After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 773 The Beginning

"Lingguang, long time no see."

After He Lingchuan arrived at Rongshan, he asked Elder Dao to send someone to deliver a letter to the Songyang Mansion branch in Dunyu City, and the recipient was Lingguang!

After meeting again after a long separation, Yao Yuan was so excited that he couldn't even speak. He just yelled and beat him on the shoulder.

After He Lingchuan fell into the water, he thought that his master-killing talent had taken effect again, and he felt sad for a long time.

After more than half a year, the owner magically appeared again and invited him to meet at the Hanhe battlefield.

Ling Guang was skeptical when he came, but now he is ecstatic!

Of course, its current strength is neither painful nor itchy to He Lingchuan.

The monkey seemed to be lighter, so he grabbed a few candies from his arms and handed them over: "As a meeting gift, these are Bega's pastry candies." Then he pointed to the squirrel on the other shoulder, "This is your new candy." partner."

Squirrel gave him a look of disdain. Who would want such an unreserved partner? It simply jumped on Qiu Hu without even looking at the monkey.

He Lingchuan led everyone to the shore.

After Lingguang calmed down a little, He Lingchuan patted it on the back: "Okay, okay. Let me ask you, have you told the second person about my return to Yuan Kingdom?"

There was light in Ling Guang's eyes and he kept shaking his head: "No, I burned the letter and came to find you."

"Excellent." He Lingchuan smiled, "Now tell me what happened to my old subordinates and property?"

Ling Guang asked him: "Do you want to go back to Dunyu to visit?"

"Where is my dad?"

"He should be in Yuandu now." Lingguang said, "If you had come back a month earlier, you should have been able to see him in Dunyu."

"It's not too late." Facing the spring breeze blowing in his face, He Lingchuan said leisurely, "I want to go to Yuandu too."

Dong Rui rubbed his hands: "The candied fruits there are delicious." He went there once and never forgot it.

Yes, it was the time when he was hired to sniper General Ke Jihai.

He Lingchuan said, "You and aunt are not going."

He also hesitated for a long time before making this decision.

"Hmm. What?" Dong Rui was surprised, "Aren't we going?"

"The ghost monkey is too conspicuous. I'm afraid it will be recognized." The ghost monkey has sniped at Ke Jihai and He Chunhua and should not appear near Yuandu.

He Lingchuan pointed at Aunt Zhu again: "Aunt Zhu should not appear anywhere."

Even if Aunt Zhu is disguised, her identity may still be revealed once she appears in public.

His trip to Yuan Kingdom was already very dangerous, and he couldn't add any more factors to himself, so after thinking about it, it was better for these two great gods not to show up.

Aunt Zhu had no objection.

It is not very interested in human cities.

Dong Rui said with a straight face: "If you don't want to take us there, why didn't you tell us earlier! Then I'm leaving!"

"Where are you going?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Dong Rui said amusedly, "The world is so big, where can I go?"

"The world is so big that there is no place for you." He Lingchuan bent his arms and put his arms around his neck, "Think of your great achievements!"

Dong Rui squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "I'm not as good as you!"

The culprit is obviously He Lingchuan, right? At best he is an accomplice.

"Hey, what difference do these things have between you and me?" He Lingchuan smiled, "You and my aunt will go south first. I will come to you after finishing the things. By the way, take Lingguang with you!"

"Squeak!" Lingguang scratched his head and ears. We finally reunited, why did you leave it behind again?

"I figured it out along the way. There are some things that I have to settle on my own." He Lingchuan touched the monkey's head, "You just eat, drink, and play while heading south. We will definitely meet in three to five months at most. Hey, I I've always kept my word, but has there ever been a time when I broke my promise to you?"

Still, not really. Lingguang grimaced.

After He Lingchuan finally calmed down the monkey, Aunt Zhu asked him: "Where to meet?"

It is not human and does not have such rich emotions.

"You guys go ahead and wait for me at Baisha Bay, the southern port." He Lingchuan called Aunt Zhu to the water's edge and whispered to her, "Keep an eye on Dong Rui, don't let him slip away."

Dong Ruike knows too many secrets about him and is determined not to let him go. The three of them are grasshoppers on the same line.

Aunt Zhu hummed: "Don't worry, he can't get out of my sight."

He Lingchuan knew that if it said one, it would be one, and if it said two, it would do what it promised, so he went even further: "You also have eyeball spiders? Give me a few."

"Take it."

Aunt Zhu was more generous than her sister and gave him four eyeball spiders as soon as she made a move.


The peach red contains the rain, and the willow green contains the morning smoke.

April and May in Shihuan City are the most beautiful times of the year.

There is a century-old peach tree in the yard of the He family's new residence in Shihuan City. It is in its prime season, and pink clouds are rolling over the wall.

The beauty of the brilliant explosion can only be understood by seeing it with your own eyes.

As soon as the rain stopped, Mrs. Ying walked to the garden. As soon as she frowned at the petals on the ground, her servants hurried over to clean them.

He Chunhua came to the capital to receive the award, and his whole family followed him. Everyone knew that they would not return to Xiazhou again.

The reward from Yuan Kingdom included this house covering an area of ​​25 acres, and two farms on the outskirts of Shihuan City. After the He family came to the capital, they no longer had to buy a house.

This is a century-old house. The previous owner did not maintain it carefully, and it was left idle for a long time after being raided. It was inevitably in a state of decay. Some wooden parts have rotted, the weeds in the garden are taller than a person, and the moss has almost climbed to the top of the wall.

But Mrs. Ying is quite satisfied with its layout. She has been instructing the craftsmen and servants to repair the furniture and tidy up the gardens these days, so busy that she never touches the ground.

Don't worry if the house is old. As long as the layout is good and the foundation is good, Mrs. Ying is sure to turn it back into a heirloom mansion.

She brought back a lot of decorations from Xiazhou and put them one by one in her new home.

Atsushi's servants were basically sent away, and only a few clever and loyal ones followed. The family is opening up wasteland and needs people everywhere. Now Butler Wu comes to announce that a new batch of forty slaves has arrived and asks the mistress of the family to select them.

Mrs. Ying waved her hand and said, "You can choose, only twenty are left."

Butler Wu is an old man brought by He Chunhua from Blackwater City. He has served the He family for more than ten years. Mrs. Ying is very relieved about him.

"Twenty? Isn't that too few?" Counting the twenty new recruits, the house covering an area of ​​25 acres only has fifty servants, which is insufficient labor.

"Master said, we have just arrived in Shihuan, and the environment outside is terrible. Everyone in the royal court is advocating frugality, so we should not be too extravagant." Mrs. Ying thought for a while, "Where are the furniture?"

"The new furniture will arrive in the afternoon. This is the second batch." Butler Wu asked for instructions, "How do you want to arrange it?"

"Yue'er will give you a set. Chuan'er's courtyard..." Mrs. Ying hesitated for a long time, "I will also give you a set."

"The partial halls and courtyards are not complete yet." Butler Wu confirmed to her, "Madam, the road to the south is blocked. The next batch will have to wait until two months at the earliest."

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