After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 93 This dream is too realistic

It felt great, but uncomfortable. A sudden improvement in a person's various functions makes it easier for him to become uncoordinated.

Enemy soldiers leaped over the carriage and swung their tomahawks at him. He Lingchuan swung his hand away, turned around and gave him a vicious blow.

According to the force of the sword, the opponent's chest and abdomen will be severely injured, and then he will fall down with his chest covered in blood. However, He Lingchuan felt something different when he swung the sword, it was unexpectedly fast and cruel.

The opponent was cut into two pieces by him in mid-air, even the vertebrae were broken. The wind was blowing in his direction again, and hot blood splashed all over his face, making him almost unable to open his eyes.

While he stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, another enemy from Baling was about to come up and stab him. Commander Xiao kicked the man away and said to He Lingchuan: "Save your strength, lest you won't be able to lift your hand later!"

Fighting must not only be fast, accurate and ruthless, but also must have endurance and perseverance. No one knows how long the battle will last, but the one who survives to the end will win.

He Lingchuan spit twice, and there was blood in his saliva.

Opponent's blood.

The taste of rust in his mouth made him sick.

The last time he killed someone was in Panlong Wasteland, and he only used flying knives. This was the first time that he had cut his opponent into two bloody halves during close combat, causing water to leak all over the floor.

But he didn't have time to feel sick, because enemies kept coming at him.

Before the attack, the Ba Ling Army found that the car formation was blocking the road, and the most powerful cavalry would definitely not be able to get through. The method they adopted was to rush forward with strong troops, crossing the carriage formation first to fight with Gale's army, and buying time for their companions in the rear to move the carriages.

In fact, they also tried to attack by water, after all, there was a river next to them. This played right into the hands of the archers on the river bank, and the shot was accurate. It was inconvenient for people to move in the water, so they finally swam to the water's edge. The Gale Army took a long gun and started making skewers.

The most troublesome thing is that the Baling Kingdom is deep inland and there are too few soldiers who can swim. More than 20 people went into the water, but in the end only two or three were able to bypass the car formation and rush into the gale army. They died after being poked by their opponents.

So some people began to climb the river bed, preparing to kill the archers and shoot arrows from a high position.

After Commander Xiao and others killed the tough soldiers, they used their spears and halberds to stab the enemy soldiers moving the truck, preventing them from moving the truck.

Everyone understands that our side does not seek victory, but only wants to hold off the enemy until reinforcements arrive.

The battle became intense from the beginning. He Lingchuan didn't even have time to feel nauseated. He fended off another enemy, pulled out the one-handed crossbow behind his back, and shot an arrow upwards.

"Whoosh", an unlucky guy who was about to climb up the river bed was hit by an arrow and fell down.

Damn it, he was clearly aiming at the head of the soldier, but he hit the back mound. I still need to practice this accuracy, it's too far off.

A huge object suddenly hit him and fell apart after falling to the ground.

He Lingchuan took a look and saw that it was actually a carriage, which originally carried two large boxes. Now the box is also thrown out.

Sergeant Gale next to him shouted: "Be careful!"

As soon as He Lingchuan turned his face, he felt that all the light in front of him was blocked by a hill-like figure, and something hit him from below, with great force!

At the critical moment, he only had time to raise his arms to protect his face.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and he was knocked flying one foot high and two feet away out of thin air.

At this moment, the left forearm was broken, but the crisp sound was completely covered by the impact. He Lingchuan couldn't help screaming in pain in mid-air. After landing, he rolled several times and couldn't stand up at all.

The pain of a broken arm was so heart-piercing that it was the first time for him to experience it.

Even so, he reacted quickly. He leaned back in time and blocked it with his arm. Otherwise, the blow was so powerful and heavy that it would have directly smashed his jaw and caused a concussion or infarction in his brain. This type of attack is commonly known as the "Sky Cannon". The person who is blown away may be unconscious or killed in the worst case, and cannot stand up anyway.

When the enemies on the side saw this, they rushed up and tried to grab someone's head. Finally, He Lingchuan's mind was clear. When he saw the bloody ax falling from the sky, he rolled over and avoided being decapitated.

As a result, the opponent used too much force, and the ax blade shone with cold light and was nailed to the sand only two inches in front of his nose!

Even in the Coiling Dragon Fantasy Land, death has never been so close to him.

Is this still a dream? Doesn’t it mean that people don’t feel pain in dreams?

He Lingchuan's eyes widened, his heart beating rapidly due to stress. Before the enemy could draw the axe, he kicked him in the belly. The latter stumbled and failed to hold the handle of the axe.

A Gale Army soldier in the rear saw an opportunity and chopped off his head with a horizontal sword.

Those who kill people will always be killed.

The man's head landed on the ground, rolled around, and happened to be facing He Lingchuan. His eyes were bulging, and the expression on his face was really indescribable.

The soldier reached out to He Lingchuan and pulled him up from the ground: "Are you okay?"

He Lingchuan's face turned pale, his upper and lower teeth were chattering, and sweat was pouring from his forehead: "It's okay."

In fact, he knew deep down in his heart that due to the effect of the Sheji Order, the pain of all soldiers was temporarily weakened, which was also a need for combat. In other words, after the Sheji Order expires, the broken arm will be even more painful!

Does a dream need to be so realistic?

He cursed Broken Blade in his heart.

"Your hand is broken." He turned around and shouted, "Arlo!"

A soldier ran over, dodging the hail of bullets and arrows, picked up He Lingchuan, and helped him sit down under the river bed.

Each team of the Gale Army has a part-time medical soldier. Aluo stuffed a pill into He Lingchuan's mouth: "Swallow it!"

The pill is actually a little sweet, and it melts in your mouth, turning into sweet liquid and flowing into your stomach.

In just a dozen breaths, He Lingchuan felt that the pain in his left arm was greatly relieved.

With the blessing of the Sheji Order, the effectiveness of soldiers' medication will also increase.

Aluo also removed the board and came over. First, he added bones, applied medicine, and then used the board to secure his left arm to his ribs. His technique was very skillful.

"Just deal with it first. If you can go back alive, you have to rest for two months!"

He Lingchuan grabbed the one-handed crossbow: "Help me load it."

He only had one hand left and could not hold an arrow.

A Luo was startled, but he still followed his instructions and helped him load two crossbow arrows.

He Lingchuan took a few breaths, calmed down his emotions, raised the crossbow with one hand, and aimed at the culprit who had just wounded him.

A Luo looked at it and said: "Were you injured by Mengshan? Yes, you survived!"

He patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder, and then turned around to help others. The fiercer the battle, the harder his job.

The Meng Shan that He Lingchuan was targeting was a bear-like strong man, a head taller than a tall man like He Lingchuan, but twice as big as him.

His heavy armor is specially made, two sizes larger than that of ordinary people. When he stands, he looks like a door blocking, and when he runs, he looks like a roaring locomotive.

The people who had crossed the car formation before were all nimble and agile little people, and He Lingchuan did not expect that this guy with the size of a hill could also come over. In fact, Meng Shan, who was wearing heavy armor, couldn't jump in. Commander Xiao and others had previously played carriage Jenga, and spent a lot of effort to stack the largest carriage on top of several carriages and compact two large boxes. .

Thanks to everyone, reading data has skyrocketed in the past week! "Immortal" successfully entered the next round of PK, please continue to support me!

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