calm and calm.

"During the case handling process, details will not be released to avoid affecting the follow-up."

You also need to use official accent appropriately.

Seeing the crowd surrounding the young man, everyone said something to me, but Zheng Zewu said nothing.

He had just recovered from the shock.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he was famous. Is this a goal that many students strive for?

Becoming famous all over the world in one fell swoop, hey, how can it be that easy? Lingxu City is so big and has countless talented people, but it can't even make waves in this vast ocean.

It’s normal for no one to ask after ten years!

The young man in front of me has been swimming back and forth in the officialdom of Beijing for several times, chasing the waves. How many aristocratic families are willing to extend an olive branch to him, overtly or covertly?

If you are stable in this life, as long as you can keep up with your fame, your meteoric rise will be just around the corner.

But what about Zheng Zewu? It's just that Taixue came first in the spring exam, so he was complacent.

The feeling of emptiness in my heart is hard to describe.

Du Shan grabbed the cup and took a sip of Qinxiangchun, and suddenly said: "He Xiao, how come you are still alive?"

The sound is not loud, but the content is sharp.

The volume of discussions among the people around him suddenly turned down.

Yes, how did He Xiao get his name in Lingxu City? In addition to the results in the case of the immortal medicine, the most important thing is that within a month of arriving in Lingxu City, he was attacked twice!

Ordinary people don't have this kind of treatment, and ordinary people don't have this kind of danger.

Counting it down, how many forces has he offended? Da Sinong, the Zhongsun family, the secret forces who dared to openly blow up the post house, and Prince Huan, the future successor of the empire, who dared to do it in broad daylight!

Not to mention the Lord of Qing Palace. This case is aimed directly at Qing Gong.

At least the students here cannot afford to offend these giants, right? It's one thing to talk, but it's another thing to practice it with real swords and guns.

But He Xiao could still sit here and drink with everyone.

Just like Du Shan said, how did this guy survive in the rapids and undercurrents?

Thinking of this, some people are no longer envious.

If fame has to be exchanged for life, is it worth it?

"It's just a fluke." He Lingchuan had a good time: "The first time the inn exploded, I just happened to go out to get something, otherwise I would have died in the guest room. The tables and chairs were also poisoned, and the official who came in to inspect the fire was unfortunately poisoned and almost died die."

Gao Ji Lin asked: "Why did you put poison and explode it again?" Double insurance?

Du Shan shook his head: "I'm afraid there are two groups of people attacking He Xiao at the same time."

He Lingchuan immediately said: "I infer the same."

"Inference?" Jiang Tao was very sharp this time, "Didn't you catch it?"

"Never." He Lingchuan smiled bitterly, "The person who put the poison was also silenced. Just like the case of the elixir, the clues were suddenly cut off."

Everyone hissed, and their backs felt cold.

"As for the second time, Prince Huan came to Pan Shan's house and set fire to it. Prince Yue and I happened to be away, and the servants were unlucky."

Situ He asked first:

"Did Mrs. Cen instigate it?"

There were many listeners around who didn't understand what was going on. They didn't understand what was going on just now. Then they finally asked: "Mrs. Cen? Which Mrs. Cen?"

So someone introduced them on the spot.

"Cen Boqing actually has such a big backer?!"

Just like this, He Xiao could still knock Cen Boqing down, which was not easy.

"Later, when the prince was summoned by the emperor, the prince Huan denied that it was Mrs. Cen who instigated him. He said that he heard the palace people talking about it and was so angry that he came down in person to teach us a lesson." These are not secrets among the upper class, and He Lingchuan did not say them out. psychological burden.

Doesn’t Lingxu City focus on freedom of speech?

If a student can speak, what can't a common man speak?

But for bachelors, the first-hand information narrated by the parties is fresh, and they must be listened to every word.

Du Shan said: "That is to say, the person behind the two attacks on you has not been found?"

"So far, it seems that no one has been arrested."

"It can't be found." Du Shan said simply, "If it is really found out, it will be explained to you, but it will be bad for others. Instead of doing this, I might as well wrong you."

Do you want to offend the powerful or the common people? There is no need to choose this question at all.

Someone immediately filled in the indignation for He Lingchuan.

Zheng Zewu couldn't help but said: "If this is true, how can Lingxu's face be saved?"

In fact, everyone knows that what he wants to say is, how can the emperor and Lingxiao Palace retain their dignity?

Thank you Zhong Zili for your support!

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