After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 122: Addicted and sober

An ominous premonition spontaneously emerged. Wu Mingxing, who was sitting on a tiger chair with Erlang's legs upturned, also narrowed his smile, staring at Zhou Ming in shock, and said in surprise, "Is he not dead yet!"

Lou Zhixin also squinted and stared at Zhou Ming, who was lying on the ground in the distance. He knew his elder brother's attack power very well. Just now, normal humans would definitely be killed in seconds, but this person could still speak.

"Isn't dead yet? It seems crazy." Lou Wenzhi said coldly.

"Sorry, I...I can't die yet."

Zhou Ming said with difficulty, as if two voices overlapped, and the same voice seemed to be echoing deep in his throat.

He stood up slowly from the ground in an extremely strange posture with his feet on the ground, standing slantingly leaning against the wall, his upper body slightly turned to the right, but his lower body stood slightly to the left, the upper body and the lower body were as if they were staggered, they were not aligned at all. .

Zhou Ming stretched out his hand to press down his hat, twisted his waist suddenly, and aligned up and down with a "click".

"I...must correct this world." Zhou Ming raised his head, his voice hoarse.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Ming lowered his body and let out a deafening roar.


He rushed forward, brandishing his great sword, and rejoined the battle with Lou Wen.

"Correct this world? I don't understand anything."

Lou Wenzhi showed impatience. He dodges Zhou Ming's attacks, constantly changing positions at extremely fast speeds, constantly sending out unstoppable powerful attacks, and his body is as fast as lightning.

He rushed into the sky like a falcon, surpassed Zhou Ming's head, and then turned back and forth in the air again, ignoring the normal laws of physics and falling back to the original place.

His actions are flexible and changeable, making it hard to predict. His attack will kill with one blow, and his fist power is shocking.

He whirled around Zhou Ming like a violent wind, attacking like thunder.


Zhou Ming struggled in the vortex formed by wind and thunder, holding a big sword in one hand and a long sword in the other, slashing to a large area around him. The two swords kept hitting the wall and rebounding.

His reaction was a few times faster than before. Gradually, dodge began to become easy, but some attacks that could have been dodged, he no longer dodges.

When Lou Wenzhi's fist struck again, and the front of the fist brushed his ribs and broke the ribs, Zhou Ming's body did not respond, but his pupils were filled with unquenchable obsessions.

"Don't hinder me... Someone must do it, I will kill you!"

Zhou Ming said incoherently, his expression gradually distorted, and his sword swing began to show a strange mania.

With the injury time after time, every time he felt a trace of heat spreading from the injury, and his body seemed to have evolved again.



Wang Siyan, who was sitting by the wall, looked at the crazy Zhou Ming, with an indescribable despair in his heart.

She felt that the unique characteristics of Zhou Ming disappeared, that calmness no longer existed, and the strange instincts took over her friend's body...he became so strange.

In the central battlefield, Lou Wenzhi calmly controlled the rhythm of the entire battle.


Lou Wenzhi exclaimed, his pupils showing serious emotions for the first time, and he finally noticed the weirdness.

"Your spell is **rebirth?!"

Lou Wenzhi was not sure, but he was very sure. He had already felt that the opponent's bones were broken several times, but the opponent's actions were not affected in the slightest.

This person is recovering, just like weird!

Zhou Ming did not answer the opponent, his spirit fell into a trance state, and there was only one goal left in his eyes, and that was to kill the powerful enemy in front of him!

"I'm going to kill you!" Zhou Ming roared hoarsely, like a mad demon.

The big sword swept across, and the cold mist erupted centered on Zhou Ming, and then instantly condensed into ice crystals.

Lou Wenzhi's body felt a deep icy cold! The movement of the joints of the hands and feet were all hindered.

Zhou Ming let out a presumptuous laugh, bullied himself closer, the surrounding air flow rolled back, and the wind and snow gathered in Zhou Ming's palm. He wanted to use this trick to directly freeze this tricky enemy!

Under the mask, Lou Wenzhi's expression became extremely dignified, his body moved back lightly, his eyes quietly watching Zhou Ming.

"I wanted to observe for a while, but you are too dangerous. Let's kill you effectively now."

Zhou Ming reached out to the opponent, but Lou Wenzhi flashed it lightly.

But when Zhou Ming planned to calibrate the attack direction, his arm couldn't move.

"It's stupid, your friend has clearly given you a hint, but you have been ignoring the role of these gloves. You asked for it!"

Lou Wenzhi contemptuously said, making a fist with his right hand and slamming Zhou Ming's left chest.

When Zhou Ming saw this, he wanted to dodge, but his body was pulled away by his clothes uncontrollably. The sleeves of his clothes became a cage, and the arms in the sleeves couldn't bend, let alone change direction.

In the next second, a huge shock shook Zhou Ming's body. In an instant, his chest suddenly became extremely cold, and something stuck into his body and stirred.


Zhou Ming felt a very hot liquid flowing out of his chest.

"I'll accept this."

Lou Wenzhi pulled his hand, and Zhou Ming felt that something had been taken out by the other party.

As something left in his body, all his strength was taken away, and the cold night wind blew through the large hole in his left chest, and the cold penetrated from the wound to the whole body, to the bone marrow.

It's really cold... Zhou Ming opened his eyes and looked at the bright red thing that was beating in Lou Wenzhi's hand... That was his own heart.

The chaotic thinking finally awoke, the mania receded like a tide, and a tranquility enveloped the sky of Zhou Ming's spirit.

It turned out that Ma Lian Nan felt that way at that time, it was like waking up from a dream, he thought.

"You should be more calm." Ping Xingyue's voice came from behind, as if to make a final summary.

Zhou Ming wanted to turn around and look at the other person, but he didn't even have the strength to look back.

"The heart is removed, can you recover?"

Lou Wenzhi squinted and sneered, letting go and threw his heart on the ground and crushed it.

Zhou Ming's feet softened and his body fell back, but Lou Wenzhi took advantage of the trend and raised his hand, grabbed Zhou Ming by the collar, and pulled him back.

At the same time, Lou Wenzhi raised his other hand high, and then suddenly fell, hitting Zhou Ming's face.

Punch after punch, the fist hit Zhou Ming’s face, hit his Every punch is like a hammer drawn by a strong man, but the power is even greater, even if it hits an object, it hits him. There will be no cuts either.

After the first punch, Zhou Ming's cervical spine was immediately broken, his head and neck were only connected by flesh and blood, and he swayed weakly on his shoulders.

Then the second and third punches, the eyes and nostrils lost their shape, and all the holes between the head and the brain, including the ears, overflowed with viscous blood, which might be brain pulp.

Lou Wenzhi looked at Zhou Ming, as if looking at a small animal that was seriously injured and dying due to a disability, with a cruel curiosity in his eyes.

In the distance, Wu Xingxing, who mentioned his throat, breathed a sigh of relief again, and his half-hanging buttocks fell back down and sat firmly in the soft chair cushion.

Just now, I was really frightened, thinking that this guy could beat Lou Wenzhi, Wu Xingxing shook his head for nothing.

"What a stupid idea."

As he thought, he smiled and shook his head, and then he appreciated the murderous scene with satisfaction.

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