After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 189: The Trial of Death Imagination

"Why?" Arlo asked desperately.


   He knew that he and Liu Zihua actually had no choice. In this desperate land, they could not live without the crows.


   Although following the crow back to the train, it is not much better, but if the crow really wants to find the train, then he can only follow.


   These short two days made Arlo deeply realize that he didn't know anything about himself before. He once thought he was strong and feared nothing, including death, but now he knows how fragile his heart is.


   When he was determined to join the relevant department, Arlo was ready to die. His idea at the time was that since he was not afraid of death, he would not block his progress no matter what difficulties he encountered in the future.


  Before entering here, he did the same. It is not that he has not experienced the crisis of life and death, and he once thought that he had been tempered by death and terror.


   But sometimes, it only takes a moment for a person to change his mind. He suddenly realizes that the process of not being afraid of death is different from the process of not being afraid of death.


   Leaping down from a tall building, and slowly moving forward with the body against the blade, are also two completely different trials. The difference lies in the pain experienced by the two.


   But there are often people who combine these two methods of death, because people always feel that they have the right to choose the method of death at any time.


But they ignore the meaning of death. Just like now, if he chooses to stay here and let his body die slowly because of hunger, such death is meaningless, whether it is good for himself or for people outside waiting for their news. .


   That's why I am suffering, in order to get a certain value in my life, I keep on the painful journey.


   He can no longer bear to wander alone in this world with only corpses left.


   If so, he would rather die.


   "It's so high, it's finally up."


   Finally, the crow reached the highest peak of a corpse mountain.


   She leaned on a cane and stepped on the rotten bones to look into the distance. The undulating corpse mountain filled the boundless world, and the corpses of the base occupies half of the field of vision. Except for the **** sky, only corpses are left.


   But for the first time they saw the scenery other than the "mountain".


   They saw a huge blood-colored lake. It was like a scarlet mirror embedded in the center of the corpse land. There was no waves on the lake. Only bones and corpses floated quietly in the lake, and there was never a living thing in the lake.


   Lakes, mountains, and blood-red sky, this is everything in front of the crows.


Of course, there is also a man-made industrial product that is so thin that it is almost invisible. It is a railway track that goes around from the back of a mountain, undulating on the mountain range of corpses, winding around the blood lake, endlessly. The far horizon extends to the distance beyond the sight.




   The crow suddenly let out a weird laugh, and the laughter came out through the beak mask, which was a little crooked.


   At this time, Arlo and Liu Zihua had just climbed to the top of the mountain. They also saw the railway, and Liu Zihua's heart sank to the bottom.


   He stared blankly at the laughing crow next to him, and suddenly a crazy thought came up in his heart. Will their captain have gone crazy?


   "Go over, you have all seen the files, should you know how to get out?" Crow said.


   Arlo and Liu Zihua frowned. They remembered the contents of the file clearly. All the people who survived from here went out in a train, without exception.


   If they want to go out, they can only take that train, but the half-crazy survivors did not say how they survived on the train.

   It may be that those train attendants were not always on the train, or those commissioners who survived were very lucky and kept lurking on the train without being spotted by the other party, and eventually escaped the slaughter of the attendants.


Standing on the top of the dead mountain, the crow opened her arms to face the blood moon, as if trying to show the land under the mountain to Arlo and Liu Zihua beside her. Her actions frightened them both, under the masks of Arlo and Liu Zihua. 'S faces are distorted.


   "Look here," said the crow.


   "This...what's going on here?"


"Don't you feel familiar?" The crow lowered his hands and tapped his face mask lightly. "Oh, sorry, forgot that you two idiots are not locals, and will not do research in advance. If it were that kid, he would definitely Investigate, this is probably the gap between mediocre and stupid genius."


   Arlo and Liu Zihua looked at each other, puzzled.


The crow raised his cane and pointed to the lake, and then pointed to the hills in the distance: "The scenery has changed! Didn't you find it? If you leave the foggy city and walk around outside, you will find that the terrain here is in reality. It also exists.


   "If we can move all these corpses into reality, then maybe except for the sky above, the landscape in front of us should be similar."






   Arlo and Liu Zihua shook their voices at the same time, and the two were extremely surprised.


   The crow was taken aback: "You two understand? Know what it means?"


   ", I don't know, I just feel that the terrain and environment here are also in reality, and it feels very strange." Liu Zihua said.


   "There must be a connection! But...but I haven't thought of the connection between the two for the time being? Captain, do you already know?" Arlo asked cautiously, he had a hunch that he was going to be scolded.


"Idiot! I think you can't be so smart, as expected!" The crow let out a sneer and took the lead to walk down the railroad tracks. The two behind them had to reluctantly keep up with They spent it. For a long time, stepping on the corpse and climbing down the mountain, came to the lake. The lake was dead. Although it was filled with blood representing life, it was already dead.


   This is what it shows to the living, as if to say to them that drowning here is a more elegant destination than Shishan.


The crow was walking along the lake with a walking stick. Arlo and Liu Zihua followed behind her. Not far away was a rusty railroad track. They haven't figured out how the railroad track is attached to the fragile corpse, but it is still firm and firm. .


"The corpses all over the sky are decomposing, but there are no mosquitoes and maggots. This stagnant water is not particularly smelly. Obviously, the corpses here are not ordinary corpses. It feels more like a manifestation of imagery. Can you go and explore personally? The bottom of the lake?"




   The two were stunned.


   "Don't show that expression, I'm kidding... Hehe, I can't see your expressions, this is also a joke."




   The two were silent. The crow's joke was almost vicious, and they both became a little worried. If they could really go out, would Captain Crow leave them behind and run on their own?


Arlo thinks it is very possible. After all, it is legally permitted. The captain’s survival priority is higher than them. What's more, his strength is also overwhelming for them. If there is a real chance of escape, there is no need to bring both of them. A drag oil bottle.

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