After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 220: Out of danger

It was not that he wanted to shirk responsibility, but Cheng Feixue did commit suicide this time. He didn't do anything to her, all he did was hit back.

Of course, from any angle, he didn't want her to die.

The most important thing is that Zillog is really sad when she is dead.

I was thinking about Zilog when I heard her voice.

"Yushi, what's wrong with Xueer? What's the matter?"

"Why are you here?" Qiao Yushi was sweating as she watched her rush.

"You still have the face? Are you embarrassed to care about Xue'er? If it weren't for you shamelessly wanted to seduce her husband, how could these things happen today? I really want me to strangle you!" Cheng Daxing saw each other. Logg, completely unable to remember that he was the origin of these scourges, rushed forward and wanted to fight her hard.

"You are not allowed to move her!" Qiao Yushi grabbed Cheng Daxing's arm, Qiao Sinan glared at him.

What's the matter with Zilog, he threatened his daughter and cast his anger on others?

"The surname is Qi, if my daughter has a long and two short, I will let you bury it! No one should stop me, the big deal is my old life." Cheng Daxing said fiercely.

Zilog didn't know what was going on today, and he said that everything was caused by her wherever he went.

In fact, it was really caused by her. If she didn't stay with Qiao Yushi in such a hurry, he would not tell Cheng Feixue about the divorce.

"Uncle Cheng, let's wake up quietly and wait. I believe Xueer will be fine."

"Yes, stop arguing. Who are you to blame? Xue'er and Ah Xin are such a good couple, and you had to force her to marry Qiao Yushi. If they were not married, how could today's matter be? My son is dead, I really went with her. Anyway, you have no feelings for our mothers and you hate us. When we die, you will be fine." Cheng Feixue’s mother was crying and complaining about herself husband.

Cheng Daxing finally calmed down. He didn't speak any more. Everyone didn't speak any more. They all sat on the chairs in the hospital corridor and looked at the lights in the operating room.

Cheng Feixue's medicine was mixed in the wine, it was diluted, the amount was not enough, and he was rescued from danger.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Zilog wanted to go in and see her, but Cheng Daxing refused to say anything.

Even Qiao Yushi and Qiao Sinan were not allowed to enter.

"You go, you all go! Divorce if you want to divorce, and I won't care about your business in the future."

After this trouble, Cheng Daxing really wanted to drive. The past is gone, and the only biological daughter still has to let her live happily.

"Let's go, she's okay, we'll see her again in two days." Qiao Yushi put his arms around Zilog's shoulders and said tiredly.

"Sinan, go to the villa and take your parents back to Qiao's house. This banquet will not go on without the owner."

"Yushi, what's going on?" Zillog asked Qiao Yushi worriedly in the car going back.

On the phone, she heard Qiao Yushi say that Cheng Feixue was going to frame him. Why did she want to frame him?

"I think she might be because of Ah Xin. She and Ah Xin agreed to go elopement, I know, I sent Qiao Sinan to chase Ah Xin. Here I dragged Cheng Feixue and went to Cheng's house with her. Qiao Sinan said that Ah Xin fell off the cliff of Mingxi Mountain. Cheng Feixue didn't know about this, but she might have guessed it. She must think I killed Ah Xin on purpose..."

"Wait! You mean Ah Xin fell off the cliff? He is dead?" Zilog's voice was extremely difficult. Ah Xin was her and Cheng Feixue's playmate since childhood.

Is he really dead? She simply couldn't accept it.

"There are many bad things." Qiao Yushi didn't want to lie to her, Cheng Feixue was fine, and would tell her these things.

Instead of letting others say it, he should speak frankly to Zillog himself.

She blamed him, it was inevitable. He was also at fault. If it weren't for his sister, he would chase and stop him, he would never have fallen.

"Qiao Yushi! You are a bastard!" Zillog glared at him, tears rolling out of his eyes as he roared.

"Yes, I'm a bastard. But I really didn't think about it..."

"I never thought it would be manslaughter!"

"Yes, it's manslaughter. You can call the police to catch me. You have your cell phone on you and call 110. Or, now we can go to the police station and surrender."

Zilog's heart was sore again that her good friend died like that? She can't ask for justice for him, how can he look down?

Really report him? Send him to the police station personally, she is not so righteous. Besides, did he really intend to kill him on purpose? He just wanted to warn him and be responsible for his sister, right?

"You know I am reluctant to go to jail, you know! Qiao Yushi, you are bullying me, do you know how uncomfortable I am? Axin is also my best friend since childhood. He died and I was really uncomfortable. !" She really wanted to beat him, so what if he beat him? Can you get his life back?

