After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 717 Echo 4: No. 1 on the Heavenly List

He Lingchuan remembered that a bowl-shaped object was used to reveal the black thread on Shao Jian's shoulder; but when he saw the golden thread on Aunt Zhu's body, he did not borrow any tools.

Is it because Bai Zhantian's magical powers are different, or is it because He Lingchuan himself is different?

He probably didn't have this ability before.

He Lingchuan's heart moved, and he suddenly grabbed the Fusheng knife.

A cold light flashed in his hand, and Aunt Zhu tightened her paws and said warily: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't move, let me try." He Lingchuan exerted his strength slightly, and a layer of red light flashed on the Fusheng knife.

This is the first time that the power of the Gale Army has been tried in the human world.

He raised the knife and approached the golden thread very gently and slowly to avoid misunderstanding by Aunt Zhu.

When Fu Sheng touched the golden thread, it actually had the texture of a real thing, and the golden thread was still swaying by it. He Lingchuan was sure that there was something going on!

But cutting the gold wire was not as easy as he imagined. Instead, it was like cutting a steel wire with a knife, tough yet hard.

With Fu Sheng's sharpness, it took more than a dozen cuts to completely cut it off!

After breaking, the gold thread is no different from ordinary silk thread and quickly dissipates in the bright light.

The causal line secretly released by the gods is eliminated!

He Lingchuan couldn't help laughing and felt comfortable: "Okay!"

Can Fu Sheng's "empty void" effect still be used like this?

Neither Dong Rui nor Aunt Zhu could see the golden thread, and they were surprised: "Can you cut it with a knife?"

"It seems okay." He Lingchuan patted Aunt Zhu, oh, it hurt her hand, "It's done, I think the tracking magic of the gods has failed."

Fusheng Dao may not have the ability to cut the thread of fate before, but don't forget, he just took back the lid of the square pot from Xushan!

Pot + lid, once this artifact is put together, it should have some more wonderful functions, right?

He really wanted to see with his own eyes the expressions of the gods and demon emperors after they discovered that the thread of fate had been severed.

This time he took the heat out of the cauldron again, and the other party must hate him to the core.

Oh, by the way, the other person probably doesn’t even know who he is.

He Lingchuan smiled more happily.

Next, the two of them got on their horses and switched to ground transportation.

Dong Rui's rotten face was covered by the human skin mask, and others could not see the abnormality, but Aunt Zhu's body shape could not be hidden from others. I believed that the wanted order issued by Lingxu City for her would soon spread throughout Bejia, so He Lingchuan deliberately avoided it. Kai Guan Dao specializes in walking through high mountains and ridges to avoid exposing his whereabouts.

The blue sheep can roam leisurely on the rugged mountain roads, and the beast that He Lingchuan spent a lot of money to buy for Dong Rui is not slow at all. With his new face, this person is willing to go outside to play, and occasionally go around the inns and villages to replenish food and water, and to inquire about news.

When he came back, he said that it was because they had stirred up a hornet's nest. There were as many officers and soldiers coming and going on the official road as there were wasps, the checkpoints were extremely strict, and there were also bird demons always hovering in the air, looking for suspicious people like them.

The drastic changes in Xushan and Lingxu City were like detonating a bomb in the heart of the empire, and the aftermath of the explosion and Bega's anger were just about to spread outward.

The imperial capital has been stable for six hundred years, and it's time to experience the pain of turmoil.

Xu Mountain is a sacred mountain in the eyes of the people of Lingxu City, and even the people of Bejia. Such a sudden change will arouse much suspicion.

Public opinion is fierce. How much effort will Tiangong and the royal court have to exert to suppress it?

The gods are omnipotent, so why would the gods’ own earthly residences be burned down by fire?

The impact of this accident is deeper, wider, and more thought-provoking than the case of the elixir of life or the case of the Qingyang Imperial Master.

Of course, for a fugitive fugitive like Dong Rui, hiding the truth from the eyes of officers and soldiers is a piece of cake.

Aunt Zhu dispelled his complacency with just one sentence: "Has my wanted order been posted? What level is it now?"

Dong Rui's smile disappeared immediately, and he said reluctantly: "It's posted. You are now second on the wanted list."

The spider demon destroyed the spirit gathering formation and caused the Tianshu Peak volcano to erupt. It was a heinous crime! So I jumped directly from the Earth Ranking to the Heaven Ranking.

And in this operation, he only did logistics work and did not show his face at all. Because of Nian Zanli's guilt, he is no longer wanted.

But, damn it, Aunt Zhu completely stole the spotlight.

"The third one on the Heavenly Ranking has also been updated. It's called 'Du Feng'. It's probably the fairy bird that releases the tornado."

It sounded familiar to He Lingchuan. Do these bird monsters all like to be named after "wind"?

"Yes, that's it." Aunt Zhu shook her sharp claw.

"Where's the number one on the list that day?"

"I don't know." Dong Rui thought for a while, "I didn't post it."

He Lingchuan smiled and raised his hand: "Here's the top spot."

Dong Rui was dissatisfied: "What a big face! How do you know that you must be the culprit?"

"They don't know who I am or what I look like, so how can they issue a wanted warrant?" Should they put a question mark on the portrait? "If you can't issue a wanted warrant, it means it's me."

Dong Rui snorted.

"Not convinced?" He Lingchuan counted on his fingers, "Who got the information about the formation eye?"

The information and details for building the formation are all in the mind of retired official Zaifu Kua. If conventional means of torture are used, even if the person is silenced afterwards, the authorities are likely to be alarmed. Once Tiangong increases its vigilance, it will be at least twice as difficult for He Lingchuan to succeed.

But He Lingchuan used nightmares to interrogate information, but he was unaware of it. He didn't even remember his father-in-law praising him.

"Secondly, who got the skin of the thunder beast and made it into a thunder shield?"

Dong Rui curled his lips.

There are only a few lightning protection weapons, and ordinary items cannot hold the "thunder pool" in the spirit gathering array. Fang Canran has been holding Dunyuan sales for many years and has never seen any rare treasures. However, he only found a barely qualified lightning protection weapon. He is not sure whether it can be used to invade Xushan.

If the Fu Realm hadn't happened to be opened, or if the Thunder-Qing Giant Beast hadn't happened to be fighting to the death with the leader of the Wu Beast, where on He Lingchuan would he have picked up the leather of the Thunder-Qing Giant Beast to make thunder tablets?

This guy is so lucky.

"Third -" He Lingchuan raised his third finger, "Who else calculated the location of Tianluo Star?"

Dong Rui was speechless.

This was indeed remarkable, and he still didn't understand how He Lingchuan could do it.

Dafang Hu is He Lingchuan's deepest secret. He will not tell anyone and he hired foreign aid.

"There are many more considerations and details that I won't mention." He Lingchuan clenched his fingers into fists, with only his thumb pointed at himself, "Actually, all the above are just coincidences, the key is people. If others do it, they will die. One; I'll do it, and it will be done right away."

Aunt Zhu suddenly said: "Fang Canran is also very good, but without you, he won't be able to start it for another hundred years."

He Lingchuan gave it a thumbs up: "Madam, you have really good eyesight!" She was also very sincere!

Dong Rui wanted to roll his eyes, but couldn't refute it. He could only watch him silently and triumphantly.

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