After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 654 A fatal crisis

But this place is not far from the territory of the Thunder Giant Beast. The two monsters in front also have powerful frost magical powers. He Lingchuan wants to try his luck to see if they can produce stones similar to frost pills.

Frost Silver Beasts are not necessarily harder to fight than these two guys, but their whereabouts are a mystery. He Lingchuan entered the Buddha Realm for the first time, trying to find their whereabouts in the mountains, which was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The further you go to the southwest, the more open the terrain becomes, and the larger the herd becomes. The original few hundred slowly gathered into thousands, and finally the fields were so densely packed that the original color of the land could hardly be seen.

He Lingchuan roughly estimated that there must be at least ten thousand heads?

There are predators and prey here, all of them look grumpy, but they are all moving in the same direction.

There are a few small black dots behind the huge herd, which move so fast that they are almost difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Wherever they galloped, the herds of animals would rush forward in a rush.

It turns out that this strange monster has more than two heads.

Experienced hunters like Team Zhou were surprised after observing for a while: "They are actually grazing the Danube herd."

These guys know how to detour, how to outflank, how to coordinate, and work together like hounds.

To Danubon, it was unbelievable.

"Did you see the white boulder in front of you? After passing the white boulder, you will enter the territory of the thunder beast."

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that the surface there was dark and completely different from the colorful colors outside. There were even occasional thunder snakes jumping across the ground, bursting into blue-white light.

"The Thunder Qing beast will occasionally come to patrol and strengthen its borders."

He Lingchuan noticed that he was talking about thunder beasts, not "giant beasts": "There are many thunder beasts?"

"Teams rarely come here, and no one has done so in recent years, but the number should be considerable." Captain Zhou said, "After all, if a lord is born in their tribe, they can be protected."

After passing the white boundary stone, the cries of meowing trees echoed on the plain, one after another.

The monsters driving the herd are communicating with each other.

They quickened their pace almost simultaneously.

Under this strange pressure, the tide of beasts all over the mountains and plains began to run faster and faster.

In the end it turned into a torrent, rolling forward.

The dust covered the sky and the sun.

At this moment, several new hunters arrived from behind, sweating profusely.

When they met everyone, they brought a big piece of bad news:

"The sandstorm is coming."

He Lingchuan immediately heard gasps from around him. Sandstorm? Is it very powerful?

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and sure enough he saw movement on the distant horizon.

The dust is flying in clouds, and seems to be mixed with purple-red lightning, which looks very dreamy.

Although it was far away, He Lingchuan could already vaguely feel the coming pressure.

Yes, there are almost no plants in the Fu Realm. Once a sandstorm blows, the scale will be... tsk tsk.

All the hunters howled and cursed.

"Why are we so unlucky this time? Beast tides and sandstorms have caught up with us!"

Team Zhou shouted loudly: "Disband, disband, go collect Shuzhu!"

There was no time to explain, so everyone left in a hurry without being reminded a second time.

The Chiyan team also ran out quickly, and the team members reminded He Lingchuan: "We collect beads, the faster the better, the more the better!"

Everyone is scattered, looking for pearls in valleys, cols, and fields.

He Lingchuan humbly asked: "What's going on?"

"The sandstorms in the Fu Realm are no joke. There was one ten years ago and more than a hundred hunters died!"

Can sandstorms kill people? But the hunters who enter the Buddha Realm are not ordinary people, at least they are practitioners or monsters, and they have a strong ability to withstand the harsh natural environment.

"They may not have been blown to death, but the sandstorm here lasts for a long time, often lasting two or three hours!" His teammate bent down to collect pearls and said quickly, "Most of them can't continue rinsing the pearls, and they will die from suffocation." of!"

He Lingchuan understood.

The key to their survival in the Fu Realm is to wash the pearls, and when a sandstorm comes, it is likely to blow them all away!

Then you won't be able to pick pearls for two or three hours.

What's more, the plant grows on the ground, and its root system is very shallow. If a hurricane comes, it will be blown to pieces, including the grass and the plant.

After a sandstorm, survival became a big problem for outsiders like them.

Therefore, before the storm arrives, everyone must collect as much as possible and stock up on enough gargle beads for survival as soon as possible!

He Lingchuan understood the power of it and did not dare to neglect it. He started running around with the Yan Hui Shen Technique.

Each grass usually has three to seven beads, and it takes two or three hours to grow back after being harvested.

In other words, there was at least five or six hours between the start of the sandstorm and the time everyone survived the natural disaster and came out to fish for pearls again!

Each hunter consumes eight rinsing beads every hour. To survive for five or six hours, he will need more than 40 beads.

It was then that everyone realized something was wrong:

Previously, everyone was moving behind the beast tide, but these guys trampled how many Shuzhu grass they crushed during their march. The vast plain turned out to be a barren land for harvesting. He Lingchuan ran for dozens of feet, but only found two grasses. .

In such an empty wilderness, there are few pearls and many people.

Trouble. He looked up to the northeast and saw that the sandstorm in the distance had been pushed forward and had already crossed the horizon.

