A few days later, in the morning, inside the Polaris Dormitory, a paper instruction manual was mailed to the Polaris Dormitory, attracting many people's attention.

Yukihira Soma looked at the instruction manual on the table and asked curiously:

"Accommodation study instructions?"

"Friendship and communication?"

"What is this? An off-campus activity?"

"Marui, why are you shaking?"

"Didn’t I write about friendship and communication?"

"Haha, why are you acting like you're going to hell!"

As a transfer student, he didn't know much about the traditions of Totsuki Academy.

Seeing the fear and anxiety on the faces of others, Soma Yukihira realized that things were not that simple.

"It's okay to call it hell."

Marui Zenji's face was ashen.

Ibusaki, with sweat on his forehead, continued:

"Yukihira, you are right. This is the first hell test you will face after entering the first year of high school!"

Yukihira Soma scratched his head, still not sure what everyone was talking about.

Lu Xuanyu picked up the instruction manual on the table and said with a smile:

"Next, all first-year students will be sent to the training ground."

"Every day in the deep mountain resort, a cruel cooking trial is carried out"

"Students who fail to reach the passing score will be expelled directly!"

"Senior Isshiki, you also returned safely from that hell last year, right?"

Everyone looked at Isshiki Hui.

As a senior, maybe his experience could provide some help to everyone.

"Yes, this is the competitive education that Totsuki Academy has always had."

"‘The selection of Yu' is about to begin!"

"When I attended last year, dozens of people were forced to drop out every day."

"I heard that there is still one year of training, and the number of students has dropped to half!"

Ise Hui's words were not a shot in the arm, but a paraquat.

After hearing this, everyone's frustration became even stronger.

"Hahaha, worthy of being a senior."

"Gentle killer, do you want to kill everyone?"

Lu Xuanyu sat on the chair and couldn't help laughing.

Yoshino Yuuki said sadly with tears in her eyes:

"Everyone, are these days the last time we spend together?"

"If I go to hell, I may not be able to come back!"

Tanaka Hui hurriedly supported Yoshino Yuuki's shoulders:

"Yuuki, don't say such discouraging words"

"We just need to work hard to complete the trial and become half of that person, isn't that enough?"

Mito Yumei clenched her fist and cheered, actively raising her voice:

"Xiaohui is right, we are not stepping stones for others."

"Everyone, have confidence in the strength of our Polar Star Dormitory. We are all the best chefs!"

Lu Xuanyu smiled like an aunt.

He was very satisfied with the spirit shown by Tanaka Hui and Mito Yumei.

In the original book, the person who was most afraid of the joint training was Tanaka Hui.

Now she is full of confidence, which makes Lu Xuanyu feel very relieved.

Mito Yumei has been smoothly integrated into Polar Star Dormitory with her contact with everyone these days.

After the last misunderstanding was resolved, she took the initiative to find Lu Xuanyu to apologize and became his personal secretary loyally.

Under the leadership of the two, the atmosphere gradually eased.

"Well said, Aunt Wenxu and I will be waiting for you to come back, and I believe that you will all pass the training trial!"

"That’s right, cheer up, we are not just small fry!"

"Let damn hell see who conquers who!"


While they were cheering each other up, Soma Yukihira scratched his face and looked at Lu Xuanyu suspiciously:

"Xuanyu, why do you seem to not care at all?"

"Aren't you worried at all that you'll be expelled from school?"

"Hehehe, what if you have bad luck and meet a difficult instructor?"

Yukihira Soma said at the end, revealing an evil smile.

Looking at his expression, it seems that he hopes Lu Xuanyu will be nervous like everyone else.



Before Lu Xuanyu could speak, Tian Suohui stretched out his arm and blocked the two of them.

"Yukihira, Xuanyu-kun is one of the top ten!"

"No instructor has the right to expel him from school. This is the advantage of being one of the top ten."

"Xuanyu Jun can even arrange the work of the tutors, and the tutors need to obey the command of the Ten Elites."

Tanoko Hui spoke righteously and answered meticulously.

Since becoming Lu Xuanyu's secretary, whenever there is a need to speak and explain.

Tanoko Hui will stand up at the first time to complete the role of mouthpiece and say what Lu Xuanyu is thinking.

It must be said that the secretary of the training department is very comfortable.

He can always accurately say what Lu Xuanyu is thinking!

Yukihira Soma's face was full of black lines, and his prank was frustrated again.

"Damn privileged students, are the top ten so cool?"

"It's totally beyond the constraints of the rules!"

"I really want to be one of the top ten, I really want to take the place of Xuan Yu and Isshiki seniors!"

Yukihira Soma said enviously


Meanwhile, in Erina's bedroom at Nakiri's residence

"Feishazi, what have you eaten recently?"

""Your skin is so smooth, your whole temperament is different!"

Nakiri Erina playfully touched Hisako's face with her fingers.

It was not her illusion, Hisako's skin really got better.

It was smooth and elastic, better than her own!

"Lady Erina, it's not as good as you say."

"I've been drinking the Gastrodia elata soup I prepared for you yesterday."

"It does have the effect of replenishing qi and blood, and beautifying the skin."

Hisashi lay beside Erina, holding her flushed cheeks with her hands.

Her feet swung back and forth unconsciously in the air, and her mind was full of the figure of her master.

In the past few days, after six o'clock, she would study with Lu Xuanyu in the hot spring bath as promised.

Tianma Babao Soup was the medicinal soup she learned the next day, and she had been drinking it.

Unexpectedly, it had such a good effect.

Everything was thanks to Lu Xuanyu.

As the teaching gradually deepened, the relationship between the two gradually heated up.

Now learning face to face in the bath, with occasional physical contact, Hisashi no longer felt embarrassed.

Even last night, in the dream...

Thinking of it, Hisashi's face became even redder

"You are such a hard-working person, I am so touched to see you like this."

"It seems that the training camp is not difficult for you, so I don't need to worry about you."

"Unfortunately, starting tomorrow, my rest time will be gone."

"After class every day, until eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the Ten Elites Management Committee will hold a collective work discussion and arrangement."

"The matter of the training camp also needs to be handled by our Ten Elites!"

Erina turned over and lay on the bed, pressing her hand to her forehead.

What made her even more nervous was that she would have to spend the next few nights with Lu Xuanyu in the office face to face.

This sentence brought sorrow to the two girls.

Hisako's expression froze, and her mood instantly fell to the bottom.

These days, after finishing her classes, it has become a habit to go to the hot spring bath to find Lu Xuanyu.

The message in Erina's words was telling Hisako that before the training camp ended, this evening might be her last chance to follow Lu Xuanyu to study!


PS: The previous chapter is temporarily in a harmonious state and is being actively repaired. I hope the review speed can be faster.

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