After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 652 Temporary Camp

The man was not seriously injured, thanks to the leg guards. Over the years, visitors to the human world have been attacked by planarians more than once or twice, and they have long developed a set of countermeasures. The entire body of equipment is specially made, and every accessory has a magical function.

They continued running southwest.

There are fewer and fewer dead bodies on the road, which shows that the human visitors have avoided the advancing edge of the beast tide.

The direction indicated by the tracking bee's compass is also separate from the trajectory of the beast tide.

After walking for a while, the wounded man got up and started on his way. He Lingchuan finally met up with Chi Yan's team behind a huge rock.

There were only five living people left in the team, but there were more than twenty people in this small camp. They all came from other teams and were scattered in the tide of beasts, so they had to set up a temporary camp here.

About a quarter of the players were injured, varying in severity. Although they were originally competitors, in this camp, everyone temporarily united and helped each other.

The hot water has been boiled. Some people are responsible for cooking, some are responsible for treating injuries, and some are going out to collect gargle beads. The environment in Fujie is harsh and there are many accidents, so everyone doesn't mind staying together for a while.

This is still an upwind outlet, and the smell of blood is a bit strong. But everyone is not worried that Danube beasts will be attracted. They hate the smell of human creatures.

When He Lingchuan asked, he found out that everyone had found out that the time the team was attacked was different. Some were yesterday, some were ten hours ago, and Chiyan's team was attacked three hours ago.

After being attacked, experienced hunters will continue to move forward with the beast tide, but keep a distance. Because there is a high chance of encountering other unlucky people later, it will be safer if there are more people picking it up.

This is how the people in the camp gathered together.

Generally speaking, the beast tide advances from north to southwest. The farther to the southwest, the bigger the beast tide becomes, as if there is an unknown force gathering all the Danube beasts in that direction.

Normally, these Danube beasts are wealth to hunters, just like running pumice stones one after another. But once they gather together, they become a torrent of ferocious beasts, invincible, and nothing dares to stand in their way.

He Lingchuan and four other people got into their tent, took out supplies from the storage ring, replenished supplies for the veteran team members, and then sat down to rest.

In the Buddhist world, resting and replenishing one's physical strength is also a science, and one must know how to seize every moment.

There are no plants here, and there is no firewood. If you want to boil water for cooking, you can only rely on charms.

Fresh water is extremely scarce on the plains. There is a small lake near the camp, but it is green in color and the lake water is poisonous.

Human beings must provide everything they need to survive here.

Even in the camp to buy some water to drink or a few pieces of dried meat to eat, you have to use pumice stones in exchange.

Pumice is the hard currency here.

He Lingchuan asked many people, and they all said that such a riot of beasts was unprecedented, and that the Danube beasts were particularly violent.

It is worth mentioning that the Danube beasts of the Fu Realm were originally not hostile to humans and monsters, only curious. However, after hundreds of years of hunting in Lingxu City, they saw human creatures as if they saw natural enemies, and most of the time they avoided them. , but once the beasts are numerous, they want to trample them to seek revenge on the hunters.

There were also several hunters who heard strange sounds coming from the distance during the battle, "槧槺槺", like banging a wooden stick.

At this time, several more foreign hunters walked into the camp. Some were injured, and some had purple stains on their clothes - this was the blood of the Danube beast.

One of them took out a pumice stone to buy gargle beads from the camp. He happened to hear He Lingchuan inquiring about the information, so he interrupted: "Fourteen years ago, I saw a small beast tide. There were only about 200 of them. They were far less scary than today's group. They should be Being driven here.”

The voice was low and a little hoarse.

He Lingchuan saw that the mask he wore was exquisite and very recognizable: "Are you from the Ke family?"

The man smiled: "This year's hunting in Caohai, I'm just working hard for the Ke family."

"Have you participated in Caohai hunting many times?"

"Yes, others pay me and I kill to earn some hard-earned money." He cupped his fists at He Lingchuan, "Hu Bin, a hired hunter."

"Congratulations." He Lingchuan did not say his full name, but looked behind Hu Bin, "Why are you the only one?"

Caohai hunting has a long history and has its own system. Many families and official forces use mercenaries to form teams because they are experienced. This is even one of the livelihoods of many practitioners and monsters.

"This year's Danube beasts were particularly ferocious. We lost two people when we first came in. Later, four more people went back to Caohai to exchange supplies. The remaining people were scattered by the beasts three hours ago. I rescued a companion, but He was too seriously injured to survive." Each participating team must reasonably allocate personnel and materials, and supplements from the human world are very important.

Hu Bin pointed to the northeast: "I followed the beast tide from there."

He Lingchuan always kept his goal in mind: "Have you ever seen prey frozen into ice?"

"Ice cubes?" Hu Bin thought for a while, "Yes, some, six or seven Danube beasts are like this, very weird."


"If the murderer is a human, their pumice stones have not been dug away; if the murderer is a frost silver beast, they have not been eaten." Hu Bin said solemnly, "And the frost silver beast rarely freezes the whole body of its prey, which is very laborious. It’s also inconvenient to eat.”

