"Chef Xuanyu, what I want to ask is about the wheat ear flower knife of the squirrel laurel tree!"

"When I was in the kitchen of Beitiaolou, I saw the chef in the restaurant make"

"Before pickling, the wheat ears will be cut in advance"

"I also think that if you cut it in advance, wouldn’t it be more flavorful?"

"The texture of yellow croaker is more solid than salmon, so it should be harder to taste."

"I know it's definitely not Chef Xuanyu's fault, so……"

"What is the meaning of doing this?"

Miyoko Hojo asked with a curious mindset.

She is willing to do anything that can help her grow.

"Well, in terms of taste, of course, what you said is true"

"But if the overall look is the same, there will be a lack of progressive layering."

"It may not be intuitive enough to say, wait until the finished product is completed and try it yourself, I believe you will understand"

"No matter how much you say, it is better to experience it yourself."

Lu Xuanyu explained simply, without saying too much.

He admired Hojo Miyoko's attitude.

She did so many repetitive tasks, but she still observed and asked questions.

A chef who only knows how to obey and do things will not have room for growth.

"Try it? Our work is to be handed over to Mr. Mizuhara……"

Hojo Miyoko was halfway through her speech when she suddenly realized:

"So, by preparing two yellow croakers, aren’t you worried about failure?"

"But... prepared one for me?"

Lu Xuanyu nodded unabashedly.

"I won't fail, I won't have a backup plan"

"Being my assistant is hard work."

"Prepare one for you as a reward for your hard work"


"We were just one step away from being lovers."

"Can't I cook a meal for you?"

"Or do you want to try my food? What exactly is it?"

Lu Xuanyu was acting like a drama queen. He started to force the value and sensationalize the dish halfway through.

After all, he couldn't tell Hojo Miyoko that he wanted to earn more points by making one more dish.

Not only can you eat it, but you can also share it with Xiaohui and Yuuki later.

Let's all happily earn points together!

Since we have prepared it, of course we should make good use of it.

As Lu Xuanyu expected, after he finished speaking, Hojo Miyoko blushed visibly.

She tried her best to control her expression and responded:

"I think a lot of people would like to eat your food."

"Who wouldn't want to eat the food cooked by the Ten Elites?"

Lu Xuanyu's face was solemn, and he asked again:

"Others are others, I am asking you... Do you want to? Or not?"

Just now it was fine, but suddenly the atmosphere became formal.

After seeing Lu Xuanyu's strength, Hojo Miyoko was already impressed.

Facing Lu Xuanyu's powerful questioning, there was no way to avoid it.

"I... want to."

Hojo Miyoko took a deep breath and answered Lu Xuanyu's words. She was being controlled.

She couldn't fight back at all.


After several dozen minutes, because it involved the process of pickling,

Lu Xuanyu and Hojo Miyoko were in the same group, so they finished their dishes relatively late.

Groups handed in their dishes one after another.

Most of them chose Italian cuisine.

As Lu Xuanyu guessed, the cuisine that seemed to be a plus point actually became the most strict category.

"Failed, redo"

"Failed, redo"

"The taste is a bit bad, redo it"

"The cheese rolls were fried for too long, so they failed. We need to redo them."


Mizuhara Fuyumi, who is known as the most kind teacher to students, is a devil instructor.

Basically, an hour and a half has passed.

Starting from this point, I have to bear the huge psychological pressure of failing.

It is quite difficult to make better dishes.

"The taste is great, it is an excellent dish"

"I can feel your dedication, it's qualified!"

Finally, under the scoring of Mizuhara Fuyumi, the first qualified cooking work was born

"Yeah! Thank you Mizuhara-senpai!"

"Xiaohui, we passed!"

Yoshino Yuuki excitedly hugged Tanaka Hui's arm and rubbed it back and forth.

Tanaka Hui breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily:

"Great! We did it, Yuki, you did a great job!"

Excited, Tanaka Hui did not forget to look at the back row.

She wanted to see how far he had progressed.

Before she saw Lu Xuanyu, a strange voice came from the back row again.




There was a burst of heated discussion in the classroom.

"What's that sound? Did some small animal run into the classroom?"

"Rodents, rats? Squirrels? Where?"

"The sound came from behind, as if it was from Lu Xuanyu's cooking table!"

"Oh my god, is this true? The food is making a sound!"

"Could this be the Chinese cuisine's squirrel mandarin fish? It actually makes the sound of a squirrel!"

"It's amazing, how did they do it? They can make the food make squirrel sounds!"


Mizuhara Fuyumi once again stood on the podium, looking at the steaming squirrel fish dish.

Her throat moved slightly, and she couldn't help looking forward to it.

"Please make way! Don't watch!"

When facing ordinary classmates, Hojo Miyoko's bold side was revealed again.

With a confident rebuke, the students who were watching in the corridor quickly dispersed.

Lu Xuanyu walked to the front of the stage with the dish that was still making a faint"squeaking" sound.

Hojo Miyoko followed behind Lu Xuanyu, feeling even more restless.

【The head is held high and the tail is curled up. The color is cute. The shape is like a squirrel. It squeaks when it is eaten!

This is how the Chinese people summed up the characteristics of squirrel fish.

In the Hojo Building, Hojo Miyoko had never seen an authentic squirrel fish that could really make the sound of a squirrel.

In Lu Xuanyu, Hojo Miyoko saw too many of her own shortcomings and insignificance.

"Young Master Xuan Yu is here!"

"What kind of magical dish is this?"

"What a cute voice, and what a... cool look!"

"I really want to try it, woo woo woo!"

When Yoshino Yuuji saw the squirrel yellow croaker that Lu Xuanyu served, she couldn't help but exclaimed

"It’s Chinese cuisine, squirrel fish!"

"When Xuan Yujun was chatting with me and Yu Mei, he introduced the representative dishes of various Chinese cuisines."

"One of the representative dishes of Su cuisine is the magical dish that makes the sound of a squirrel, the squirrel fish!"

When Tanaka Hui saw it, she said immediately

"Wow, Xiao Hui is amazing, she remembers what Master Xuanyu said so clearly."

Yoshino Yu looked at Tadokoro Hui meaningfully.

Tadokoro Hui immediately blushed and grabbed Yoshino Yuki's arm.

"Mizuhara-senpai, sorry for the long wait!"

"This dish is named after it.……"

"Full of tricks, special squirrel yellow croaker!"


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