After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 680 Secret news

The prison guards here are no different from those outside, and it is difficult for prisoners sent to Yang Palace to get out again. Therefore, it is common to deprive prisoners of their fees and meals.

However, even the prison chiefs and prison guards were very polite to Imperial Master Qingyang, not to mention the people below him.

Imperial Master Qingyang picked up the food box and walked to the table and sat down to eat.

When others were imprisoned in Yang Palace for the first few days, most of them were worried and had difficulty eating. But she was eating and sleeping, as if she had seen everything.

Today's prison rice consists of two large yellow-noodle steamed buns, each bigger than her hand, steamed and soft, with a piece of braised pork belly and stir-fried bean sprouts in the middle.

There is also a big red apple and a cup of Hericium mushroom stewed in chicken soup.

If other prisoners saw this meal, they would drool all over the floor. But for Qingyang Imperial Master, before going to prison, she had not eaten such... down-to-earth food for many, many years.

The chicken soup was too full, and I don't know whether it was the attendant or the prisoner who brought it in too bumpyly, but the soup spilled all over the bottom of the food box.

Imperial Master Qingyang just picked up the steamed bun with meat and took a bite, when he found that the soup at the bottom of the food box began to shrink.

This may be a natural phenomenon because the bottom of the box is painted red and is impermeable to water.

But Imperial Master Qingyang glanced at the back of the jailer outside the prison, and intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the candles on the wall, casually placing the lid half on the food box, which happened to block the changes at the bottom of the box.

This action is very natural, and many people also place box lids this way.

For Qingyang Imperial Master, the candlelight beside the wall is more alarming than the jailer. The eternal candle in the Heavenly Palace has various wonderful functions, the most basic of which is monitoring and insight.

Now that she is in Yang Palace, her every move is monitored by the gods.

But at the moment, it is likely that only Imperial Master Qingyang has seen the mystery at the bottom of the box:

The soup quickly gathered shape and turned into dozens of words.

Snail toads and a large amount of prunella vulgaris were found in the Nanxinzhuang warehouse in 2010. There are purchase records and witnesses.

Few words mean big things.

Especially the words "snail toad" and "prunella vulgaris" made Qingyang Guoshi, a calm person like him, shrink his pupils slightly.

After just a few breaths, the soup dispersed and the writing disappeared.

This magical power is exerted without leaving a trace.

Imperial Master Qingyang ate the steamed buns slowly, and then drank the chicken soup to cool it down, thoughts swirling rapidly in his mind.

As the person behind the killing of monsters and obtaining pearls, of course she knew very well that Nian Zanli had nothing to do with Snail Toad, Prunella vulgaris, or even the entire case of the elixir of immortality.

The sudden appearance of Snail Toad and Prunella vulgaris in Nian Zanli's warehouse was most likely framed by someone.

Why choose this time?

Is it because it is more convenient for Snail Toad to go out after a heavy rain?

No, it should be more than that simple. Just a few days after she was arrested, Snail Toad, who had disappeared for two months, appeared in Lingxu City?

Wait a minute, is it because she confessed Dong Rui?

In the eyes of outsiders, the appearance of Snail Toad in the warehouse of Nian Zanli can only mean that General Nian is also related to the case of the immortal medicine.

But in the eyes of Imperial Master Qingyang and other insiders, the current focus of this case lies in the source of the divine blood!

She has already explained to Tiangong that the source of the divine blood is Dong Rui, and this person is likely to be lurking in Lingxu City.

Snail Toad is Dong Rui's proud work.

Now, Snail Toad appears in the warehouse of Nian Zanli, eating Prunella vulgaris.

This equation can be drawn directly, which means that there is a connection between divine blood and Nian Praise?

Don't forget, a few days ago, an old oak tree in a house on Xiangmai Street suddenly mutated. The neighbor's sheep demon ate its leaves and went crazy. It killed people and destroyed the street, causing a lot of noise.

Two points have been identified afterwards:

First of all, the mutation of the old oak tree may be caused by divine blood.

Secondly, the source of the commotion was that the servants in the house were cleaning up the belongings left by the previous owner and accidentally broke them on the roots of an oak tree.

In other words, the previous owner secretly held the divine blood.

So who is this person?

Year of Praise.

Both cases are related to the New Year Ceremony. To put it bluntly, the divine blood and the elixir of immortality, two weak points that even the upper echelons dare not touch, are now all focused on Nian Zanli.

Her first thought was that Master Shuangye did this deliberately. After all, Dong Rui and Xi Yunhe are both under his command, right?

Should she let him have his way?

But this was very strange, because she knew deep down in her heart that Shuangye Guoshi very much hoped to take this opportunity to dig out the god behind her.

He finally got through this game, so how could he give up halfway?

In other words, now that the advantage is his, how can he hold it high and let it go?

What's more, there is also a god standing behind Shuangye Guoshi. Now that something like this has happened, did he act on his own initiative, or did the gods behind him intend to ease up?

The struggle between gods is just like the relationship between her and Shuangye Guoshi. Sometimes it is gentle, sometimes it is smooth, and sometimes it is relentless!

When she finished eating, the jailer came in and took away the leftovers.

Imperial Master Qingyang wiped his mouth with a soft towel, walked to the glass window, and sat down facing the mountain view.

Or maybe other forces in Lingxu City are also involved?

Should she seize this opportunity?

She has been practicing the skill of sizing up situations for almost two hundred years. But right now, she is still very conflicted and entangled.

