After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 68 Memory or illusion?

Even though it was less than two feet apart, the thing was still wrapped in a black shadow. It was impossible to see its outline at all, and it was unclear what kind of monster it was. However, there were four red flames shining in the shadow, which looked like eyes.

With these four eyes, He Lingchuan would not regard them as human beings. Moreover, it stretched out its thin and long legs and plunged into He Lingchuan's chest.

The movement was so fast that He Lingchuan couldn't even see what its sharp claws looked like, so he couldn't help but scream.

This pain goes deep into my soul and is simply unbearable.

Of course he wasn't going to sit still and wait for death, but a few hard punches to the shadow didn't seem to have any effect on it.

At this time, he suddenly felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar:

A few months ago, in Hulu Mountain, the original body was thrown off the cliff by a sand leopard, and both of them died!

Yes, that's the scene.

As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, everything around him immediately became clear. Above were the blue sky, dazzling green trees, and the cliffs that were getting farther and farther away in his field of vision.

What pounced on him was the light yellow spotted sand leopard!

The sand leopard also opened its mouth wide, preparing to bite the main artery in his neck.

There was no way for him to survive. He would either be bitten to death or fall to death.

He Lingchuan couldn't help but yell: "Go away, this is none of my business!" This should have been what the original person saw and endured before he died, and it had nothing to do with him!

As soon as he cursed, the scene became blurry again.

The blue sky, white clouds and cliffs are gone, and the surrounding light is strange and strange, like a large collection of dots, lines, planes and color palettes.

Then, he fell heavily to the ground.

concrete floor.

There were stars in the sky, but it might have rained before, because the ground was not completely dry and there was still water in the small potholes on the road.

He Lingchuan fell into the pit, and the sewage he brought up splashed all over Shabao's head and face.

This monster seemed to be a little inexplicable. He raised his eyes and looked around, and even the power to control the prey was subconsciously weakened.

The aroma of pancake fruits floated in the air, and He Lingchuan was stunned.

This intersection looks so familiar. Wasn't it the only way to get off work in the past?

He turned his head and saw the pancake stall on the street corner. The sign "Three yuan each" was capitalized and bolded with a water-based pen, and the font was as ugly as ever.

Wait, was it that night?

He turned his head to the left and saw a little girl in a skirt. The girl's mother was shopping on the roadside and didn't notice her daughter chasing a falling coin all the way to the middle of the street!

Just then, a car rushed over.

Such a familiar scene.

This is the memory he should have.

If everything remained as usual, he should have rushed across the road with the girl in his arms to avoid disaster this time.

But now the situation has changed. He and Shabao stood between the vehicle and the girl.

He was lying down, but the sand leopard stood up and looked around. Obviously, this scene was beyond its expectation.

The next moment, the car ran over them.

In fact, strictly speaking, he ran over him; as for the Shabao, he was simply hit by the front of the car, and then rolled under the tire, making a clear and crisp "bang" sound.

Then, the car crossed the roadside and was forced to stop until it hit a wall.

He Lingchuan climbed up in a hurry, gasped a few times, and then felt all over his body. Hey, he was not injured?

There was a puff of smoke coming from the front of the pickup truck and it stalled.

He Lingchuan scratched his head. In his impression, the car that hit him seemed to be a car, but here it was a high-riding pickup truck. Did he remember it wrong, or was there a mistake here?

There was a car accident in the middle of the street, and people around him slowly gathered. The little girl picked up the coins, smiled at him, and ran to her mother.

He Lingchuan shook his head and walked to the wall, only to see a sand leopard under the wheel. It was clearly the black shadow he saw first.

It was so pressed that it couldn't move and reluctantly stretched out its claws towards He Lingchuan. The latter was of course not that stupid and immediately took two steps back.

Soon, the black shadow shrank into a small ball and disappeared.

"What the hell is that?" He Lingchuan muttered, but he saw a glowing blue mark revealed inside the wall the car had crashed into.

He wanted to get closer and take a closer look, but suddenly the world began to spin and everything went dark again.

He Lingchuan blinked, not quite awake yet.

There is something in the sight that is infinitely enlarged, like four upper and lower... huge fangs?

Even at such a dim moment, the fangs seemed to be glowing.

Suddenly something round flew over and hit him in the belly, knocking him three feet away.

Tianwai's big mouth flew away, chewed on the wall and then slowly raised his head.

It was the black dragon.

Looking up from this perspective, this thing is really huge. He Lingchuan pointed at it and yelled: "How come you are so heartless and don't recognize it when you lift your pants! It's a shame that I helped you fight... and set off cannons!"

The scolding was unpleasant because he was hit hard in the chest and abdomen, and he felt upset and wanted to vomit when he was angry.

The black dragon ignored him and turned to chase the white light in the sky.

He Lingchuan then remembered that he had been hit in the face by this thing before, and he was probably invaded. Otherwise, how could there be those weird scenes?

Zeng Feixiong came over to help him up and said, "Young Master, I'm sorry, I threw the rolling stone. Are you okay?"

"You saved my life, hiccup, and you will be rewarded if you turn around!" He Lingchuan also saw clearly that what knocked him away was a rolling stone on the city top, which was only slightly smaller than a millstone. It was supposed to be used in a trebuchet, but was thrown over by Zeng Feixiong to save his life.

The power available is real. Thanks to He Lingchuan's strong bones, if He Yue had received such a blow, he would have suffered internal injuries and been bedridden for more than half a month.

He also rewards those who hurt him heavily. The things that happened here were indeed more magical than the last.

After the white light escaped from He Lingchuan, he finally remembered to look for Nian Songyu.

It was extremely sensitive, and the black dragon intercepted it several times. However, its body was too big, so it repeatedly took advantage of it.

Sun Fuping noticed the movement of the white light and quickly picked up Nian Songyu and came forward. The black dragon flicked its tail again and knocked him away.

However, Sun Fuping had quick eyesight and was the first to throw Nian Songyu at the white light.

The two finally met in the air, and white light penetrated directly from the mouth and nose of the captain who had his eyes tightly closed.

Nian Songyu finally woke up before being swallowed by the black dragon.

He took a long breath, a red light flashed in his eyes, and the giant shadow behind him appeared again, twice as big as before.

Correspondingly, its two magic knives have doubled in length, reaching an astonishing eight feet (more than twenty meters)!

Nian Songyu picked up the long knife, aimed it at the abyss of the black dragon, and struck it diagonally from below!

The people at the top of the city suspected that the moonlight suddenly appeared and the mercury leaked to the ground. The black dragon's head was split in two, and the lower half fell heavily to the ground.

"Isn't it?" Zeng Feixiong was startled, "Is he so useless? He has grown in vain."

If the black dragon dies, what will they do? Will they be buried with him?

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