
Chu Feng's smile froze on her lips, she saw Ji Fengling run downstairs and hug a man tightly.

The villagers who participated in the wedding looked around curiously, just eating and drinking, they saw the phoenix flying on the branches and landing into chickens.

Ji Fengling hugged Master Li tightly, crying with joy is not fake, emotional murmuring is not fake.

Ji Fengling repeated Chu Feng's unfamiliar and familiar name. Unfamiliar was the first time she saw a real person. Familiarity was that she had heard it many times in the praises of the Li family.

"Master Li's son! The dragon among men!"

"Master and Mrs. Ji are a natural pair!"

"The two were childhood sweethearts, it's a pity, there's no news for five years..."

Ji Fengling turned her head abruptly, looking up like Chu Feng looked at her in the courtyard last time, there was no one by the window.

The "groom" stood under the eaves, and the sound of congratulations turned into ridicule and sarcasm.

Chu Qiu put on his coat and came out of the main room, surprised and asked: "What's the matter? Didn't you go to the wedding?"

"Xiaofeng!" Chu Qiu screamed, the man's fist stopped at the tip of Chu Feng's nose, and a tear fell from the fist.

Chu Feng pushed him away, wiped his face in embarrassment, and asked, "What are you doing here!"

The man pouted at the wall, with a big red flower for marriage pinned to his chest, and asked, "What about the money?"

Chu Qiu asked in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Chu Feng straightened his clothes and turned his head stubbornly: "I don't know."

The man said in a low voice, "Your sister's stomach can't hide."

Chu Qiu covered his slightly closed abdomen.

"Without money, we can't live without the water town!"

Three major events have happened in Watertown recently. The first is that the prisoner of labor reform entered the Li family. Young master. Re-education prisoners have become a joke in eight villages.

Secondly, Master Li is back and brought back good news to the closed water town. He said the battle is over!

The third thing, Master Li was sent back to rebuild the water town that was out of order!

The next day, before the three-day running water seats in front of Li's house were removed, the yamen called the police station again. go back.

The police department gave him a chance to surrender.

The stall was occupied, and the simple water town took on a different look. The straw that had been piled up for a long time was turned over, revealing the stench and rotten foundation below.

"I have to go," Li Shaoya said, "There is still something in the bureau."

Ji Fengling nodded and adjusted his clothes for him. The two went downstairs together. Butler Fang packed his luggage and waited at the door. The contract of selling his life was gone, and he wanted to leave the water town.

Master Li smiled at him and said, "Uncle Fang, are you leaving?"

Butler Fang was carrying a burden and holding a tablet in his arms, and said, "Let's go, I have a few words before I go, I want to tell the young master."

The two went out together, the monsoon bell stood under the porch, and heard the sound of the kitchen barrel gently falling to the ground.

Butler Fang didn't go anywhere else. He took the tablet and entered the police station with Young Master Li. In the face of Young Master Li's doubts, he rushed into the noisy crowd and raised the tablet in his hand. He wanted to avenge! Mother Zhou did not die of illness!

Lin Ke closed the script and rubbed his eyebrows, thinking that fortunately this drama will be finished soon, it is really torturous.

The script contains too much mixed content, not to mention the difficulty of acting, Director Shen also revealed that there are also a lot of content to be deleted later.

Lin Ke covered the script on her face, thinking that Ji Fengling would confess to the murder for Chu Feng, for a long while, she could not tell right or wrong, she could only sigh about the fate of the characters.

"What are you thinking about?" Zou Qi came over and asked curiously.

Half a month has passed, and it is already October in Water Town. The cast and crew are finished. Fortunately, there are dozens or hundreds of staff members, and it does not appear deserted.

Lin Ke moved the script away, snorted, and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Zou Qi grabbed a ponytail and sat down, his legs dangling, and said with emotion, "I didn't expect you and Lin Bingran to be together."

Lin Ke: "There are so many things you can't think of."

Zou Qixiao: "Old classmate, how have you been all these years?"

Lin Ke put the script back on his face, his hand hanging down on the other side unconsciously looked for a place to hold it, and replied, "It's okay, let's talk straight."

Zou Qi said without concealment, "Aren't you going to go to Director Gu's group? How about it? Do me a favor, I can play a male three male four, or a role."

Lin Ke gave him a disgusting look and said, "I don't have this right."

"Mr. Lin also?" Zou Qi asked, raising his hand to reveal the script on Lin Ke's face, "Yo, are you going to cry?"

"Fuck you," Lin Ke snatched the script, "the sun is too big."

Lin Ke was so sunburned that her nose and eyes were red, and there was medicine to cool down and relieve the heat.

Half a month passed, the crew and Zou Qi have always maintained a relationship between well water and river water, she thought it would be stable to the end, but now it seems that she still thinks too much.

Zou Qi: "There were so many people in the class back then, and everyone hated her, but you couldn't love her enough. It's been so many years, is it your wish?"

Lin Ke yawned lazily, spread out the script to fan himself, and said, "It's useless to say more, I won't help you win the role, you smash the heart of the earth sooner. Bar."

Zou Qi's smile stiffened. He showed a simple and honest smile and said, "I want to invite Mr. Xiaolin to have a meal. Let's talk at the dinner table? Can you?"

Lin Ke smiled and nodded at him: "No, I will block you if I force you to!"

Zou Qi got up, turned around and saw Lin Bingran leaning on the door frame with his arms folded.

