After the Strange Talk Prevails

Chapter 377: Distilled pastime

Jiutun Boy looked away from Wang Siyan and looked at the boy in his hand.

This familiar weapon reminded him of Yuan Laiguang who came to his lair with a mighty army that day. When he first saw Yuan Laiguang, he was actually very upset.

According to the rumors, he would die in the hands of that man. He didn’t know how the rumors came, but everyone said so, and the strange strangers who didn’t know where they came from made him feel uneasy all day long. , He gathered many monsters here to build iron-cast palaces, and he also wanted to resist Yuan Laiguang.

But he never expected that Yuan Laiguang would be so weak. If he were bolder then, he could even kill Yuan Laiguang on the spot.

From that day on, he no longer believed the so-called prophecy.

From that day on, he truly became the king of monsters worthy of the name. In this place, no one can threaten his status anymore. Whether it is monsters or humans, everyone fears him.

In this way, he spent a long time, and this kind of life makes him feel very boring. The only people who chat for entertainment in daily life are those who come from the outside world.

Although they came to crusade himself like Yuan Laiguang, those people are more naive, so he likes to use absolute force to break the fetters of those people who think they are as strong as golden stones, and watch their desperate and confused expressions.

After defeating those people, he likes to let his men eat their women in front of men, watching the men go crazy.

Then, he would use their own lives as a threat to let them perform ridiculous performances in front of the demons, such as eating the same kind of meat and pretending to be very delicious; then let them kill each other, kill and hurt themselves.

He once rewarded a man's wife to the ugliest little demon around him, and let the little demon torture that woman to death.

The man was crazy because of his wife's tragic death, and desperately rushed forward to die, while he sat on the bone throne on his ass, sneered and looked down at each other.

"Do you love her very much? Prove it. Although her upper body has been eaten, she still has her lower body... and it's still warm. You prove it to me... If you can do it, then I Just let you go." He said at the time.

As if he hadn't heard of it, the man yelled and yelled desperately, without any thought of obedient.

So Jiutun Boy said to the other people: "He doesn't do you, come on, there are only four places, whoever comes first, I will let whoever go... This uncle has done what he said, anyway, your meat is too stinky to eat. "

In the beginning, no one stood up, but in the end, one person broke the deadlock.

So he saw an interesting scene. He watched the man come to the **** corpse, and in front of his companions, he did something to defile the corpse of his companion, but in the whole process, only the husband of the deceased was desperately cursing and drinking. Scolding, the others were just silent, and at the same time showed a hesitant and entangled expression of pain.

He looked at this scene and laughed loudly, praised the first man loudly, asked his subordinates to take out the gold and silver treasures to that person, and sent him out of his Iron Palace.

Then, the man's other companions also started to do as he ordered, and he also kept his promise and let them go one by one, until in the end only the man was left, and the other's desperate expression, now it's still memorable. People are in a good mood.

However, instead of killing the opponent, he ordered the man to be locked up and served with delicious and delicious food.

In the prison, the guy didn’t commit suicide, so he called the monster who was good at transforming into his wife’s appearance to seduce him... As expected, after a few days of hesitation, the guy finally fell. After a few days of lingering between humans and the terrifying and ugly transformation banshee, Jiutun Boy was tired, and he decided to let go of this sad guy.

Before finally sending the man away, he deliberately returned the other's wife's already decaying lower body to the other party.

Up to now, he still remembered the man's expression, and the other person looked at his wife's rotten limbs, showing a look of doubt, guilt, and despair.

That look contained many things, but there was only lack of love. His previous love was completely dissipated after being defiled.

The loathing of the corpse and the compromise with the monster of his wife's appearance have proved that the so-called love does not point to each other, but only surrounds oneself.

Jiutun Boy has long known that love in the mouth of humans does not exist at all. This is their fictional lie that makes them feel good.

Whether it is a monster or a human being, happiness only exists in unscrupulous instinct and emotional catharsis.

For a long time, Jiutun Boy felt that all he knew was the truth, until the nasty woman appeared.

Thinking of that woman, Jiutun Boy frowned unhappily.

"Unlucky! Why do you always think of that guy?" Jiutun Boy said.

Thinking of something uncomfortable, Jiutun Boy instantly lost his interest in eating food, and raised his knife to Wang Siyan who was lying on the ground.

At the moment when the blade was about to touch Wang Siyan, Wang Siyan seemed to have suddenly gotten rid of the heavy pressure, and with a very agile action, he drew away Tongzi's cut!

"Huh?" Jiutun Boy looked at each other with interest.

Wang Siyan jumped to the side out of breath.

This is an action that Wang Siyan accomplished by using speed magic. The weird weight made her unable to stand up, but this does not mean that she has no room for resistance. Since the body falls faster, she stands up more slowly. , Then as long as the speed magic is used to give the two behaviors opposite properties, the suppressed situation can be reversed!

And in this way, the cost of speed is balanced with each other.

But this kind of incantation is repeatedly launched frequently, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com will put great pressure on the spirit, and this means that she cannot persist in this state for too long, maybe only a few minutes, she will continue to lie on the ground and be unable to get up.

These are the few minutes she has fought for Zhou Ming.

Just now, she had noticed that the pressure on her body that she could not bear was not from the room level, but from the spiritual level. Her body did not bear the extra physical pressure, just because of the Jiu Tun Boy exuding it. The sense of oppression made her have no will to stand and flee.

So the way to escape is very simple, as long as you can continue to move continuously even when you can't move, you can escape here.

Although she could not leave, Zhou Ming could leave!

Before taking the shot, she had already thrown Zhou Ming out. Although Zhou Ming is still in a coma, the distance is enough to protect him from the power of Jiu Tun Boy. As long as he can wake up, he can escape here. .


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