After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 656 Difficult Multiple Choice Questions

At this time, the beast tide also discovered that the sandstorm was approaching, and became more restless.

There is nowhere to hide in this plain, only stone formations or mountains are safe havens. But both of them happened to be behind the Thunder Beast!

The environment in the Fu Realm is extremely harsh, and this kind of sandstorm is unfriendly to all living creatures. If they want to survive, they have to get to shelter as soon as possible!

Under the pressure of the endless sand wall behind them, the beast tide charged directly towards the Lei Qing Beast Nest. At this point, they don't need the "encouragement" of those monsters at all.

No matter how powerful the Leiqing Orcs were, they could not withstand their overwhelming opponents and were beaten back steadily.

But behind is the nest, and they can't escape.

The Lei Qing Behemoth Lord roared loudly, and almost everyone stood up.

The two giant pillar-like front feet hit the ground heavily.

Another thunder wave shot out, this time it rushed in all directions, but the scope did not spread, only covering the entire lair.

That dazzling blue light mask is particularly eye-catching in the dim world.

The other Thunder Beasts turned around and got into the barrier, with their heads facing out and their tails facing in, forming a defensive circle with their thick bodies.

As soon as He Lingchuan saw this formation, he knew they were defending something.

However, the scope of the barrier is limited after all. Only a hundred of the two hundred thunder beasts can stand inside, and the rest can only stay outside the boundary.

They had no choice but to turn around and face the surging beast tide, letting out their final roar.

They are also one of the tribe's lines of defense.

The roar reached the high ground, making it even more tragic. But the hunters no longer cared about watching the excitement and rushed towards the rocky mountain behind.

Although the battle ahead is exciting, your own life is the most important.

This mountain has been eroded by wind and sand over the years, creating holes as big and small as a honeycomb. Although there are no deep caves, it is already the best shelter for everyone.

All they had to do was quickly turn to the leeward side of the mountain and find a suitable hole.

But several teams looked heavy and worried.

The beads they collected were not enough, and they were afraid that some people might not be able to survive the sandstorm.

At this time, a hunter came out, carrying a small bag: "Here are fifty beads. I can exchange them for pumice stones at three to one. Does anyone want them?"

No matter how scarce supplies are, there will always be someone who is rich.

Others said angrily: "Three to one, you are really evil!"

Shu beads are widely available throughout the Buddha Realm. This kid dares to exchange three of them for pumice stones?

How can you open this mouth?

"Three to one, three to one, some are fast and some are slow." The hunter ignored them, "Who wants it? The price of the next batch has increased!"

Before he finished speaking, He Lingchuan grabbed a small bag and said, "I want them all!"

Although the Chiyan people thought it was expensive, He Lingchuan had a special status and they really lacked the pearls, so they donated their money one after another, and within a few breaths they collected the pumice stones needed for the transaction.

The colors of these pumice stones vary from dark to light, and the total price is estimated to be about 150 pieces. He Lingchuan didn't bother to care about the life and death of other people. Of course, his own team's priority was to ensure it. What's more, the two powerful men are fighting at the bottom. After the sandstorm, there will be plenty of pumice to pick from. It's really a good deal to exchange it for life-saving items now.

If you are willing to give up, you will gain something. Unfortunately, most people cannot turn around in a short time.

If you sell a hundred and fifty grade pumice stone to Lingxu officials on a regular basis, you can make a fortune immediately.

In the blink of an eye, the money was gone, and the hunter smiled from ear to ear, took out another pocket and said: "Thirty beads for washing, two to one for pumice, who wants it?"

This time it was two to one.

He Lingchuan shook his head and said to his teammates: "Let's go, find a good place to squat."

There are deep and shallow holes in the leeward direction, so you can pick them early if you go there early.

The good seats were almost all picked out, and there was an endless stream of newcomers. The Chiyan people couldn't choose carefully, so they crawled into a nearby grotto, one foot deep and two feet wide, like a big grinning mouth. .

The depth was not enough, but no one complained, so they got in and started setting up the formation.

The Caohai event has been held for hundreds of years, and the players have already bought sets of plans with bloody lessons. The best way to deal with sandstorms right now is to fix the wind array.

The Chiyan people brought a set of nine bronze talismans, which were placed in the cave according to their location. Once activated, the hurricane attacks on the cave could be greatly weakened.

Of course, this will consume Xuanjing. The stronger the wind, the greater the consumption of the array.

Speaking of Xuanjing, He Lingchuan thought of the flower and fruit greenhouse given to him by the Ke family for growing melons and reaping the rewards. It's a pity that this baby cannot be included in the storage ring during the cultivation period, otherwise it would be great to bring the Fujie hair-stimulating rinse beads.

While helping to set up the formation, He Lingchuan was distracted by watching the high ground.

Most of the team had already found a place to take shelter from the wind, and some agile Danube beasts also jumped up and occupied the cave together with the hunters.

As for the hunter selling the beads, the second bag of beads was also sold out.

If He Lingchuan is him, he will accept it as soon as he sees it. Unfortunately, the man took out another bag of gargle beads, this time containing ten beads, and asked to exchange them for pumice stones.

