After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 151: Weird 2nd Degree Distortion Theory

In the early morning of the next morning, everyone who came to the meeting had a strange expression. It seemed that a strange desire had been satisfied. Everyone was refreshed and positive.

Zhou Ming felt that he was the same. After reading novel literature, a strong desire for discussion emerged in his heart.

"Perhaps I should be an analyst so that I can see these things every day. You think it's very interesting, right? But I still can't go. If I'm not a liaison officer, my two little brothers will have to talk to other people. I'm not relieved."

Zhang Wei, the first to arrive, sat on the sofa and chatted with Ou Yang. He raised his head and saw Zhou Ming walk in, and raised his hand to greet him: "Yo! Brother Ming and Sister Yan, good morning."

Zhou Ming looked behind her, and she saw Wang Siyan also came in. She glanced at Zhang Wei and yawned, but did not find Zhang Wei to settle the account. After all, Zhang Wei has been here for more than ten years. Who is Zhang Wei? Chu.

Zhou Ming also yawned as if being infected, walked to Zhang Wei and kicked the opponent's calf: "Move around, my uncle is going to sit here."

"Sit down, please. It seems that I stayed up all night and watched it. Does it look good?" Zhang Wei asked with a smile.

"It's pretty good-looking, it seems that I also want to be a liaison officer." Zhou Ming replied.

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement: "Psychological research has shown that experiencing virtual fear helps to relax the pressure accumulated in the week. The fear of safety is actually very necessary, but it is a pity that most people can't get it now."

"But it's strange, isn't it? You should have noticed, the number is wrong."

"Well, there are only five heroines described in it, but at the beginning there are seven. I asked the logistics team just now, and they said that the book is complete, which is very strange. It is obviously missing in every way. Bai is too blunt." Wang Siyan said as he sat down next to Zhou Ming.

Zhao Si next to her took a peek, then immediately looked away, turned his head and talked to Lu Sanqing.

Compared with yesterday's eagerness, Zhao Si looked extremely cold today, and even deliberately "neglected" Wang Siyan. Unfortunately, this coldness was not noticed by Wang Siyan, and his naive efforts seemed to be comforting himself.

Wang Siyan didn't even know that someone disclosed his love yesterday when she was not present.

At the moment all her thoughts were on the topic of the Ripper's chat.

"If you let the Ripper kill them one by one, what will happen afterwards?" Wang Siyan asked.

Zhang Wei shook his head: "The ghost knows that, depending on the specific person, according to the current situation, he should continue to kill after the plot is over, but the modus operandi may become simpler, of course I am also guessing."

Zhou Ming: "The combination of the London Ripper and the characters of the novel is a secondary distortion, right? The weirdness of the secondary distortion is said to be dangerous. Should we apply for additional staff?"

The second degree of distortion is a weird and dangerous evolutionary phenomenon, which refers to the second weirdization of the weird that has been born under the influence of external rumors. The most realistic example that is the closest to human beings is the out-of-control conjurer.

The conjurer itself is a kind of existence that is close to weird. If the public praises a conjurer too much, that conjurer will often lose his true personality, and his personality and reason will be distorted and evolve in the direction of the rumors.

If this phenomenon appears in ordinary weirdness, it will be reflected in the acquisition of new abilities, characteristics, weaknesses, behavior patterns, and so on.

This phenomenon of forcibly changing the existing weirdness is called multiple distortions, and the probability of occurrence is extremely small, because the curse power condensed by rumors is essentially pure emotion.

For example, if someone tells you that there are vampires at night, you are likely to believe it, but if he says that vampire likes to eat shit, then you probably don't believe it.

But if the other party says that vampires target young girls, then you might believe it again.

Therefore, the essence of the second degree of distortion is the tendency of emotional enhancement, which has a strong correlation with the subconscious conviction. Therefore, the second gathering of the mantra power will greatly increase the level of the weird mantra power, posing a huge threat to the relevant departments.

Just like the Ripper this time, it is likely to be weird after a second degree of distortion. Maybe he was only the London Ripper's Yan Nation break up at the beginning, but I don’t know which drunkard added the fragments of the novels he had read when he was young. , And convinced a large group of drunks to come up with such a nondescript freak.

"It may be the product of the second distortion, but it may also be fan rumors." Ouyang said.

Ouyang meant that this rumor was like this from the beginning, and the body was a fan who had gone through the second creation.

"But since the weirdness has appeared, there must be people who spread the rumors. Has the department investigated anything?" Lu Sanqing interjected.

"This rumor is mainly spread among prostitutes, but the rumors they hear are fragments. Some have heard stories about body cooking, some have heard stories about literary girls, and of course a large number of other individuals have appeared in it. There are dozens of original storylines in the statistics so far, and the details of them have also changed in the process of dissemination. I think the Ripper should be a product of cross-fusion." Ouyang is serious.

Zhang Wei began to complain about the stupidity of the masses. There was already a "Gan Order", so I just heard the rumors casually, and I had to use my brain to add fuel to it. Isn't this a problem?

"There must be a pattern." Wang Siyan touched his chin, thinking carefully, his face was terribly good-looking.

Zhao Si couldn't help taking another peek next to him, but was caught by Zhou Ming.

"Brother Zhao, let's solve the case seriously now. If you can make a big contribution, then I will give you contact information afterwards."

When Zhao Siyi heard it, his spirit was immediately lifted up, and his mentality was right.

He immediately asked a seemingly stupid question, but in fact he has thoughts: "Why didn't those dozens of other original rumors appear?"

"It's impossible to all appear weird behavior pattern is not so easy to change."

"There are many possibilities, for example, the existence of other derivative stories is too short."

Others immediately came up with a reasonable explanation, but Zhou Ming fell into silence

He thinks this is a very interesting question-why are all the murder stories in the book appearing?

Obviously, there are a lot of murder stories fabricated in the process of dissemination, but why are all the methods in "Killing Love" appearing?

"Hiss——" Zhou Ming took a breath, straightened up, put his elbows on his thighs and thought seriously.

He smelled the smell of violation... The Ripper case never felt so simple.

"What did you think of?" Wang Siyan was the first to notice Zhou Ming's emotional changes.

"It feels like there are forces outside the official intervening in this matter." Zhou Ming said solemnly.

In a word, the people around gradually calmed down, focusing on Zhou Ming.

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