After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 309: Hot Springs in the Garden of Eden

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There must be a relationship between my dad and the Reform Society. Maybe my father used to be an important research sample of the Reform Society. Later, he fled and met his mother during the escape. So he settled in Qingzhou City incognito, pretending to be an ordinary person, and finally gave birth. he.



While Zhou Ming marveled at his rich imagination, he also thought of more difficult problems.

According to the other party, the Reform Society did not know his whereabouts. Of course, he did not know that he was Zhou Donglai's son. He was an unknown person named Hu. He told them the information.

As for his specific whereabouts and destination, only the relevant departments know.

Combining the incident in Sanyang Village, even if you are more optimistic, you still have to ascertain the fact that the enemy is in the relevant interior.

Will Cry and Smile be someone in the relevant department?

What about the monk who is concerned with crying and laughing?

Zhou Ming's headache started to hurt. These people or forces he knew were closely related to each other, but this connection was not close. He could only rely on association to complement the relationship between the two.

The original owner reminded him to be careful of monks from the very beginning, but by coincidence, he ran into the opponent on the first mission.

Immediately afterwards, he was stared at with crying and smiling faces, fighting with the werewolves in the ball, being pursued and killed by Sun Gong, and fighting with the fisherman.

The smiling face must be the enemy, and because of the two incidents of the air-raid shelter and Semir Town, he wanted to kill him. For this reason, the other party even attacked his family.

The laughing face should be for the monks, this guess is not wrong.

Zhou Ming thought to himself.

"It seems that you are enjoying it." An old voice came from the front, interrupting Zhou Ming's thoughts.

Zhou Ming took off the hot towel from his face and looked at the two elderly people on the shore.

"This is on the bottom of the sea? Why do you want to make the bathing place into the style of the Kingdom of Sakura? Wouldn't it be a square bathhouse?"

"That is too boring for people who have lived here for a long time. We will update the decoration regularly, which is good for physical and mental health." Maxson said.

Liu Xinri looked around and found that it was empty, so he asked: "Why did you drive away the maid? Are you badly injured? Wouldn't it be better for someone to help you?"

"Yes, I will be happy to find a man to help me take a shower." Zhou Ming replied.

When Zhou Ming was led to this hot spring half an hour ago, there were two delicate-looking women waiting respectfully with a smile, saying that they were going to help him with treatment.

It is not a bad thing to have someone help to heal the injury, but the problem is that the two people were not wearing clothes. At that time, he was scared and immediately forced the two women out.

After this fright, he roughly knew how this place distorted people's hearts.

Normal men, if they don't have moral criticism, grow up in such a worry-free environment, they see these coquettish goods every day, and it would be strange if they can control their lower body.

Of course, the same goes for women.

This place is like the Garden of Eden in heaven, and also like the second level of **** in Dante’s Divine Comedy.

If the baby is born here at first, there will be no other ambitions throughout his life.

People's ambitions only sprout from dissatisfaction and unwillingness. If there is no difficulty, it is not worthy to be called ambition.

"If Mr. Zhou really doesn't matter, what does it matter if it is a man or a woman?" Liu Xinri said.

Zhou Ming glanced at the opponent and changed the subject: "I have a question. In the duel on the training ground, you said that you can't use spells. Then how do you judge whether the two sides of the duel used spells?"

Maxson: "The duel field under your feet at that time was a polished stone of magic power, coated with a layer of breathable molecular paint, and under the ring is an optical sensor. If anyone used the spell, who would have the magic power under their feet? The stone will be the first to glow, recorded by the sensor, and directly reflected on the computer."

Zhou Ming was taken aback, and Xin said that when he used Full Horizon, wouldn't it also trigger the Stone of Magic Power?

"Mr. Zhou is very conscious, even if he doesn't know he didn't use spells." Maxson added.

Zhou Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that using the full horizon would not trigger the stone of magic power.

"Now, can you tell me about Ping Xingyue?" Zhou Ming looked at Liu Xinri.

Liu Xinri nodded: "Of course, our transaction is based on mutual trust. Since you assisted us in completing the test, of course I will honor my promise."

There is something in the old man's words, this is to remind yourself that next time, don't make small moves like this time.

"After all, I know, I will actively cooperate next time." Zhou Ming said.

Liu Xinri nodded with satisfaction: "I don't know exactly about Ping Xingyue. She didn't stay here long. I only know that she is very interested in those special alien relics."

"Remains of another world?" Zhou Ming frowned.

The ruins are dangerous spaces isolated by gray fog.

The relics of other worlds are a special kind of existence in the relics.

Most of the relics in the world are due to popular rumors, which eventually led to the alienation of the entire region and turned into relics, such as Kunlun, Kyoto in the Kingdom of Sakura, the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis under the sea...

But some relics are very special, such as Death Valley in the lighthouse country. It became a relic because of rumors of animals entering or leaving, but after people finally entered, they found that the interior of the relic was a huge alien space completely unrelated to the rumors. .

The buildings, creatures, and other phenomena in these different spaces all seem to come from completely different worlds, just like the civilized relics of another world have been forcibly migrated to this earth.

These special ruins are called alien ruins, and they are often more dangerous because the information is completely unknown.

Sister Xingyue is very interested in these? What is her purpose?

"that's it?"

"Of course not only, UU reading only played one game, do I have to tell you everything I know? Mr. Zhou, I think we are sincere enough. Now it is you who are passive." Liu Xinri smiled, smiling very cunningly, his eyes looked like an old fox.

Zhou Ming sighed and stared at the other person uncomfortably. This guy yelled at his husband and husband, which seemed very polite, but actually treated him as a fool.

It's really unpleasant.

Maxson interrupted:

"By the way, about women... Actually, you don’t have to resist so much. I always think that human beings have a very contradictory idea. Some people can endure great pain in order to accomplish a great thing, but they cannot enjoy it in order to accomplish this great thing. Happiness and pleasure, as if pleasure will taint his ambition...I can't understand it."

"Pain can make people alert, and enjoyment makes people drunk. When I'm not sure whether a path is right, I would rather stay in pain than lose my mind. I'm not so conceited that I think I can stay calm." Zhou Ming said.

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