Yes, letting Chiyu decide who can pass this test is Kakashi's countermeasure.

Because although Chiyu is smart, she guessed the content of his test and made an agreement with Naruto and Sasuke, but it was only Chiyu's unilateral statement after all.

So as long as Kakashi insists that only two people can pass the test, then Chiyu will have no choice and the previous agreement will collapse.

Only in this case will he have the opportunity to see whether this is a real team.

At this time, hearing Kakashi's words, Naruto and Sasuke were really surprised.

They subconsciously glanced at Chiyu, and then Naruto asked loudly: "Why?"

"Don't you understand!" Kakashi smiled again, but this time the smile was tinged with coldness.

"Because you two are too weak!"

Kakashi said: "In my opinion, among the three of you, only Chiyu is qualified to be my subordinate."

"Whether it is Sasuke or Naruto, I don't want it!"

"But looking at your joint attack at the beginning, Chiyu should have told you something in advance."

"I don't like subordinates who act on their own. But since Chiyu has discussed it with you, I will be merciful and let one of you pass the test."

"So, do you understand? This is a reward for top students!"

Kakashi raised his chin and looked down at everyone with a proud look.

"How could this happen?" The unlucky Naruto who was still in the soil was struck by lightning.

And Sasuke on the side thought more.

He gritted his teeth and took a step forward: "Kakashi, do you know everything?"

"Yes!" Kakashi knew what he was asking: "I am a jonin, a jonin, and the ninjutsu Jixian is indispensable. Even if you don't know it at the beginning, you should have guessed it after so long."

"Teamwork, Chiyu told you this, right?"

Kakashi shook his head: "But unfortunately, teamwork is just a naive fantasy of students."

"What do you think a ninja is? A ninja is someone who can complete the mission regardless of everything! Sometimes, in order to complete the mission, teammates and even yourself will be sacrificed!"

"Let me put it this way... I once killed my teammates with my own hands!"

Bad memories flashed back, and Kakashi's expression became colder and harder.

And since ancient times, the truth is the most deceptive.

Because Kakashi really went through the period when the mission was supreme, and he really had bad experiences, so his words sounded particularly convincing!

Everyone who saw Kakashi's expression and eyes now could feel that these were words from Kakashi's heart.

Compared with the current Kakashi, the lazy, handsome Kakashi who was late for a meeting and made up lame excuses seemed to have never existed.

Or, this is the real Kakashi! The real ninja world!

"Is this a ninja?"

Sasuke was shocked after seeing the dark corner of the ninja world.

"How could this happen..."

Naruto's head, which had been held high even in the soil, drooped in disappointment, his expression was shaken, and his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible:

"This is too cruel!"

"Yes!" The comments agreed.

"Is this what a ninja is like?"

"Of course, or this is what the public thinks a ninja is like!"

"Not sparing any means, poisoning, assassination, seduction, etc., isn't that what a ninja is?"

"If that's the case, will my wife Qianyu..."

"Maybe, the industry in Japan has become more and more unrestrained recently. There is a dream of becoming a magical girl, and this April there will be a parenting BL with an ABO world view."

"Question: What is the ABO world view?"

"Answer: Don't ask, kid, there is an abyss ahead, let's get back to the present."

"The question now is, if you can only choose two, who will Qianyu choose as your other teammate?"

A brand new question was placed in front of everyone.

"Choose Naruto!"

"Choose Sasuke!"



On the bullet screen, the Naruto party and the Sasuke party started a melee.

Seeing this, Qianyu strangely withdrew his gaze, feeling a little weird.

Why are these people talking as if she is choosing a concubine?

If it was Naruko and Sasuke here, then she would be OK, but unfortunately it is not.

Ignoring the barrage, Chiyu stepped forward and stood up.

Kakashi was refreshed: "Oh, it seems that you have made your choice!"

"Who do you want to choose as your teammate? Naruto, or Sasuke?"

"!!!" Listening to Kakashi's words, Naruto and Sasuke looked over nervously.

"Will it be me?" Naruto thought uncertainly in his heart: "It's me, Sasuke is so arrogant, and I fought with Chiyu."

"But Sasuke seems to be popular with girls. Chiyu is also..."

"No!" Naruto shook his head fiercely: "Chiyu is definitely not as superficial as those people!"

"But even if you don't look at those, Sasuke is also an excellent student. Isn't it natural for excellent students to choose excellent students? Yabai, this time you may really have to go back to repeat the year!"

Thinking of this, Naruto became more disappointed. He lowered his head like a death row prisoner waiting to be beheaded.

"It must be me!" Sasuke was thinking at the same time.

"In this test, I performed so much better than Naruto. Later, Naruto couldn't move, and I was still helping. Anyone with a normal mind would choose me!"

"Yes, it must be me. I still have things to do. How can I not even be a ninja?"

Sasuke, who was in a clear sky, stood up, making a sharp contrast with Naruto.

Then Sasuke saw Chiyu separate the two bells and throw one of them in front of Naruto.

"What!?" Sasuke was in disbelief and shocked.

He couldn't understand why Chiyu chose Naruto instead of him, and Naruto did the same.

At this time, their expressions were similar.

"Chiyu..." Naruto trembled and wanted to say something.

But at this time, Chiyu threw the remaining bell to Sasuke.

"Huh?" Such a strange scene made Naruto's brain standby on the spot.

Sasuke didn't understand: "Chiyu, you gave the bell to me and Naruto, what about you?"

"Me?" Chiyu smiled: "Of course I will repeat the grade and wait until next year."

"Next year!?" Sasuke's expression was shocked: "You mean, you want to give the opportunity to become a Genin to me and Naruto?"

"Yes!" Chiyu nodded, then turned to look at Kakashi:

"Teacher Kakashi, you said that I will decide who can pass this graduation test, and you didn't say that I must be included."

"I did say that!" Kakashi concealed the surprise in his eyes, and his expression was gloomy: "But are you sure you want to do this? ?”

“Of course!”

Qianyu said seriously: “I told them that the content of this assessment is teamwork, so Naruto and Sasuke will work with me, but the result is that I got the bell and they lost the chance.”

“So I was thinking, if I didn’t say this, maybe in the melee, it was Naruto or Sasuke who successfully grabbed the bell.”

“Since it was my wrong decision that caused Naruto and Sasuke to suffer losses, then of course I should bear the cost!”

“This is, as it should be!”

“As it should be…” Kakashi looked at the girl in front of him with some emotion!

Beautiful, proud, the midday sun shines down, as if the whole person is wearing a golden gauze!

Admit your mistakes, what a simple truth, but how many people really do it?

“Qianyu, you…” Looking at Qianyu like this, Naruto and Sasuke on the other side also have moving expressions.

Not only them, at this moment, everyone who saw this scene was impressed by Qianyu’s noble character.

On the bullet screen, a series of complicated words such as "fairy" and "treasure girl" were drawn, and finally unified into six words.

"Great, no need to say more!"

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