He was like a cricket in front of the giant shadow, which swallowed an adult effortlessly.

He Lingchuan didn't run away - he had nowhere to run.

He seemed to have fallen into a deep pool, and the last trace of light disappeared as the giant shadow closed its mouth.

It was pitch black all around, and I couldn't even see my fingers if I stretched out my hand.

In the dark space, everything was extremely quiet, and He Lingchuan could only hear the sound of his own breathing.

I don’t know how long it took, but a bright light exploded in front of me.

He Lingchuan thought he was being illuminated by a transparent light, and subconsciously raised his hands to shield his eyes.

When he adjusted to the light and opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him made him never expect:

I have returned to the Panlong Secret Realm. There is still the majestic south gate here, as well as secret realm creatures such as demon apes and demonic birds, and even a huge black dragon is still entrenched on the city wall!

Black dragon? Isn't this the incarnation of Zhong Shengguang?

After He Lingchuan was stunned, he suddenly realized that what he saw should be a fragment of what happened in the Dafang Pot.

That is, the Panlong Secret Realm where the He family and his son had just defeated Sun Fuping and Nian Songyu!

The huge black dragon sighed faintly, its dark body quickly covered with a layer of gray frost, and then crashed from the city wall to the ground, breaking into countless pieces like pottery.

Yes, this scene was so spectacular, he is still deeply impressed!

But this time he changed his angle. He was looking at the city gate from a high tower in the city, and he would not be blinded by the endless smoke and dust caused by the falling black dragon.

Therefore, he saw a scene that no one had seen before:

Although the black dragon's body was torn into pieces, the dragon's head that fell to the ground was still intact, and there was still light in its eyes.

He Lingchuan looked at the city wall again, and there was no one on it.

He remembered that at this time, the Blackwater City Army had been teleported out and returned to the desert. And this secret realm is a completely closed environment, without any outsiders, or living people.

The black dragon actually spoke again, his deep voice still echoing through the ruins:

"The successor has appeared. You must guide him to uphold our legacy. This journey is difficult, but we must help at critical moments. If he is really desperate, guide him back to Panlong Ancient City. Here, under the protection of Dafang Hu, No power can harm him!"

It let out a long, faint sigh, and there was sadness, relief, but also concern in its voice:

"Wake up, my daughter!"

The light in the black dragon's eyes finally disappeared, but at the same time, a red light rose into the sky from the ruins to the east!

The light was so dazzling that it dyed the sky of Panlong Secret Realm blood red.

On this bloody night, everything in the ruins was covered in sticky red. It was hard to tell whether it was festive or ominous.

Then, the surrounding area darkened and returned to darkness.

When He Lingchuan could see the light, he found himself standing in the deserted city again, full of devastation and ruin. In front of you is the temple, and the blood in the pool has dried up.

What I saw just now seemed like a dream.

But he knew that this was not a dream, but Da Fang Hu's response to his request.

He Lingchuan slowly sat down on the edge of the well, breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he enters that illusion, no one can threaten him, not even Nai Luotian. This is the first time that Dafang Hutou has given such a firm promise.

The power of the God's contract can only be resisted by immortal divine objects such as the Dafang Pot.

Then, he will have a direction and a goal, and he can start planning!

After experiencing so many hardships and completing those impossible tasks, he cherished his life even more. Otherwise, there is no need to rush all the way back to the Panlong Ruins.

He speculated that he had called Dafanghu through the sacred bone necklace several times before, but the latter did not respond. Perhaps it was because Dafanghu's promise only took effect when he physically entered Panlong City.

He Lingchuan's spirit entered Panlong City at night, but the divine descending was for the physical body. If Dafang Pot wanted to provide him with complete protection from spirit to body, he would have to make a trip in person.

Well, in other words, he has to make sure that he happens to be in the Panlong Secret Realm when the Naraku God descends?

Nai Luotian...are you willing?

It seems quite difficult to fool the "God of Destiny".

By the way, Black Dragon's last words before his death proved that General Red was Zhong Shengguang's daughter Zhong Wuhan.

He Lingchuan had already made an inference and was not surprised at all.

Here he was holding his cheek and thinking hard. The thick clouds in the sky dispersed, and a ray of skylight fell down, which happened to shine on the fallen statue.

He Lingchuan stared at this light for a long time, then suddenly jumped up.


Isn't this the wild sand season? Everything is dim. Why is the sun shining now?

He looked around and found that the wind and sand outside had stopped.

He Lingchuan hurried out of the south city gate. The violent wind and sand had disappeared at some point, and the sand dunes shone golden in the bright sun.

When I looked up again, it was already cloudless.

The changes in Panlong Desert began without warning.

For He Lingchuan, he is about to face his next big gamble:

This time, he wants to cheat "destiny".


Because it is adjacent to the Panlong Desert, Heishui City is often windy at night in late winter and early spring.

The people of Heishui City have long been accustomed to sleeping with this kind of sound.

But early that morning, Liu Baobao accidentally heard two servants talking:

"It's weird, there hasn't been any wind in the past few days?"

When he thought about it, he realized that, indeed, from that night onwards, the sound of the strong wind banging on the door and the sound of fine sand rustling on the window lattice had disappeared.

There was only silence on the snowy night, a silence that the people of Blackwater City were not used to.

In the afternoon of that day, Liuji Chamber of Commerce received a piece of bombshell news, which was earth-shattering:

The wild sand of Panlong Desert has disappeared!

Liu Baobao thought he had heard wrongly, but when he climbed to the north gate of the city and looked far away, he found that the view was excellent and he could easily see hundreds of feet away.

There is no sand and haze.

A few hours later, the spies sent by Blackwater City to the north came back and confirmed the news:

The wild sand season has really disappeared.

The overwhelming sandstorms have disappeared, and ordinary people will not go crazy inexplicably when they walk into the desert.

To put it simply, the current Panlong Desert is no different from other deserts.

Because of this sudden change, the people in Blackwater City were at a loss and didn't know how to react.

What exactly is going on?

But for merchants, this is great news, as it means that the Hongya Trade Road can be used year-round without obstruction.

That night, the Liu family held a banquet at Hongyan Tower to celebrate.

After dinner, Liu Baobao took advantage of the wine and walked back. We live a hundred steps away, so there's no need to take a ride.

However, before he could walk more than ten steps, a person suddenly turned out of the alley ahead and blocked him.

Liu Baobao was so frightened that he almost woke up from the drunkenness, and the waiter immediately blocked him: "Who is it?"

This man was standing in the middle of the street wrapped in a gray-yellow cloak, which was quite scary.

But when he lifted up his cloak and smiled with big white teeth, Liu Baobao's fear disappeared and was replaced by shock.

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