The remaining teams were impatient and saw that Captain Zhou and others had already found a hole to hide and would not interfere with their deal, so they simply took action to snatch it.

The two teams, with a total of twelve people, were fighting fiercely.

Seeing this, the third team exchanged glances and joined in.

At the moment of life and death, no one holds back.

In just a few dozen breaths, three died and seven were injured.

That hunter was the target of public criticism. At least three or four people attacked him at the same time. He died within ten breaths. Two of his teammates also died, and the rest surrendered under the siege and handed over all the belongings of the deceased.

Including gargle beads, pumice stones and all survival supplies.

He Lingchuan was watching in the cave, silent, his face dim in the dim light.

The reactions of other participating teams were exactly the same as his.

There are too many monks and too little food, and this is the situation in the end.

Someone must become the price so that others can survive.

This time the brawl was short-lived because the sandstorm was approaching. All the living people raced against time to squeeze into the grotto, and there were only three corpses left outside.

Then, the sandstorm came.

He Lingchuan also experienced sandstorms in his original world, but compared to the one in the Fu world, he was like a dog next to a giant elephant.

The sky is covered with wild sand.

All the close-up, mid-range and long-range shots were gone. He Lingchuan could only see swirling sand, and could only hear the roar of wind and thunder in his ears.

The sky and the earth are yellow, is this what it means?

He also saw purple-red electric balls, bent into random shapes in the sandstorm.

In the cave, Gufeng's nine bronze talismans were emitting a faint white light.

The barrier divides the inside and the outside into two worlds. Although the Chiyan people hiding in the cave also had their beards and hair messed up, they are not the same as the outside world. He Lingchuan saw with his own eyes the three corpses on the ground. They were washed and polished by the wind and sand several times. The clothes were rotten first, and then the skin and muscles...

In just a quarter of an hour, the corpse was ground down by the wind knife grinding wheel until only a few bones were left. When the wind blew, the bones scattered and floated to who knows where.

He Lingchuan secretly felt helpless in his heart. This sandstorm was so violent that it was almost as powerful as Feng Mo Mountain's Ziwu Kamikaze!

A teammate stood up and said, "I'll keep watch while you adjust your breathing!"

No one was pretentious, they checked the beads and began to meditate and adjust their breath.

Nothing else can be done during the storm.

Pay close attention to regulating your breath, which can relieve the fatigue of the long journey and restore your physical strength. After all, tracking the beast tide under conditions of three times more gravity is inherently a high-intensity physical activity.

After this storm has passed, everyone will go down to clean up the battlefield. There may still be a fierce battle.

Secondly, adjusting the breath into concentration can slow down the breathing and save the time of rinsing beads. Originally, eight pieces were needed every hour, but now perhaps only six, or even five, are enough. What is saved is life.

Everyone takes turns, changing shifts every quarter of an hour.

Although the strong wind is causing trouble and there is a restricted area outside the cave, who knows if anyone can get through and steal things? The sentry still has to do his job.

Now Chiyan people have 352 gargle beads, which can last for five hours.

At least we can hold on until the sandstorm is over.

Outside the cave there is only vast yellow sand, and time passes extremely slowly.

He Lingchuan finally experienced how unfriendly the Buddha Realm was to human visitors. Here, even the breath adjustment has to be interrupted every quarter of an hour. He was not willing to use Xuan Jing, and only swallowed the small pills refined by Emperor Liujing.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

The sandstorm shows no signs of abating.

Everyone's heart sank: Oh no.

How can the weather in the world be so easy to predict?

By the time the wind began to weaken significantly, the sandstorm had lasted for three and a half hours!

The wind speed outside the cave dropped and visibility increased.

Everyone covered their faces with turbans, covering their mouths and noses, and rushed out before the wind and sand stopped completely.

Time is life. How can those who dare to enter the Buddha Realm be so squeamish?

He Lingchuan ran through several caves and saw blood stains and dead people inside -

Some teams didn't have enough beads, and the sandstorm was unexpectedly long. Then it is inevitable that there will be self-elimination in the cave.

Each person needs thirty or forty beads, but if he dies, these beads will be equally divided among his teammates, and everyone's hope of survival will increase.

This may be a tough multiple-choice question, but one death is better than the rest, right?

The Chiyan people felt sad when they saw this, but at the same time they were secretly grateful to He Lingchuan.

Thanks to his earlier decision to buy the beads, no one had to make this choice.

Compared with life, what is a pumice stone? There are plenty of them down there!

At this time, the strong wind was still blowing on the face, but its power was far less than before. Everyone used their energy to protect themselves and could barely cope with it.

Seeing the scene in the wilderness, someone couldn't help but whistled for a long time:

"I'll be a good boy!"

After enduring three and a half difficult hours, those who survived deserved a reward. But no one expected that the reward would be so generous!

The strong wind has basically passed through, and corpses are strewn in front of the stone formation!

The corpses of Danube beasts piled up into a mountain, layer upon layer, almost filling the entire rock formation. Most of them were covered by the wind and sand, with only some outlines showing, like a rolling donkey sprinkled with soybean powder.

Even though the hunters in Lingxu City were well-informed, they were still stunned by the grand scene of death in front of them at this moment.

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