After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 102: She has always been a simple fool

Isn't Xueer afraid of hurting the child? Zillog frowned and asked, "You all know? Then why don't you stop them, kid..."

"Their children are long gone." Qiao Yushi said indifferently, and Zillog opened his mouth again unexpectedly, unable to say a word.

For an instant, Zillog remembered many things in his mind.

The couple chain bought by Cheng Feixue said that it had been worn by the one she loved, but she did not see it on Qiao Yushi's wrist.

It turns out that the person she loves is not Qiao Yushi at all, and the person he loves must not be her, otherwise it would be impossible to see her with other men so indifferent.

Qiao Yushi saw her and Xiao Baiyu together, only seeing the hug, he locked her up angrily.

From this point of view, his emotions towards her are indeed much stronger than those towards Cheng Feixue.

Zilog thought about the baby again. No wonder Cheng Feixue was so panicked when she learned that she was pregnant.

It turned out that she was not infertile at all, she just wanted to conceal her relationship with Ah Xin, so she asked her Zillog for help.

Had it not been for fear that Qiao Yushi would treat Xueer badly...she had always been a simple fool.

The two kissed fiercely, and A Xin bent down to hug Cheng Feixue, and strode towards the unit not far away.

Zillog was still in a dream, completely lost in his thoughts, until someone grabbed her little hand.

"Baby, you are my only woman, I like you." His hoarse and **** voice sounded in her ears again.

She always thought that he was a jerk, he was eating a big radish in a pot and looking at it.

He was not, he said she was his only woman.

No wonder he said that he didn't care even if he told Xue'er, it turned out that he knew there were people outside Xue'er, and he even knew that there were other people's children outside.

At this moment, Zillog's heart was beating wildly, it was a heartbeat that was undeniable and could not be rejected.

"Why do you want to be together if you don't love each other?" She just couldn't figure it out. Xueer and Axin looked so affectionate, why don't you just get together, but you want to be together?

"I can't say that, in short, you are the only woman I have. I like you and care about you. I was not good in the past. I just hope you will give me a chance and let me cherish you. I promise I will never do harm again. Your business will only do what makes you happy."

He and Cheng Feixue had an agreement, and no one could tell the agreement between them.

As for what Zilog saw today, it was because they were outside and not paying attention. Of course, he has already played a side ball.

But he was too anxious to let his beloved little woman know the truth of the matter, luckily.

He didn't say it personally, but she saw it herself.

The sincere promise hit her heart, she didn't want to move her face, but she was indeed moved for a moment.

In his eyes, she saw a strong emotion that cannot be removed.

In the past, he might really have gone too far with jealousy, or he cared about her too much, and the two people were in that kind of relationship, so he never respected her.

She didn't immediately refuse, he didn't even dare to speak again, for fear of saying something, she categorically refused.

He wanted to tell her again that the reason why he treated her like that was because he had been completely betrayed. He was so afraid of betrayal, it was a complete sense of failure.

He couldn't say this yet, unless she remembered it all.

He hoped that she would never remember, that those forgotten, let her completely forget. Amnesia is sometimes a good thing, at least in his and her case.

Looking at him like this for a few seconds, Zillog narrowed his eyes and wanted to lower his head.

The expression in her eyes clearly felt for him, as if only for a moment, she backed away.

No way! He can't let her avoid, he wants her to know his enthusiasm, and her own enthusiasm.

Just like in the hospital, he grabbed her little hand and pulled a hand, his other hand held her neck like lightning, and his head leaned over.

Before she could react, he kissed her lips firmly.

Her sweet lips trembled, causing his blood to rush to his brain unconsciously.

Zillog was stupid. He didn't expect that he was still talking seriously just now, and suddenly he kissed her like this.

Pushed him, but he easily resolved it. He supported the back of her head with his big hands and leaned her domineeringly on the seat.

His lips twitched her soft lips little by little, and her heart beat wildly again.

As if only a few seconds, she was overwhelmed by the softness of his kiss.

"Don't..." She was afraid that he would press it again, so she pressed her stomach.

She still had a little sense of reason not wanting him to succeed, pushing him, he let go of her little hand, and the big hand fixed her little hand that pushed him.

When she refused, his tongue drove straight in.

This is something he has been expecting for too long, and she is not allowed to refuse.

He was going to stop her mouth just because she was afraid that she would not accept him.

The sweet touch made him forget the purpose of shutting her up in the beginning, and he soon fell into it.

