After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 248: Luck casino

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The next day, at 7:10 in the morning, Zhou Ming woke up from his sleep. He didn't sleep well at all. In the second half of the night, Wang Siyan hugged her and smirked constantly, causing him to be in light sleep and semi-awake state. Wandering back and forth, he decided to talk to Wang Siyan today.

Opening his eyes, he found that Wang Siyan was no longer in bed. He sighed, got out of bed and walked to the toilet. He found Wang Siyan was combing his hair in front of the mirror. When the other party saw her smiling, he raised his hand and said "Good morning."

"This place is so small, I can't sleep well at night," Wang Siyan said casually.

Zhou Ming: "Well, although the sleeping environment is indeed very poor, if the sleeping posture can be better, I think the quality of sleep can be greatly improved. Yesterday you affected my sleep. Today we change my position."

"My sleeping posture is poor?"

"Do you usually like to hold something and hold something when you sleep? Last time you slept at my house, I saw that you slept with a quilt. My pillow belongs to you tonight." Zhou Ming said as he said. Waiting for Wang Siyan to get out of the toilet because he wants to release water.

After the morning flood, the two naturally ate breakfast, and they separated halfway. One went to the casino and the other went straight to the captain's office.

Zhou Ming found the captain and told him about his thoughts for the first time, but the other party just glanced at him and said indifferently: "What you said, let me think about it."

Looking at the gray-bearded old captain in front of him, Zhou Ming frowned and his face was unhappy.

"Wait, does this still need to be considered? Is this experiment risky? There is no risk at all, and there is no cost. Just try it!" Zhou Ming puzzled.

"I said, let me think about it. I manage all the sailing of this ship. It is a very tiring job. As a guest, please don't cause trouble at this time. Wait until you have enough evidence. Me." said the old captain.

Zhou Ming: "The boss of Lucky is also on board, right? I want to meet him!"

"Hehehe, how is it possible, how could the boss stay in such a dangerous place? A place that is itself weird and is still affected by more dangerous and weird places, the boss is not here."

"Is there any way to contact him?" Zhou Ming asked.

"I will help you in contact. Actually, I want to help you too. Who doesn't want to solve this weird phenomenon? I fainted every time I was driving. I also had a headache. I woke up on the rocks several times. If it wasn't Lucky, I'm afraid the ship would have sunk long ago," the old captain said.

Zhou Ming touched his chin and fell into deep thought. The old captain squinted at him and added: "Wait for me all morning, I will arrange what you said... You can rest assured, I will not tell other people about your guess. After all, people like you got on the boat for money, right?"

At this point, there was nothing left to communicate. Zhou Ming turned and left the cab.

He walked through the long corridor and boarded the third floor of the cruise ship. After asking the waiter, he got the luck casino.

Like ordinary casinos, the entrance to the Luck Casino is very small, but the pattern above is very interesting. A joker in poker is holding a goddess in a gesture of kiss, and the goddess holds abundance of antlers, which seems to have a certain identity.

Zhou Ming opened the door and found that the atmosphere inside the Luck Casino was different from that of an ordinary casino. There was no noise and no waiters who greeted the guests with a smile, only deliberately low-pitched conversations.

In the entire casino, the sound of shuffling the cards and the collision of the dice in the dice cup are particularly obvious.

The atmosphere is solemn and solemn, and every gambler does not smile. After all, the gambling here is about real luck, not money that can be earned by spending time.

It may not matter if there is less luck, but if there is too much less, you may die.

Zhou Ming walked slowly against the wall, observing everyone around the gaming table. He found that there was no anti-cheating mechanism for gambling here. The onlookers around were very naturally standing behind the gambler, looking at the gambler indifferently. The cards in the game, and those gamblers don’t care about their cards. Outsiders see through.

Zhou Ming guessed that this was probably because of weird rules.

In addition to a safe gambling environment, Zhou Ming also found a group of people with special dress and outstanding temperament sitting in the guest seats of the casino, dangling a cigar and drinking a drink, observing here elegantly.

Those people should be the ones who buy luck, Zhou Ming heard Zhang Wei mentioned.

For some tasks that rely heavily on luck, employers will come to this ship to hire gamblers who have won a lot of luck in the luck casino, and let those gamblers complete extremely difficult tasks for themselves.

If you can win the luck of a hundred people, there will be countless rich people who will extend an olive branch to you, and you can easily get hundreds of millions of rewards.

Zhou Ming feels that this place is like hell, destroying the lives of hundreds of people, and thus sending one of them to heaven. People in the world can only see someone who has arrived in heaven. When they look into hell, they see All are brilliant hopes, but only by stepping into them can you realize that there is no space here.

He approached a gaming table, and the waiter two meters away from the gaming table handed out a piece of paper to Zhou Ming, which read the order here:

[Those who try to interfere with normal gambling will be traumatized both mentally and physically.

Regardless of whether it is the person who is in the gambling game or the onlookers, as long as they have an idea, they will be traumatized and their luck will decrease. At the same time, the ongoing gambling game is also regarded as useless. The luck of both parties in the game will be deducted by the interferer. 】

Very simple rules, but there are no loopholes to drill, because it controls not behavior, but thoughts.

However, it is not completely without loopholes, such as scope, if this rule only works on this casino or this ship.

So as long as you manipulate remote puppets to interfere with gambling on the mainland, you may not need to bear punishment.

But Zhou Ming thinks that this possibility shouldn't be The boss of Lucky Number could not have not tested it.

To be honest, Zhou Ming doesn't like this kind of uncertain game, but since it is absolutely fair, he will consider trying it.

After all, it does take some luck to find a person and a gardener on a credit card. Many things he needs to do require luck.

But then again...I don't know how long the shelf life of luck is.

On the gaming table of the luck casino, the types of gambling are fixed and very simple. There is basically no room for brains, and everything is completely attributed to luck.

Draw the size of the cards, guess the number of points by rolling the dice, guess the order of the playing cards, and simply play rock, paper, scissors.

Zhou Ming watched by the side for a while, then gave up. He still couldn't accept doing things that were unsure. He didn't have any room for full play and completely entrusted his own destiny to heaven, which he hated.

"Let's go to a regular casino."

He also intends to cheat. It is too wasteful to have a full view but not use it to cheat.

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