After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 356: Power of incompetent demon

On the top of the pine tree, the slick ghost sat on the spider web, watching the battle between the general and the outsiders.

"What about the other ten ninjas? Since they want to pass through that palace, they will come to find the sword in the general's hand." Asked Slider.

Yingzi: "No, they didn't come, they went straight to the depths of the ghost mountain."

Sliding for a moment, he laughed and said, "It's really self-confident, but they may indeed have the capital of self-confidence."

Yingzi was taken aback: "Why does Master Slider say that?"

She didn't think those humans were capable of defeating Jiutun Boy, and now she suspected Master Slider was joking with him.

"They exude an unpleasant smell, maybe they have some powerful magical weapon next to them."

After speaking, the sliding scoop's gaze was cast back to the burning village below...

Zhou Ming opened the bow with both hands, leaving wounds on Yuan Laiguang's body. When he inserted the long sword into the great sword, he took out the musket and shot Yuan Laiguang in the eyes.

The projectile accurately shot into Yuan Laiguang's eyes, the eyes burst open, blood gushing out, exuding steaming heat in the air.

Yuan Laiguang yelled and covered his eyes, brandishing his knife unruly, bringing up a fierce beacon, Zhou Ming stopped the stormy offensive, and temporarily avoided the edge!

Can win!

You can win this way!

Although the opponent looks very strong, the actual fight is not as oppressive as his appearance. The opponent has too much extra action before the knife, which allows him to have enough time to dodge or block.

Zhou Ming rounded the big sword, then held the big sword behind his back, and used the back of the back to swing the sword towards Yuan Laiguang. A huge force came from behind him. Zhou Ming inserted the long sword in his other hand into the frozen. The ground, with the strength of the opponent, made a circular motion with the long sword inserted into the ground as its center, and it turned 270 degrees in an instant!

The ice thorn pierced the ground straight into Yuan Laiguang’s chin. When the hard ice thorn touched Yuan Laiguang’s body, it shattered into powder with a little effort. Zhou Ming forcefully inserted the long sword into the opponent’s inner thigh. , Like a butcher sticking a sharp knife into the neck of a pig.

A lot of blood spewed out from the shallow wound, and the hot blood melted the ice on the ground. A knife from the sky smashed the ground in the middle. Zhou Ming dodged the opponent's attack at the moment of his death!

"Uh ah ah ah!"

Zhou Ming roared, letting himself blend into the inherent instincts of his body. His muscles were tense, but his spirit was relaxed. Holding the epee and the long sword in both hands, he rotated counterclockwise towards the middle of Yuan Laiguang's body.

Yuan Laiguang clenched his sharp teeth, and in his one-eyed narrow field of vision, two swords, one heavy and one light, were swung in front of him in turns.

In a daze, a familiar scene appeared in Yuan Laiguang's mind.

The slender figure in the memory slowly overlapped with the gloomy man in front of him.

The woman who held two long swords and defeated him head-on by swordsmanship.

The number of sword strokes of this man is exactly the same as that of the woman back then!

Yuan Laiguang fell into a short memory.

He vaguely remembered that it was the spring of a year ago when Nanshan's cherry blossoms were in full bloom. He looked at Nanshan's enchanting cherry blossoms and thought of the monster that he could not defeat living in Nanshan, and he was secretly melancholy.

The woman in strange clothes suddenly appeared in front of her riding an indescribable strange device.

"Your Excellency is extraordinary, but there seems to be something incomprehensible, something unhappy." The woman stepped on that strange device and came to her in a frantic manner with a smile on her face.

At the first sight of the other person, he knew that this guy was a kind of foreigner, but she was different from that kind of foreigner.

The attendant next to him jumped out and yelled at the woman: "Bold! How dare to be presumptuous to Gen Laiguang."

"Oh~ You are the source of Laiguang, defeated by Jiu Tun, but this is not to blame you, please don't be sad." When the woman heard his name, instead of panicking, she showed a very gentleness. Mature smile.

The woman in front of me is much younger than him. She looks like she is only a twenty-year-old woman, but there is a kind of maturity of an older woman in her. She is polite and elegant, with a cool smile, and her eyes are gentle and wise, as if she can see through. Your mind.

This made Yuan Laiguang very annoyed. He was annoyed by his inability to fulfill his destiny. The sudden emergence of a woman made him irritable.

At that time, he managed to suppress his anger and didn't want to pay attention to the woman, but he couldn't help being curious when he saw the strange device under the other's crotch.

"This is called a bicycle, isn't it interesting? No one has been riding in for so many years." The woman said lightly.

This was their first meeting. The woman seemed interested in him, but he had a very bad impression of her. He hated her very much. Her comforting eyes made him feel insulted. He was big The general, even if he lost to Jiutun Boy, no one had ever dared to look at him with that kind of look.

If it hadn’t been for her to say, she knew why he would lose to Jiu Tun, he would definitely not let this woman step into his house...

Zhou Ming and Yuan Laiguang passed by again, the big sword swinging at full speed slashed on the opponent's skirt, hot iron flakes scattered all over.

Can win!

This way you can win!

The huge shadow above his head fell, Zhou Ming once again threw the big sword behind his back.


What followed was not only a huge impact, but also hot air currents and flames. At the same time, a fierce cold burst out of Zhou Ming's body, barely neutralizing the high temperature that could scorch his skin.

The bones of his legs seemed to be creaking, and his wrists had begun to lose strength a bit. If he continued to resist such strong vertical slashes, he might not be able to hold the big sword tightly.

It's now!

Zhou Ming clenched the long sword tightly and used the power of his whole body to stab it straight!

The sword pierced between the penultimate rib and the first rib of the opponent.

Yuan Laiguang groaned like a beast, his body retreated slightly, his posture slightly deformed.

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Ming let go of the long sword, held the big sword in both hands, raised his hands with a roar, and slashed it from the top right to the bottom left against Yuan Laiguang's chest!

The rough blade of the big sword cuts into Yuan Laiguang’s chest, UU reading snapped down, Zhou Ming could see the meat strips rolled up along the wound, blood like an exploding water-filled balloon, drenching Zhou Ming It was wet, sprinkled on the surrounding ice, and a large swath of steam rose.

"Aha!" Yuan Laiguang yelled, swept through the boy An Gangqie, smashed the ice wall that Zhou Ming was defending, slashed on the long sword that Zhou Ming blocked, and smashed Zhou Ming straight into the air.

Zhou Ming drew a graceful arc like a stone, and fell into the burning ruins beside him embarrassedly.

After knocking Zhou Ming into the air, Yuan Laiguang spit out a big mouthful of blood, knelt on one knee, stuck the demon knife into the ground, and supported his body not to fall.

how come?

He has obviously given up being a human being, why hasn't he gained the overwhelming power?

Just such a small human, a mere outsider, beat him like this.

He remembered the defeat a year ago when the woman said something inexplicable to him...

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