He Lingchuan heard his voice getting hoarse, so he handed him a water bag: "Have you ever seen a frost silver beast hunting?"

"It was also fourteen years ago." Hu Bin pointed to the north, "Have you seen that high mountain? I saw frost silver beasts at the foot of the mountain that year. They came down the mountain. To kill their prey, they sprayed a mouthful of frost to freeze it. When you can't walk or resist, you can eat a big meal without freezing it completely."

He Lingchuan grasped the key point: "Don't frost silver beasts all live in the dangerous peaks of high mountains? Why do they have to go down the mountain?"

"Who knows?" Hu Bin said with a smile, "Maybe some monsters don't like to play their cards right."

He Lingchuan squatted down and drew a footprint on the sand: "Are these the footprints of the Frost Silver Beast?"

Hu Bin looked at it carefully and shook his head: "No, it doesn't look like it."

He also drew a footprint casually: "The Frost Silver Beast has four toes on the ground. The paw print you drew has three toes, and the palm pads are very big."

He asked He Lingchuan: "Are you sure this thing releases ice?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "I haven't seen it personally, but every Danube beast or human being frozen into ice has such footprints."

"Interesting." Hu Bin compared it with his palm. "The footprint you drew has a very wide claw tip. It looks like the claws are slender, and they are used to standing on their hind legs. Well, maybe it is a Baryonyx, which also eats scavengers. Will linger around dead prey.”

"It's not impossible." He Lingchuan glanced towards the north. He could not estimate the height of the dangerous peak that reached into the sky.

The Frost Silver Beast living on the top of the mountain is very mysterious, and he couldn't find any useful information in Lingxu City. Originally, the only way to get Shuangwan was to climb a high mountain in person. But now, he felt that there was one more feasible solution.

That is to follow the beast tide and find the monster that spits ice. Maybe it's a mutated frost silver beast? Fu Shanyue reminded him that some new species would occasionally appear in the Fu Realm.

This should be much simpler than climbing a high mountain, braving the freezing cold, and looking for a Frost Silver Beast. Otherwise, who knows which corner of the vast mountain the Frost Silver Beast is hiding in?

Hu Bin added: "The frost silver beast I saw back then was still fighting in the stone forest."

"Huh?" He Lingchuan asked curiously, "How many frost silver beasts are there in total?"

"There were five of them, different sizes. They looked a bit like human wolves, but much more ferocious." Hu Bin recalled, "It was like a duel between the two largest ones, and the others were watching around, restless."

"Fight on the flat ground?"


He Lingchuan pondered: "This kind of duel is usually a fight for the throne."

That's what wolves are like. Although this is the Buddha Realm and the Frost Silver Beast is not a wolf, the instincts of creatures tend to be the same.

Hu Bin also said: "I guess their original leader encountered something unexpected, so they need to be re-elected."

He Lingchuan nodded: "We see the same thing. What happened next?"

"One dead and one injured. The winner took the herd away, and the dead ones were left on the ground." Hu Bin smiled bitterly, "I was just about to find an advantage, but I didn't expect the palace guards to run out. I could only watch them take away the spoils. . Well, it turns out that they have also been watching the battle in the dark."

"The Palace Guards are also participating?"

"To be fair, they only hunt and don't compete, but no one dares to steal from them."

Suddenly someone in the camp came over and asked, "Old Hu, do you want the Ke family to continue or quit?"

With only Hu Bin left, does it make sense for the Ke family to participate again?

Hu Bin scratched his head: "I don't know, it depends on whether the Ke family will send anyone in again."

"What about you? You can't survive alone in the Buddha Realm." This man kindly invited, "How about joining us?"

No one is made of iron, especially after a high-intensity battle, you need to rest. Even the air in this world is poisonous, and the trouble of having to change the gargling beads every quarter of an hour will definitely disrupt the normal rhythm of breath regulation and sleep.

Fighting alone in the Evian world is almost synonymous with seeking death. In a deserted land, the most important thing is unity and cooperation.

Hu Bin thought for a while, said "OK", and then took off the mask.

The Ke family's mask was too ostentatious, so he casually put on an owl mask.

The man smiled and said, "As soon as I see this mask, I know it's you."

While changing the mask, He Lingchuan also saw his face. He was in his early thirties, with long eyes and a big nose, and an ordinary appearance.

However, he was very popular and behaved neatly. He Lingchuan knew at a glance that he was from the army and had a lot of lives on his hands.

The person who successfully invited Hu Bin came to invite He Lingchuan again: "What about you, do you have a team?"


"Oh. Let's follow the tide of beasts. Do you want to come together?"

He Lingchuan nodded without much hesitation: "Okay. What should I call you?"

There is strength in numbers, not to mention the number of beasts in the herd, and the nine men on our side simply cannot defeat them all.

"My surname is Zhou." The man chuckled, "You can just call me Lao Zhou. Our team represents the Golden Horn family."

He Lingchuan glanced at Hu Bin and asked Lao Zhou in a low voice: "Is Lao Hu famous in this industry?"

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