Qiao Yushi stopped the car and sighed and hugged Zilog.

"I'm sorry, baby! I'm not good, you can call me, you can beat me. I am also very guilty, maybe I say guilt you don't believe it. I really want to make up for him, but he is an orphan and I can even make up Can't make up."

"Today, Cheng Feixue wants to frame me, I don't blame her. She wants to avenge Ah Xin, Xiao Luoluo, if you want to avenge Ah Xin, you can report me."

Zilog finished crying, and gently pushed him away.

"I can't do it, I really can't do it to report you. But I can't take it as it hasn’t happened, so let me be quiet. Calm down for a while, maybe after time, I won’t Thinking about this, I can happily be with you."

"Are you going to separate from me or break up?" Don't you think it's weird that the person was still in his arms and said to break up?

"Separate. Actually, I don’t want to be separated from you. I want to stay with you every day. But I’m afraid I will think of Ah Xin at any time, and I will feel guilty when I am with you. Yu Shi, I will return to my parents tomorrow morning. Go there." Her attitude was very determined, and Qiao Yushi felt bored.

"Well, I respect your decision, maybe this is the punishment I deserve." Compared with a life, such a period of punishment is not too heavy, right?

"Tonight, I want to accompany you until dawn." He said, not to be refused.

"Yeah!" She nodded, weeping.

When he arrived at the apartment, Qiao Yushi parked the car, still holding her hands upstairs.

Both of them felt reluctant to each other, but they seemed destined to separate again.

"Baby, do you miss me?" After getting on the bed, Qiao Yushi put her arms around Zilog and asked her softly in her ear.

He had fought for her all night, and he would be sad if she said that she would not miss him.

His little woman didn't let her down, and whispered, "Hmm!" After a while, all the dissatisfaction with him was condensed.

"I will miss you too! Baby, do I have to be separated?"

"I'm sorry, I hope you don't get angry with me." Zillog turned around and looked at Qiao Yushi.

She can insist on his parents' prevention. But after all, Ah Xin is life-threatening, and she really can't ignore it.

"No." He said softly, he could understand her feelings.

In fact, this is also his punishment to himself. If he doesn't do anything, he will feel sad.

"Give me a good hug, give me a hug." He sighed, holding her tightly in his arms.

The body is very close to the body, kiss, I don't know who took the initiative.

Kissing closely together, he sucked her unwilling tears into his mouth.

With salty tears, the two people kissed fiercely as if before the end of the world.

No one knows how long this "quiet period" is, how long it will take to forget the discomfort of a living person around him disappearing.

This is their passionate love period, and separation is the most painful thing for them.

Her taste, her beautiful face, her laughter, her everything, he will not be able to touch it for a while.

Thinking of separation, I have already missed it now.

If they can, they really hope that this night will never end, and that they can be combined like this forever, without any barriers.

You have me I have you.

Her tears didn't stop, her little mouth kept kissing him, his forehead, his eyebrows, his most charming and deep eyes.

His lips, as she approached, he caught her fiercely, kissed and kissed, kissed and kissed.

Her little mouth was almost red and swollen because of her kiss Su Su.

Qiao Yushi recently read a report that if women can smell a man's scent, it will affect their hormones and sleep more sweetly.

Besides, he can also give her a sense of security.

The stubborn little guy must figure it out earlier.

Don't worry, I will continue to look for Ah Xin. To see people alive, and a corpse to die, maybe he could be lucky enough to survive.


In the hospital, in the middle of the night, Cheng Feixue's mother saw Ah Xin's face flashing across the window on the door.

She blinked, suspecting that she was wrong.

To confirm, she said that she was sleepy and had to go to the hallway to breathe.

Cheng Daxing stood by his daughter's bed, and because he was getting older and a little sleepy, he ignored her words.

She went out, and she was gone after seeing someone sway around the corner.

This child, I'm afraid he wants to see Cheng Feixue, and he is worried that Cheng Daxing will not come.

She returned to the ward and persuaded Cheng Daxing.

"Xue'er is still very weak. We may have to stay for a long time. It is important to maintain physical strength. You can go back now, and change me tomorrow. If I get sleepy, I will squeeze a bed with her for a while."

"Well, you are here, I will bring you breakfast in the morning."

Cheng Daxing can't remember how long the family hasn't been so harmonious.

As soon as he left the hospital, the door of the ward was gently opened.

"You can stay with her for a while." Without looking back, Mother Cheng knew who had come. It was really hard for the little mandarin ducks.

She thought, if that person knows well and sees that their unfulfilled enjoyment can be achieved by the juniors, she would be pleased.

I hope that after this incident, Cheng Daxing can relax and let them end their suffering.

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