After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 786 He Chunhua’s tangle

I just need an amulet before I can return to my country.

Jing Jing asked curiously: "Wow, since you don't want to completely show off your cards, why did you still confront him tit for tat this morning?"

"What happened to me when I was out for nearly a year can never be reconciled, and no excuse can dispel his suspicion." He Lingchuan's experience has increased rapidly, and he has a clearer view of He Chunhua than he did half a year ago. "Our It is impossible for the father-son relationship to return to the past, and at most it will remain a seemingly distant relationship."

Although it wasn't much better before.

"In that case, let's simply open up the gap and draw a clear line. Otherwise, he still wants to use the power of his father's power to use me as a pawn."

He Chunhua has a strong desire to control, and He Lingchuan is no longer a pawn at the mercy of others.

The subtext of hiding one's strength and biding one's time is lack of strength; and capable chess players must seek corresponding respect.

In this way, it will be easier for him to do things later.

He Lingchuan said slowly: "Besides, there is always the biggest uncertainty in my plan."

"Ah, what?"

"He Chunhua's feelings for his son... well, I mean, his feelings for me." He Lingchuan looked at the mirror. His own eyes in the mirror were like a wolf, sinister, calm, and full of calculations. "What I fear most is that he won't be cruel."

In fact, He Chunhua's emotions for his eldest son are complicated and entangled. His love as a father has never disappeared, but he often swings between father's love and real interests. If He Lingchuan still imitates his original personality, causing He Chunhua to shrink from the battle, that would be a big trouble.

He Chunhua does not ask God now, but he will ask God one day in the future.

This is called carrying a sharp weapon and having a murderous intention. With a king bomb in your hand, you are always planning when to fight it out.

Even though He Chunhua gave up the idea of ​​asking for help from God, He Lingchuan had the mark of God in his mind, and he had no idea when Nailuotian would come forcibly.

He must eliminate this unknown and uncontrollable risk as soon as possible!

"I want to force him to make up his mind and stop hesitating."


The mirror cannot understand the complex emotions of human beings, and He Lingchuan did not explain it.

He wanted to provoke He Chunhua in words and actions, forcing him to go all the way to the dark side. Don't do it half-heartedly.

The stronger and more independent the eldest son is, or the less he resembles He Lingchuan, the greater the chance that He Chunhua will ask God.

In other words, He Lingchuan wanted He Chunhua to make up his mind to ask God, but he couldn't ask him to ask God immediately; he even had to do it, He Chunhua would ask God whenever he wanted.

How to grasp this "degree" and control the most appropriate time in his own hands depends on the game between him and He Chunhua.

No, this should be a game between him and Nai Luotian.

"So have you thought about it?" The mirror chattered, "What exactly are you going to use to deal with 'destiny'?"

This owner keeps everything hidden in his heart, and even the dog doesn't know the specific plan.

"I have thought about it for a long time." He Lingchuan stretched out, "There is something that even fate and gods cannot resist. It may be our most powerful weapon."

"Oh? What baby?" The mirror was all ears.


He Chunhua returned to the study. Before he could sit down, the candlelight on the desk suddenly burst into flames.

He Chunhua stared at it subconsciously.

As he watched, the candle flame flickered again, and another lantern exploded.

There is obviously no wind in the room.

He immediately dismissed all the servants in the house, closed the doors and windows, then placed a statue facing east, placed an incense burner, lit seven incense sticks, and prayed sincerely.

When the smoke filled the air, he took blood from his fingertips and dropped it into the incense burner.

Then the smoke immediately took on a little blood color and slowly condensed into a human face.

It is said to be a human face, but in fact it is just the prototype of the facial features, and the specific appearance cannot be clearly seen. But He Chunhua could feel it staring at him with supreme majesty.

He lowered his head and saluted: "My Lord."

A low and cold voice sounded: "He Chunhua, is your eldest son back?"

"Yes." He Chunhua looked respectful, but was slightly shocked. How long had Chuan'er been back now? How did Nai Luotian find out?

"Where has he been during the past six months?"

He Chunhua said it truthfully in a few words.

After hearing this, Nai Luotian sneered: "This is serious nonsense."

"Yes, but we can't verify it. On the contrary, he can bring back money and people from Rongshan to prove his whereabouts." He Chunhua still admired this.

After not seeing each other for half a year, he looked at his eldest son with admiration.

"There is something abnormal about him." Nai Luotian said, "The presence of the divine seal mark means I know he is still alive. He even loses his senses sometimes. He may have entered other small worlds."

"Has he really been to Xuluo Country?"

"He has indeed been to Bejia, but the specific location cannot be determined based on the divine seal mark alone." Otherwise, why would the summoner He Chunhua be needed to perform the ceremony for the first divine descent?

It is because of the existence of the barrier between the two realms that the divine seal mark cannot truly and clearly locate the skin, so this ritual is needed to guide the way!

If there is no ceremony, if Nailuotian wants to force the god to descend, he will have to search for the location of the skin on his own, which will take a lot of effort.

"Get ready, there will be a divine descent in the near future!" Nai Luotian informed him, "The sooner the better!"

"My lord!" He Chunhua raised his head in shock, "It's all peaceful, so why does God need to descend?"

"The line of his fate has changed drastically. It was clearly discernible in the past, but now it is unclear. I can't even transfer his luck to you. There must be some force interfering with it. In addition, there seems to be something related to me somewhere. I don’t like what happened!”

This last sentence was very harsh, and He Chunhua was puzzled: "What's wrong with you?"

His intuition told him that the last sentence was the reason why Nai Luotian suddenly wanted to descend from the gods, rather than being really curious about the past experiences of his eldest son.

Fate doesn’t like surprises, ironic right?

Nai Luotian did not explain, but said: "I have to come down and see for myself to find out the whole story!"

He Chunhua remained silent.

"Why, you can't bear to leave now?" Nai Luotian sneered, "When you asked me for help in the past, didn't you swear that you would dedicate your eldest son to me?"

He Chunhua's Adam's apple moved twice, and his mouth was filled with bitter water.

Although he had been mentally prepared for it, when the day actually came, he still felt a pain in his heart, like a needle pricking his heart.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Nai Luotian softened his tone and said, "You don't have to worry too much. God's descent will not cause much harm to him."

"No way?" He Chunhua is not so easy to fool, "I have checked several times of divine descent over the years, and the human body he inherited almost fell apart in the end!"

Therefore, when he got along with He Lingchuan, he could not help but often imagine his eldest son being torn apart, and sometimes he even woke up from such nightmares.

When he has nothing, he can give up what he loves.

However, as his official career prospered and his power grew, his annoyance also increased day by day.

If I hadn’t borrowed Nai Luotian’s power...

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