In the barren land, it can travel much faster than a horse.

He Lingchuan concentrated on cutting, and thanks to Yan Huishen's technique, his hands and feet were more agile than others.

It turns out that hunters in the Fu Realm have a certain convention: take pearls without harming the grass.

In this way, after two or three hours, the pearl plant can produce pearls again. Otherwise, the rhizome will be broken and new plants will grow again.

This is convenient for others and convenient for yourself.

But in the face of natural disasters, no one cares about it. They just cut off the stems with a knife and harvest the grass with the beads.

He Lingchuan was so quick that in the time it took others to pick three or four trees, he had cut off ten.

There were only so many pearlweeds on the plains. If he picked more, others would get less. So some other hunters were dissatisfied and yelled at him: "Can you leave some for others? Don't be too strict!"

There happened to be three or four clusters of surviving beadroot grass in the cracks of these rocks. He Lingchuan slashed them all with a swipe of his knife like rain.

The man was furious and was about to swing his ax.

However, He Lingchuan threw two intact Shuzhu grass over: "You are too slow."

The man subconsciously took it in his hand and was startled to see that He Lingchuan had already jumped away in two steps.

Time was precious, and he didn't want to waste it fighting for it.

He was about to pick some tussock grass seven feet away. These clumps of grass grew on the edge of Stonehenge and had not been stepped on. But the other hunter had already rushed away.

Looking at the distance, He Lingchuan gave up.

But before he turned around, he saw the hunter stepping back step by step, with his head raised and a sledgehammer in his hand.

Although He Lingchuan stood behind him and couldn't see his face, he could feel the muscles all over his body were tense and extremely nervous.

He looked in the direction where the man was staring, and then he saw a huge beast slowly walking out from behind the boulder.

It is still that unknown monster, but it is more than three feet (more than ten meters) long. When it stands on its hind legs, it can be close to one foot tall.

The bigger the body is, the more oppressive it feels.

There was a person between He Lingchuan and the monster, but when he was stared at by his yellow eyes, he still felt pressure coming towards him.

That look was both bloodthirsty and violent, yet cunning and suspicious.

He Lingchuan even saw disdain.

Danube beasts actually have such a high IQ breed?

The most terrifying thing is that it was originally gray-black, and even He Lingchuan didn't notice it lying in Stonehenge. After walking out step by step, the skin on its body quickly turned into a dark red with spots.

This thing also knows how to camouflage colors.

When the people of Lingxu City entered the Buddha Realm, whether they were the Tongxin Guards or the Forbidden Army, their Yuanli disappeared, and it was difficult to see through this disguise.

The world is different, the laws are different, and the energy of the human world cannot be brought here.

The monster stared at the retreating hunter and did not pursue it. Instead, it stretched out its foot and crushed the sage grass beside the stone.

Finally, three or four grasses grew together, but they were trampled down by it. The pearls shattered on the ground and turned into gas.

Everyone who saw this scene said: "..."

He Lingchuan was very sure that the monster deliberately crushed the Shuzhu grass in front of everyone.

That is to say, it is very aware of the importance of garnet to human visitors.

And this kind of behavior itself has no benefit to it, but it still does it, which is obviously harming others and not benefiting itself.

Happiness, revenge, malice, ridicule, are such complex emotions really possible for Danubemon?

Immediately afterwards, this monster came over.

With such a huge body and under such high gravity conditions, there is actually no sound when moving, and the ground does not tremble.

The hunter in front had an earth-colored face. Finally, he couldn't stand the pressure and turned around and ran away.

"Idiot!" Others yelled when they saw this scene.

Turning around and running in front of a ferocious beast is not called escaping, but called teasing.

Arousing the murderous desire of the giant beast is not good for anyone. You can't even play like this in front of ordinary Danube beasts, they will still chase you.

However, the giant beast just glanced at him and remained indifferent.

It actually turned a corner and walked towards He Lingchuan.

His scalp was numb, why did this thing have to come to him?

Looking up at this giant beast from a close distance, it was really the perspective of a prey, and the hair on He Lingchuan's back stood up.

But the monster didn't pounce, it just lowered its head and sniffed twice.

He Lingchuan also saw its nostrils flaring, as if it was identifying some smell.

Fusheng was already in hand, and he tensed up his muscles, ready to jump back.

As a result, the giant beast snorted, shook its neck, turned around and walked away.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared after chasing the tide of beasts, and its huge body actually felt light.

The hunter who had just escaped the disaster looked at its back and disappeared, and murmured: "Could it be a lord-level one?"

It gives people a strong sense of oppression, but no one is sure whether this is the new lord of Fu Realm, unless there is a fight.

Everyone present didn't want to, so they turned around and went back to fishing for pearls.

He Lingchuan murmured in his heart, why would the giant beast pay attention to him?

While everyone was busy, the sandstorm was getting closer and closer.

At this time, both the Danube and the hunter had entered the territory of the Leiqing beast and continued to move southwest.

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