After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 780 Expired Agreement

If your own house is noisy, you don't want others to be at peace.

When a powerful country is in chaos, ordinary people eat melons and rejoice.

He Lingchuan put his hands behind his back, straightened his back and held his head high, taking the posture of an uncle: "I heard about it, but I don't know who did it."

In the front garden, pear blossoms were in full bloom, and the jade trees were fragrant with snow; two young men passed under the flowers, and the jade trees were in the wind.

The handsome man with beautiful trees stared at the maid not far away.

"The most daring rumor among the people in the Yuan Kingdom is that it was done by the Immortal. A few days ago, I heard Master Yan mention that he also believed that the turmoil in Lingxu was an announcement of the Immortal's return and a declaration of war against Bejia." He Yue took a long breath. "What kind of world is this? Could it be that an immortal who has disappeared for thousands of years really appears to join in the fun?"

The significance of the birth of an immortal is really extremely important.

It is so important that all countries and forces have to figure it out and scrutinize it.

"Recently, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has begun to recover again. It is not unusual for anything to appear at this time." He Lingchuan said leisurely, "Maybe, a big change that has not happened in thousands of years is coming, and now is just the beginning."

He Yue sighed: "Everyone is in the game, and we don't know what kind of world Dayuan and we will face in the future."

"Just don't become an abandoned child." He Lingchuan thought for a while, "But every time the spiritual energy begins to recover, war is coming in the world. I don't know when this evil curse will be broken."

"I don't know what Lingxu City has found out from its investigation, but it seems that it hasn't expressed its position so far." He Yue said, "I heard that Bega's war on the eastern front has been unfavorable, and Lingxu City is in big trouble again. Brother, you can tell Yes, maybe a change is coming. Even your Majesty is considering restoring Bega’s tobacco and sugar tariff in our country.”

It turns out that Bega's export of chewing tobacco and honey to the Kite Kingdom was not only duty-free, but the Kite Kingdom even had to send someone to escort their team in and out.

Now that Yuan Country is no longer wealthy, the money continues to flow out. It is as if the patients not only receive no treatment, but also have their blood drawn all the time. It would be strange if the condition does not worsen.

He Lingchuan understood that Mr. Yuan felt sorry for the white money, but, "It is not wise to do this. Bejia has just suffered two big losses and is worried that he has no place to vent his anger. It is not good to touch his bad luck at this time."

Bega's majesty was challenged and a sandbag was especially needed.

Even if the Lingxu City turmoil happens ten more times, Yuan Kingdom will still be far weaker than Bejia, so it's better not to use such petty thoughts.

"The courtiers also said so. Your Majesty is very depressed."

"By the way, your former subordinates Ding Zuodong and Shan Youjun are now working under my father." He Yue reminded him, "As for Sun Hongye, he left a few days ago."

"Huh?" He Lingchuan was a little surprised, "Why did Sun Hongye leave?"

"He came to seek refuge with you. He didn't want to stay in the Governor's Mansion without you, so he resigned and left. If you had come a few days earlier, maybe he wouldn't have left. What a coincidence."

It turned out that Sun Hongye was gone, He Lingchuan sighed with emotion.

"Oh, by the way, Sun Hongye gave me a letter before he left, asking me to pass it on to you secretly and not to tell others - if you come back."

At that moment, He Lingchuan followed He Yue back to the hospital, and the latter found the letter in the study.

"Here, this is it." The seal is intact.

After saying "I'll come back to you for a drink", He Yue went out to do errands.

He Lingchuan opened the envelope and saw a piece of yellow paper and letterhead inside.

He first opened the yellow paper and found that it was actually a lease agreement with many clauses. The content was to the general effect:

The Qing State leased Blade Port and surrounding land from the Bailie people for forty years, paying an annual rent of three thousand taels of silver. During this period, Qingguo had the right to develop, transform, collect rent and make other profits in Blade Port.

Below are the starting and ending dates, signed by both parties.

He Lingchuan looked at the expiration time limit of this agreement. Well, it expired seven years ago.

In other words, this agreement has been in existence for nearly fifty years, but the paper seems to have been specially treated and has not been damaged to this day, and is still quite stiff.

He Lingchuan was confused after reading it.

Why did Sun Hongye leave him an expired agreement?

Thinking carefully about one of the parties who drafted the agreement, namely Qingguo, he seemed to have heard about it when he traveled to Bejia.

Well, the students of Lingxu Imperial Academy seemed to have mentioned Qingguo, which is located to the east of Mouguo, when they were drinking, but they only mentioned it without going into details.

With doubts, he opened Sun Hongye's letter again and saw that it was indeed Sun Hongye's handwriting, but it was very short:

Young Master, seeing words is like meeting each other.

Then there are some strange numbers below, such as three-seven-one, and then nine-six-three, and so on.

He Lingchuan counted and found five sets of numbers.

The soul-capturing mirror in his arms clicked his tongue: "This guy Sun Hongye actually played with passwords with you?"

Having experienced the courier case, and especially seeing how Xi Yunhe left clues to He Lingchuan, it can be regarded as an experienced mirror. He knows that this number combination is likely to be a password, and a corresponding code book is needed to solve the mystery.

It couldn't have been the agreement that cracked the code, it was too brief.

"But there must be a basis for decoding. What's a letter without beginning or end?"

He Lingchuan carefully wrote down these sets of numbers, and then put away the letter and agreement.

"At that time, Xi Yunhe also placed the codes and solutions separately and could not put them together." He mused. "This shows that Sun Hongye judged that the matter was serious and was afraid of being intercepted."

He pressed this question first and went to find Qiu Hu and others to see if Butler Wu had settled them properly.

In addition to their own strengths, the dozen or so Rongshan disciples also have experience in the military and have excellent skills, cultivation, and experience. Elder Dao did not fool him, and the people he sent to him were all elites.

Logically speaking, the Rongshan disciples who came with the special envoys could stay in the post house, which was the residence of the diplomats.

However, since Madam invited them, they did not refuse. Instead, Qiu Hu had a small request:

He was accused of being He Lingchuan's personal bodyguard and had to live with the special envoy so that he could be protected nearby.

Butler Wu did not expect such a request and was stunned for a moment: "The young master is very safe in his own home."

"That's what you think." Qiu Hu said sternly, "The special envoy has a distinguished status and an important mission. My responsibilities must be nearby!"

He Lingchuan happened to hear this sentence as he walked over. He waved his hand and said, "What's the big deal? Qiu Hu will live in my lower courtyard, that's it."

He already spoke, but Butler Wu had no choice but to respond.

The sons walked out hand in hand, and Mrs. Ying looked at their tall backs, her heart filled with pride.

Both of her sons are the best among men. There are so many rich families in Yuandu, how many young men can be more successful than her sons? How many ladies in Yuandu can have better luck than her?

She turned around and saw her husband with a solemn face, staring at the garden in a daze. She couldn't help but said angrily: "What's wrong? Your son has come back from the dead, and you still have a straight face? You're bringing it to me with all your airs!"

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