"Tong Wenya! Answer the phone for me!" A thunderous voice came from the microphone.

Tong Wenya saw that Xiao Ye was okay for the time being and then turned around and picked up the microphone, "Tong Wenya, you leave the interrogation room immediately! You have been suspended! The police officer's card is handed in immediately!

"Dad, he is..."

"I'm not your father, I'm Chief Tong, you leave the police station immediately, don't let me find someone to take you away!"

Dad had never overwhelmed her as the director, so he seemed really angry. In the past two years, he was in poor health. Tong Wenya was very worried that he was angry. Although not reconciled, she said softly: "I know, Director Tong, I will leave now."

Xiao Ye smiled and looked at her, as if to say, did I remind you.

How could she sympathize with him? Who is he? The devil who kills without blinking!

"Don't be proud, I will find evidence and kill you!"

After speaking, she bitterly grabbed the police officer's card on the table and walked to the door with a small face and turned the door open. Yuan Siming jumped in immediately, and Xiao Rou followed behind.

"Ah... Comrades, I need first aid, I am going to die..."

If the eyes can kill people, Tong Wenya definitely kills him with eyes. She glared at him again, and then asked Yuan Siming coldly, "Who told my father? You or Xiaorou?"

"Boss, Xiao Rou is kind, isn't it afraid of you breaking discipline."

"Yuan Siming, you are really not interesting!" Xiao Rou gave Yuan Siming a sullen look, and she said that she called, but Yuan Siming's head was too unscrupulous, and she gave her out in the blink of an eye.

"Ahem, Boss won't beat you." Yuan Siming originally said this deliberately, and wanted Tong Wenya to beat him out, as usual.

Tong Wenya didn't come at him. The expression on her face was as cold as winter. What's wrong, I am anxious to death.

"Boss, what did Tong Ju say?" Yuan Siming asked cautiously.

"Suspended." Tong Wenya flicked the police officer's ID card to Yuan Siming, and went ahead, Yuan Siming hurriedly went out, "Boss, what about Xiao Ye? Should I send it to the hospital for inspection?"

Tong Wenya thought of Xiao Ye's weakness at that moment, frowned, and the corpses in the charming clubhouse that year appeared in front of him. Everyone was shot in the eyebrows, one shot was fatal, and the pistol was the world's top silent pistol. The marksmanship was superb, which showed that the person who started it must be a professional sniper. This kind of people have received various physical training, and they are not so easy to pull their braids.

"No, let him think about it in the interrogation room first, and send him to the detention center at night."

As soon as Tong Wenya arrived in the lobby, a group of police officers gathered around and asked, "Boy, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay, nothing, boss, please calm down, you all go to work.

Yuan Siming followed Tong Wenya all the way out of the police station gate, and then whispered, "Boss, do you have any personal grievances with that Xiao Ye?"


"Then why are you doing this to him?"

"To shut up."

"Boss, you didn't do the right thing today, I can't help but tell me. You always told me that the case cannot be subjective, but you see Xiao Ye, the polygraph did not show him a lie. Besides, you have no evidence at all. If you try him like this, keeping him locked is no way."

"What do you know? I was there before the crime, and I saw him there, and now he denies it completely, can those people die in vain? He did all the bad things in vain?" She was really mad at her, it was clear that he was very evil. It just can't help him.

"Boss, did you see him kill with your own eyes?"

"That's not true."

"Doesn't that matter? You know better than me, he was on the scene before the incident, and it can't be said that he killed the person."

"It's him, it must be him! Everyone else is dead, only he lives, not who he is!"

"We need to talk about evidence! We must find a way to prove that the criminal is guilty, but we must also find a way to prove that the criminal is innocent. This is our duty. Boss, why do you want him to confess so much?"

Tong Wenya was startled.

Yes, does she want him to be a murderer so much? Does she want him to be shot? What if he really did nothing? Let him go? No, even if he did not do those things, he has committed unforgivable things to her and will never go back to the mountains.

"Let's close it. I can't get any evidence. I'm going home."

Tong Wenya returned home, as if she had been drained, so she lay on the sofa faintly, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about Xiao Ye's words repeatedly in her mind: "I don't know, forgot." "I am amnesia."

For several years, I have been looking forward to finding him day and night, but I did find him, but it was so helpless and powerless. She said ruthlessly to find evidence, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't find any evidence at all.

At this time, the phone rang again, and when I picked it up, I heard little Keji's elated voice: "Tong Wenya, I won't go back tonight, I have Barbie."

"Barbie?" Tong Wenya was surprised, Xiao Ye's evil and handsome face unconsciously appeared in front of her, and she sat up on the floor, "You say it again!"

"Mummy, officially inform you that from today, Godfather Nangong is my kiss Barbie, and I will cover him from now on."

by! She was scared to death, and thought it was the **** who escaped from prison...No way, how did this kid call Nangongzhe's father so smooth, and Barbie, numb. The kid really has no morals, he has the same virtue as Yang Kang. No, he can't be allowed to recognize the thief as his father, ahem, of course Nangong Zhe is not a thief either. Anyway, it wasn't her own person. She had to come back quickly. Just about to call Nangong Zhe to answer the phone, she suddenly remembered that bastard. I really can't take it. It's not the time to let him and Corgi have a chance to meet, absolutely not.

"Tong Wenya? Are you still listening?" Little Corgi seemed to smell Tong Wenya's unusual silence, she should be furious.

"Bad boy, don't come back, sell you to him, let him send ten million to my mother."

"Tsk tsk, the woman is so dark, I can't bear to knock on my Barbie's stick." Tong Wenya was too lazy to talk nonsense with him anymore, just about to press the phone, little Corgi seemed to see her move, "Wait , Tong Wenya, close the doors and windows at night, beware of Selang."

Is it her son? Tong Wenya's heart is warm, and the corners of her mouth rise slightly. He wants to say a good son, but before he says it, he listens to Xiao Keji said: "Oh, Tong Wenya, you should leave the doors and windows open. , You should find a man!"

"When you come back, be careful I slap you on the wall, I can't pull you off!" Before she interrupted the phone, she heard Corgi exaggeratedly shouting, "Barbie, someone bullied me, ah... scared Damn me."

Tong Wenya flashed her mind, and threw the phone aside, not daring to think about the cunningness of Corgi and someone, obviously not painful, and so exaggerated that she was scolded by her father and suspended.

Forget it, don't want to go to sleep!

Sleeping is Tong Wenya's ultimate move to restore her mood. I believe she can find clues again when she wakes up. There must be something missing.

I don't know how long it took, Tong Wenya felt heavier the more she slept, as if she was pressing a warm boulder on her body, and her breathing became difficult. In the end, she was woken up from pressure, and suddenly felt a chill, and a dangerous breath came on her face.

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