Kissing is the most direct language for expressing love. His passion, his tenderness, his deepness, his guilt, and all his emotions towards this little woman are concentrated in this kiss.

Had it not been for fear that she would push him away, he would taste her more gently and carefully and tease her.

At this moment, he could only rush to the sea to make her faint, and her tongue drew her little tongue, and she kept turning and dancing.

Zilog didn't know if he had missed him before, or if she was too surprised about Xueer Axin just now, and she didn't resist him emotionally. Even though he knew rationally that he shouldn't let him kiss himself, it seemed that he couldn't resist.

The oxygen in his mouth had been completely taken away by him, and he was dizzy and heavy, and the whole person was as light as flying into the clouds.

They have been together for two years, and he has never kissed her with such a passionate emotion.

Sometimes when he is domineering, he will **** her fiercely, and even break her lips.

Today is completely different. Although he is also domineering and hot, she feels his cautiousness.

It's like a different person, for fear of hurting her.

Her body seemed to be soft, she hadn't resisted as much as she had started, and he slowed down the rhythm.

She sucked her lips as if she was eating ice cream, and occasionally her tongue would lick her sweet lips.

Streams of electric current made both people a little bit out of control, his kiss became more intense, and his tongue stirred her again.

This intensity is tight for a while, gentle for a while.

She didn't know how she remembered the harmony of the two people's bedclothes. If he is in a good mood, he can always please her just right.

Of course, it wasn't just her who thought of this, but he, his body, and his heart were eager to combine with this little woman thoroughly.

This woman liked him, he could clearly feel it in the kiss.

Also, she once wanted to marry him so much, and spent two years for a man, how could she not fall in love.

He is really stupid, such a good woman, how could he misunderstand her for so long.

He didn't want to let her go anymore, he wanted to hold her in his hand and care for her like a treasure, and care for her forever.

The little thing needs to change his breath, he relaxed a little bit, his lips still pressed against hers, did not move, so that she could breathe smoothly twice.

Now Zilog awoke suddenly, her chest was still violently heaving, and she took a few deep breaths.

She turned her head, trying to get out of his kiss.

He didn't want her to be awake, and found that she had the intention of fleeing again, and his wet tongue squeezed into her small mouth again and fiddled with her.

"You... don't..." The ending sound was swallowed by him again.

As long as she wanted to resist, he would kiss her, and never let her say anything.

The enthusiastic kiss lasted for a long time, and she was really softened by his kiss, not only soft, but also endless emptiness.

She thought she must be crazy, and she would want this man to treat her...

When his big hands rubbed her towering breasts, she awakened completely.

After she did not resist, he let go of her little hand, and her hand pushed him away when he was unprepared.

"Don't do this!" she yelled at him, her voice trembling.

He looked down at her lustrous red lips that he kissed, eyes full of eroticism, and smiled evilly.

"Little thing, actually miss me very much!" His voice has been hoarse and can no longer be hoarse, and the last name cannot be any longer.

This is not a question, but a very positive sentence.

Her blushing face was more like a fever at this time.

Biting her lips tightly, she felt very shameful for her behavior.

She is someone who has a boyfriend, and Xiao Baiyu is her boyfriend, but she never kissed him so passionately.

Occasionally he would want to kiss her, but she couldn't tell why, she just wanted to refuse instinctively.

If it was Qiao Yushi who forced her, she couldn't resist at all, and she said the past.

This time it happened that she herself was a little intoxicated, he was right, she really missed him a little.

Zilog, you're too self-respect, too sordid, and she cursed herself completely in her heart.

"Little thing, you are not allowed to bite your own mouth like this." He said softly, and stretched out his hand to free her lips from being ravaged by her.

Rubbing his fingertips lightly on it, he looked straight into her eyes and said seriously: "You are my woman. It is only natural for you to be kissed by me. Don't feel ashamed."

After waking up, her small face became very serious, and she turned her head away from his fingers.

"Don't call me that, I'm not even your woman. I was just... It was too unexpected that you did not die, and that Xueer and Axin were also unexpected. It was you who took advantage of the emptiness. Harass me."

Qiao Yushi let out a long sigh, there is really no way to get this little thing.

If she doesn't like him, why can't she find Bei after being kissed by him?

What are you still awkward, Cher is not an obstacle between them, is status really that important?

He really has no way to give him the status for the time being. As long as three years, he can let her formally enter the Qiao family.

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