After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 300: Indirect confession

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This document states that he is a special A grade, and the order is to capture him alive. Obviously, the person who provided the information knows him very well, but why would someone who knows him so well send these two people to deal with him?

Do they really think that the two of them just now can capture him alive?

And they are not the core members of the Reform Society, at least those two can sell the Reform Society without hesitation, so they can only be regarded as senior thugs.

Sun Bingcai and Lu Jiansong are probably just the vanguard troops sent by the Reform Society. They are a test, a test of the authenticity of intelligence, or a test of his specific strength.

"For the time being, don't act separately, there may be attacks later." Zhou Ming said.

Wang Siyan nodded silently, stretched out his hand to turn on the speaker in the off-road vehicle, and began to play music, so the short and relaxing journey was painful. The melodious music was floating in the cab, and the wind with sand was coming from the open windows. Wang Siyan's mouth corners With a smile, I couldn't help humming softly to the rhythm of the song.

Zhou Ming put a hand on the car window, looking at the monotonous scenery outside the window, listening to Wang Siyan's intermittent humming, his mood became particularly relaxed, like encountering falling snow while walking on a tightrope, and picking it up while skating on a cliff A coquettish kaolin white flower.

Even if his father is missing now, crying, smiling and reforming will stare at him, but he is still immersed in the peace of this moment.

Zhou Ming suddenly recalled something that happened with Wang Siyan when he was a child.

Probably when I was in elementary school.

They were bullied by a group of senior students because of their candy. It was he and Wang Siyan who stood up at the time. The others stood still, while Zhang Wei ran to call adults.

In that fight, his head was broken by a senior student, and he cried loudly while stitching.

He still remembered the look in Wang Siyan's eyes at that time, with a puzzled and confused look on his face.

From that time on, their fighting frequency has risen sharply. It is a rare student who ranks among the best in academic performance and fights frequently.

Oh, I almost forgot, maybe this thing hasn't happened in this world, it's something that only exists in his mind.

But... it turns out that she is the same in both worlds. Zhou Ming turned to look at Wang Siyan. Wang Siyan put one hand on the car window, and the other hand skillfully controlled the steering wheel. The dry hot wind blew the hair on her forehead, revealing With her smooth and white forehead, she squinted and hummed, and noticed Zhou Ming's eyes.

"What are you doing? I can hum well, right?" Wang Siyan said, changing hands while driving, rummaging in the convenient drawer next to him with one hand, and he found two bottles of Coke.

She threw two bottles of Coke to Zhou Ming casually. Zhou Ming knew it, used a spell to freeze it, opened it and handed it to Wang Siyan.

Wang Siyan groaned and drank half of the bottle directly, and he let out a very indecent hiccup.

"Zhou Ming, do you know that if we can keep sitting in this car, I will keep driving like would be fine," Wang Siyan said suddenly.

Zhou Ming froze for a moment, then nodded: "Well, it's rare to relax."

This time it was Wang Siyan's turn to be stunned.

The atmosphere in the cab was silent for a second, and Wang Siyan's lips moved, as if he was analyzing whether his understanding was correct.

Then she added: "Relaxation is one aspect, but if the person sitting in the co-pilot is not you, it's actually quite boring."

Zhou Ming was taken aback again, and looked at the other person blankly: "Who else can I be?"

" could also be Zhang Wei! But, if it were Zhang Wei, I wouldn't be so comfortable." Wang Siyan licked his lips and poured himself a few coke to calm his emotions.

For some reason, she felt that the time for the decisive battle might be now.

Perhaps the luck accumulated on the lucky number will have the greatest effect at this time!

"This guy Zhang Wei talks too much. If he is there, it really can't be quiet." Zhou Ming nodded thoughtfully, agreeing.

Wang Siyan frowned.

Damn it, is this guy made of wood? Had he not noticed it yet? This is already completely clear and clear! Do you have to tell you "I like you, do you like me"?

But this is not bad, just say it directly, and ask him directly, and the answer will be known.

Long-term pain is better than short-term pain. Even if you are rejected, just continue to be friends, and then be friends while waiting for opportunities.

that is it!

Wang Siyan made up his mind, but in the end another sentence came out: "If I get married, what will you prepare for?"

When Zhou Ming heard these words, he was directly shocked.

marry? !

Why did this guy mention this suddenly? Could it be...

Impossible, how could this guy have a man he likes!

Based on her understanding of Wang Siyan, she should not be interested in men. Why did she suddenly mention this plan of marriage?

Zhou Ming thought about it, and immediately wanted to say that if you want to get married, you might as well marry me.

He fell into deep doubts and a more complicated self-torture.

If Siyan marries himself? What about this kind of future?

Zhou Ming thought about it carefully, and swallowed his saliva. Although he felt that some parts were nasty, he really thought it was pretty good except for the nasty parts. He felt that getting married would not change anything. They would definitely agree very well. Life will go least since they knew each other, there was almost no big disagreement when they encountered things.

Isn't it... what kind of love between men and women is actually what I have always liked Siyan?

He imagined another possibility of Wang Siyan's marriage. An indescribable dark fire suddenly appeared in his heart, which made him feel extremely unhappy.

"Do you have someone you like?" Zhou Ming frowned and asked.

Wang Siyan blinked and glanced at Zhou Ming from the rearview mirror. His heartbeat started to speed this guy finally understand? This is a hint.

"Well, I, I have someone I like, probably... I like it for a long time, if I can... I want to get married." Wang Siyan muttered softly.

Zhou Ming felt annoyed for a while, and for the first time he felt his emotions were almost uncontrollable.

"Didn't you say that you like people who don't like you!" Zhou Ming tried to control his emotions. Although Wang Siyan didn't lie to him, he felt deceived.

" why are you angry?" Wang Siyan said aggrievedly, "If that person likes me too, wouldn't it be okay?"

Are you rejected? Wang Siyan is not sure

"I think you have to think carefully. Marriage is very important. You haven't been in a relationship before. It is not good to decide on a whim. It is better to compare in many aspects... and in the matter of feelings, the observers are clear." Zhou Ming muttered. , The word order is chaotic, and I don’t even know what I’m talking about.

Now his inner thoughts are very simple, anyway, no matter what technique is used, in short, it is right to dispel Wang Siyan's idea of ​​getting married first!

As for the reason for this idea, Zhou Ming didn't dare to think deeply, he had vaguely realized that it was an unreasonable selfishness.

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