After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 88 The fleeing team

If you live old and have connections, you will have more acquaintances; when you are older, you cannot go out to listen to operas. Most of the time, you will invite the opera troupe into your home and set up a stage to sing operas. It would be too boring for the old lady to enjoy it alone, but it would be lively if she invited three to five... ten female relatives to come; the same goes for garden gatherings. This kind of old lady who has money and leisure in her age simply lives for socializing. I have long been tired of seeing those faces at home.

So, whenever she receives fresh and interesting gossip, why would she not share it with other old sisters?

He Lingchuan shook his head. Dad sent many people to the capital, so Mrs. He would not be the only one to spread the news. The second child's inference was correct. The father was trying his best to promote the rumors so that Wang Ting would not have the opportunity to deny the He family's contribution.

On his way to eat, two lightning flashes suddenly rolled across the sky.

It had only been sunny for two days, and the dull thunder returned together with the heavy rain.

The downpour made it almost impossible to keep one's eyes open, so He Lingchuan wiped the water on his face. In just ten breaths, his underwear and socks were soaked through, and they felt uncomfortable sticking to his body.

After dinner, he went to the thatched cottage, but as soon as he walked out, the scene changed completely.

It was dark everywhere, the He family's angry wind lantern had no shadow, and only the occasional flash of lightning in the sky could provide light.

Although it was too dark to see clearly, He Lingchuan was very sure that this was not the He Mansion, because the thick weeds in front of him were as tall as a person. If the gardener of He Mansion dared to be so lazy, he would have been kicked out by Mrs. Ying.

There was mud, sand, water, and grass roots on the ground. He walked one foot deeper and one foot shallower. There was no road ahead, so he could only move forward by picking at the grass.

He Lingchuan glanced back and found that there was a huge rock behind him. There were not even a few calamus roots growing on the steep and complete basalt.

There is no way back, we can only go forward.

The young man groped forward, walked out for more than ten feet, and suddenly there was nothing under his feet!

He had been concentrating all the time, and only focused on stepping firmly. At this time, when his left foot suddenly landed in the air, he didn't panic and stepped back.

After pushing aside the grass, He Lingchuan discovered that this was a dead end road.

There is a cliff at the foot, with a drop of seven to eight feet (more than twenty meters) from the ground.

If he stepped on the air and rolled down, he would not necessarily lose his life, but at least he would fall half to death.

He Lingchuan sighed and wiped away the grass seeds and rainwater all over his face. How did he end up in the wilderness? With the experience last time, he was not too surprised.

Any such inexplicable scene switching + memory incoherence is probably because the broken knife is causing trouble again.

But when this guy dragged him into the dreamland, couldn't he hand him a knife? Even if you can only cut grass to make a road, that's fine.

Now, where does he have to go?

Two blue and white lightning strikes in the sky illuminated the world and He Lingchuan's field of vision.

Only then did he realize that there was a large plain below the cliff, with only a few hills here and there. From where he stood, he could already see the mountains at a glance.

Most importantly, there are people on the plains!

This was a long team, almost passing under the short cliff where He Lingchuan was, less than fifteen feet away from him. From his perspective, he could not see the end of the line.

Not the military.

There are men and women in the team, most of them are civilians judging from their uniforms and colors. The rich can ride in carriages and horses, but ordinary people can only brave the wind and rain, supporting each other and moving forward.

Most people were carrying handbags on their shoulders, and the backs of cattle and donkeys were also loaded with household items. Dogs were running around at everyone's feet. He Lingchuan also saw a little girl of eleven or twelve years old, holding her mother's hand tightly and hugging the baby in her arms. kitten.

Washed by the rain, her little face was pale, making her eyes big and round, full of confusion and at a loss as to what to do.

Is this an escape team?

There are often cavalry rushing back and forth, just like an advancing ant colony, there are always soldier ants busy back and forth around them.

He Lingchuan was very familiar with the light armor of these cavalry, and he knew they were from the Gale Army at a glance.

This time the Gale Army came out very early.

He Lingchuan thought about it for more than ten seconds before deciding to join this team. Otherwise, where else could he go in the barren mountains?

By following the Gale Army, the team at least has a goal, right?

The most important thing is that he has seen a cavalryman handing over his horse to his companions, running to the edge of the cliff, and starting to climb up using his hands and feet.

It was so dark and the grass was so long that He Lingchuan felt that it was unlikely to be discovered. So there was only one reason for the cavalry to climb the mountain in the rain:

He was a scout, and it was his duty to climb to the highest point to scout for the team.

This also shows that there are pursuers behind the team.

He Lingchuan didn't think any more and quietly went down the mountain from the other side, clinging to the solid rocks.

The heavy rain can cover up most movement, and everyone has to lower their heads to look at the road in the dark night. Besides, there were many people in the team who quietly went out behind the hill to solve the problem of grain reincarnation and then came back, so he easily blended into the team without encountering any trouble.

Who in the fleeing team knows whom?

Even the Gale Army cavalry that passed by him from time to time turned a blind eye to him.

Last time he was discovered as soon as he entered the scene. Just because he was alone in a foreign land, the locals could see through it at a glance; now he is hiding in the sea of ​​people, just like the civilians, how can the cavalry have time to give him a look?

In this way, He Lingchuan walked quietly with the team for more than an hour. He also helped people move things along the way, received a few thanks, and took the opportunity to make some roundabout remarks.

The rain on the plains never stops. When you open your mouth, the cold rain will flow into your mouth. But for the sake of his help, the family still explained that they lived next to the wine shop in Weicheng Town.

The male owner’s surname is Liu, and his daily job is to make wine in the workshop. Since he is the third-youngest among his peers in the family, others simply call him Liu Sanjiu. He fled with his wife and two children. Because the offensive of the Baling Army was particularly fierce this time, Wei City could not be defended. Everyone had to pack up their bedding and flee for their lives overnight, and there was no time to clean up many fragile things.

Fortunately, after only a few hours of walking, the Gale Army came to pick them up, and everyone felt relieved.

So, where is this going?

Liu Sanjiu said that it would be safe if we could go east to Shatan Pass, which is the territory of Panlong City.

How far is it?

On this plain without any coordinate hints, no one knows.

After following the team for so long, He Lingchuan felt a little heavy, because he knew that this scene might have actually happened in history.

Although Panlong Wasteland is called a wasteland, it is much richer than the later deserts and can support many cities. He remembered that Wei City seemed to be several hundred miles west of Panlong City, with sufficient troops and supplies, and it had persisted under the enemy's offensive for nearly twenty years.

What he saw today was probably the scene before Wei City was breached, and it could be regarded as witnessing history.

The most pitiful thing is that this is not the first time that some civilians have left their homes.

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