Is it more important to drag Shuangye Guoshi into the water, or is it more important to close the case as soon as possible and regain his freedom?

Until this page is turned, her new chapter will not begin.

Two hours later.

Bai Ziqi walked into the depths of Yang Palace and saw Imperial Master Qingyang sitting facing the setting sun, leaving only his back.

He made loud footsteps, but the other party seemed not to notice.

Bai Ziqi approached, and the prison guard immediately opened the door for him.

He walked into the cell, stopped when he was standing next to the prisoner, and coughed lightly: "Qingyang Imperial Master."

After the second call, Imperial Master Qingyang slowly opened his eyes and tilted his head slightly:

"Shi Baidu."

"Have you been living comfortably these days?" Bai Ziqi looked outside, "Did Yang Palace neglect you?"

"Everything is fine." Imperial Master Qingyang looked at him and asked, "What happened?"

Bai Ziqi raised his eyebrows: "You know?"

"If nothing happens outside, how can a busy man like Bai Duzhi have time to come over and visit a useless old woman?" Imperial Master Qingyang laughed at himself.

Bai Ziqi looked at her carefully.

Even with the setting sun adding color, the face of the world-famous Lord of the Qing Palace has lost its original rosiness, and there seem to be two more wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

Her beauty is fading simultaneously with her halo.

Of course Bai Ziqi will not be soft-hearted. What he was thinking was that although Imperial Master Qingyang was trapped here, was he really completely cut off from the outside world?

"Speaking of the list of elixirs to buy..."

"I'm sorry. I have already confessed that it was burned down together with the Qingfu Temple." Imperial Master Qingyang sighed lightly, "How could I keep the evidence against me?"

"Grandmaster Qingyang didn't write down the big customers?"

Imperial Master Qingyang smiled: "All these trivial matters are done by Qingfu Temple, how can I have time to read page after page?"

Bai Ziqi also smiled: "What a pity. King Baoshu's memorial just arrived today. It mentioned several names and said they were on the list of suspicious people who had taken the elixir. I would like to ask the emperor to help investigate after he catches the mastermind behind the scenes. .”

After saying that, he took out a memorial letter, spread it on the table, and pointed out a few lines of criticism to Qingyang Imperial Master.

Imperial Master Qingyang came over and was secretly frightened when he saw those names.

What a treasure tree king, this is adding insult to injury.

Bai Ziqi had a good time: "I am passing on the emperor's words and asked you if you have any impression of these names?"

Imperial Master Qingyang's eyes moved slightly.

The words of the emperor?

She did not doubt that this was really the Demon Emperor's intention. The matter was so serious that Bai Ziqi did not dare to falsely convey the Emperor's intention.

That's right, there are many buyers of the elixir, and we won't be able to account for them unless we arrest a few of them. Neither the common people nor the gods will be satisfied.

Countless thoughts were running through her mind, and after weighing several times, she pointed out a few names on the list: "You mentioned it like this, and I really remembered it. Well, I have bought from these companies, more than once."

Bai Ziqi carefully inquired about the purchase status of these companies, and Qingyang Imperial Master told them everything.

Du Yunshi made the notes himself and showed them to Imperial Master Qingyang: "If you confirm it is correct, just sign it."

The name Qingyang Guoshi and the fingerprints indicate that someone in the royal court is going to be in bad luck.

The wealth, power and fame accumulated by these aristocratic families for decades or hundreds of years will soon be wasted because of a few quick identifications by Imperial Master Qingyang.

This feeling of having great power... Imperial Master Qingyang let out a breath. Unfortunately, this was the last time he experienced it.

"I came here today and wanted to ask you about someone." Bai Ziqi took out a pot of wine and two silver cups from the storage ring, "Want a few sips?"

Qingyang Imperial Master Wan'er.

Bai Ziqi filled a cup for her, she picked it up, sniffed it twice and said, "Man Ting Fang, at least thirty years old."

Of course, the Lord of the Qing Palace is very particular about her food. This "Man Ting Fang" is one of her favorite wines. It has a soft and lasting taste and a long aftertaste. It is a special offering from the East.

I'm afraid it will be difficult to drink from now on.

Of course, Imperial Master Qingyang was as calm as water when he tasted the wine, showing no emotion at all. Bai Ziqi, who is sitting opposite, is a smiling tiger. He only looks kind on the surface, but is actually a sharp knife in the Heavenly Palace.

The two fought over the old drug case, going back and forth for several rounds.

Before finding the temple blessing "Kong Jiaxiang" who had slipped through the Qingfu Temple, Qingyang Guoshi was one step ahead and dealt with almost all the clues, leaving him nowhere to start. He was caught between the Heavenly Palace, the Emperor and the There is a lot of pressure among public opinion.

Now that she was arrested, Bai Ziqi's visit to see her again was an act of demonstration in itself.

She would not mention the authenticity of Kong Jiaxiang again, it was meaningless.

"How much does Qingyang Imperial Master know about Nian Zanli Nian General?"

Sure enough, this is what I came for. Qingyang Guoshi's cup is never out of his hand: "I recognize it."

"I heard that he has always wanted to counterattack the Yuan Kingdom, and Imperial Master Qingyang has also been a lobbyist for him several times to borrow troops."

"This man is determined and is a good hand at transporting and training troops."

Bai Ziqi smiled: "Everyone says that I, Bejia, am as famous as a general."

Imperial Master Qingyang glanced at him: "Thousands of armies are easy to get, but one general is hard to find. Which country would be so big that it doesn't want to recruit a few more strong generals?"

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