At this distance, the conversation between the two should not be heard. Zou Qi quickly calmed down and smiled heartily at Lin Bingran, "Mr. Lin."

Zou Qi looks upright, and when he smiles, he is a typical big boy in the eyes of fans. If it wasn't for Lin Ke's disgusting expression too obvious, Lin Bingran wouldn't think there was anything wrong with him.

Lin Bingran lowered his eyes lazily, and glanced at Zou Qi with a frown, "Stay away from her."

Zou Qi stiffened, "What does Teacher Lin mean?"

Lin Ke stood up: "Mr. Lin, I'm fine."

After Zou Qi left, Lin Ke lay on the chaise longue and cried.

Lin Bingran asked directly, "Have you gotten along well with your old classmates?"

Lin Ke's eyes narrowed slightly, "Well, he wants me to help him fit into Director Gu's play."

Lin Bingran knew: "Rejected?"

Lin Ke stared: "I don't want to refuse, but I agree!"

Lin Bingran pinched Lin Ke's cheek: "Dolphin, your eyes are red from anger, what did you say?"

Lin Ke lay on his back, angered Lin Bingran for no reason, and asked impatiently: "Nothing, what are you looking for?"

Lin Bingran glanced at her and picked up the script that fell on the ground for Lin Ke. The monsoon bell in the play, the last scene, was a confession for Chu Feng.

Lin Bingran: "This bridge may not pass the trial."

Lin Ke: "Can't pass?"

Lin Bingran: "Well, the director and screenwriter are discussing another outcome."

Lin Ke straightened up and asked with concern, "Are you still filming then?"

Lin Bingran sat aside: "I'm afraid, I'll shoot it all, and then look at the editing effect, it may add a scene to you."

Lin Ke calculated the time. After finishing the film, she only had a week to spare, and the schedule was already full. She shot a magazine and two commercials, and then seamlessly connected to the next crew.

Lin Ke was in the crew during this time, either filming or watching the script faxed by Director Gu.

"Just don't delay the completion." Lin Ke sighed.

Lin Bingran snorted, looked at Lin Ke, and said, "The big star is quite busy."

Lin Ke asked: "What do you do after you finish?"

Lin Bingran rubbed the roots of his fingers, thought about it, and said, "The script is still waiting to be seen, and I will take a two-month break to go abroad to see my parents."

Lin Ke: "...Then, let's leave the crew, how do we meet?"

Lin Bingran smacked his lips, pretending to be difficult and said, "It may be inconvenient to meet again."

Lin Ke: “…”

Lin Bingran reasoned: "You may join the filming group for at least three months, but at most five months or half a year. I'm not free when you are busy, and I don't have time to visit the class. How can we meet?"

Lin Ke: "Then I'll find you."

Lin Bingran shook his head: "If you join the group, I'll be busy with other work, and I'll almost join the group after you finish. The time between the two plays, one year has passed."

Lin Ke heard that his blood pressure was rising, so Lin Bingran pinched the tip of his wet red nose and scratched it.

Lin Bingran: "Have you made up your mind? Can you hide it from me?"

Lin Ke: "What..."

Lin Bingran: "Zou Qi won't trouble you early, and won't trouble you late. Today's last scene, come to negotiate with you?"

Lin Ke bowed his head, turned his head away, and said, "...that is, I lost a fight with him in junior high school. It's a little bit of a holiday."

Lin Bingran held her chin, straightened Lin Ke's flushed face, and examined it carefully, intending to see through.

Lin Bingran: "Don't want to block others? Who has the guts to borrow it?"

Lin Ke stalked his neck and said, "...I am a fox and a tiger."

Lin Bingran rubbed the corners of Hong Linke's eyes with his fingers and asked, "Do I want to help you block him?"

Lin Ke whispered: "It's all over, the torture is still valid, let him go."

Lin Bingran leaned over and kissed the end of Lin Ke's eyes, "I almost thought you were crying."

Lin Ke tightened his chin and held back his emotions.

She has been unsatisfactory since she was a child. She likes to cry when she is excited, when she is in bed, and when she is angry and wronged.

In the second year of junior high school, she shed more tears in one year than in the next eight years combined.

Lin Bingran is her disease and scar, Zou Qi is the one who pierced the abscess, Lin Ke's eyes dodged, he hesitated: "I didn't lie to you that time, I am really your fan."

Lin Bingran: "I guessed it."

Lin Ke was even more surprised than Lin Bingran, and clenched his trouser legs ashamed: "You know? When?"

Lin Bingran smiled mysteriously, leaned close to Lin Ke's ear, and said, "You never rejected me in bed."

Lin Ke: “…”

Lin Bingran held back his smile and sipped the pear vortex.

Lin Ke embarrassed: "Nonsense, obviously you are too rude! I..."

"If I like you, it won't be differentiated!" She blurted out the first half of the sentence, and the second half of the sentence blocked her throat like a block of blood, "I...I am..."

Lin Bingran narrowed his eyes slightly, he liked her when he was undifferentiated, and that was the reason to hate her afterwards.

Lin Bingran hurriedly interrupted Lin Ke, stood up suddenly, said with a smile, "I'll go to prepare the show first, don't be angry, be good."

Lin Ke looked at Lin Bingran's back in disappointment, his fingers pierced the thin paper of the script.

Lin Ke was never alone.

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