Megumi Tadokoro and Yoshino Yuuki looked at each other.

They immediately understood each other and took a few steps forward, widening the distance between Lu Xuanyu and Hojo Miyoko.

Hojo Miyoko took the initiative to bring it up, and naturally she had something private to say to Lu Xuanyu.

Yoshino Yuuki, who was walking in front, took Megumi Tadokoro's arm.

She said with full vigilance:

"Xiaohui, you have to be careful!"

"Hojo Miyoko, the sixty-fifth of Master Xuanyu’s rumored girlfriends!"

"Look at her figure, it’s super super...invincible!"

"You need to have a sense of crisis, understand?"

Tansho Hui lowered his head and said calmly:

"Those rumored girlfriends are just boring rumors from the outside world"

"I am just Xuan Yujun's secretary and have no right to interfere in his private life."

"It's his freedom to like whomever he wants."

Yoshino Yuki's eyes rolled around.

Every time they came across similar topics, Tansho Kei would try to stop Yoshino Yuki from continuing to make jokes like"She is Lu Xuanyu's wife". She didn't stop him this time?


On the other side,

Lu Xuanyu slowed down his pace and took Hojo Miyoko to a shaded exit at the corner of a building.

"What's wrong, Miyoko, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Lu Xuanyu asked first

"Chef Xuan Yu……"

"If I think too much, you can regard the following words as my own wishful thinking."

"Thank you for choosing Chinese cuisine as the theme for this class assessment."

"Through this cooking, I feel your will and talent in cooking."

"I learned a lot and saw things I didn't see before."

"You are an extremely good chef. Thank you for your advice. Will I have the opportunity to continue to teach you in the future?"

Hojo Miyoko looked at Lu Xuanyu's eyes sincerely.

In her heart, she felt that the reason why Lu Xuanyu chose Chinese cuisine in class was entirely because of her. He wanted to have a conversation with her through cooking.

If she didn't express her feelings, she would have failed Lu Xuanyu's kindness.

However, Lu Xuanyu replied:

"Miyoko... do you want to continue dating me?"

"After eating my food, have you been conquered by me physically and mentally?"

Miyoko Hojo:"???"

Did she not say it clearly enough?

Isn't it right to express gratitude?

The result.

Lu Xuanyu's next words made Hojo Miyoko choke.

"Do I need to say this behind my two roommates' backs?"

"Just wanted to say thank you, is there anything that others can’t hear?"

"Midori, you are not honest. You don't say what you want to say directly."

"Are you beating around the bush and playing word games with me?"

Hojo Miyoko:"……"

Why not say it in front of them...

If she explained that she was thin-skinned, it seemed to be completely inconsistent with her personality style.

But... it was definitely not what Lu Xuanyu said!



"Oh, I can't tell you"

"I'm just expressing my feelings, I don't want to... continue anything."

Hojo Miyoko stuttered and tried to explain.

If she had known earlier, she really shouldn't have talked to Lu Xuanyu alone.

Lu Xuanyu:"It's really not what I thought?"

Hojo Miyoko:"Absolutely true!"

Lu Xuanyu:"Then let me check it out."

Hojo Miyoko:"Huh? Check it out?"

Lu Xuanyu's words made Hojo Miyoko completely confused.

Suddenly, Lu Xuanyu grabbed Hojo Miyoko's arm and pushed her savagely against the wall, with her hands firmly strangled.

"Hey! Lu Xuanyu, you want to do... um!"

Hojo Miyoko was startled, not knowing what Lu Xuanyu was going to do.

Before her uneasy mood lasted long, Lu Xuanyu had already blocked her voice fiercely.

Among girls, Hojo Miyoko is a very strong girl.

She is a girl with extraordinary strength who can dunk in basketball class.

In her memory, Lu Xuanyu is not a man with extraordinary strength.

But now, she found that her strength could not shake Lu Xuanyu at all.

Wild power!

The physical skills rewarded by the system are not superficial.

Controlling a girl with extraordinary strength like Hojo Miyoko, Lu Xuanyu felt that it was no different from catching a little rabbit.

As the kiss gradually lengthened, Hojo Miyoko's breathing gradually became smoother.

It was as if a gate in her heart was opened, and the resistance disappeared completely.

After a long time.

The two slowly separated.

Lu Xuanyu let go of Hojo Miyoko's hand and wiped his lips with his fingers:

"The test is complete. You really lied and stuck out your tongue."

Hojo Miyoko's face was redder than her cheongsam, and she said angrily:

"Don't blame others, it was obviously you who started it first!"

Lu Xuanyu proudly put his hands in his pockets and continued:

"You say one thing and mean another. Let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut."

"This time, I will regard it as your compensation for the damage you caused to my young heart during junior high school."

"We owe nothing to each other. If you need help with cooking in the future, you can always contact me."

"You wouldn't delete my contact information, right?"

"Let's go to the hall and meet everyone."

After saying that, Lu Xuanyu prepared to leave in a casual manner.


Hojo Miyoko called out to Lu Xuanyu.

"Anything else to say?"

Lu Xuanyu was puzzled.

He never expected that...

Hojo Miyoko stepped forward fiercely and grabbed Lu Xuanyu's collar with both hands.

"I go……"

Then, she used all her strength to drag Lu Xuanyu around and pushed him against the wall.

"I'm Hojo Miyoko!"

"Never suffer any loss in front of any man!"

"Even if it's you, Lu Xuanyu... it won't work!"

After saying that,

Hojo Miyoko imitated Lu Xuanyu's behavior.

The two of them turned around and repeated the same behavior.


Ten minutes later,

Lu Xuanyu and Hojo Miyoko both came to the assembly hall.

Students who passed the course assessment need to wait in the assembly hall according to regulations.

After the collective assessment of students in all regions and classes is completed, the next step will be arranged.

In addition to the examination venue where Lu Xuanyu is located, there is another examination venue in another area, which is also closer to the assembly hall.

Many students came to the scene in advance to wait for the assembly.

Among them are his old acquaintances, Nakiri Erina and Hisako.

"Yo, Erina, Hisako"

"It seems that the first assessment class went well."

"You came to the gathering earlier than me, amazing, amazing."

Lu Xuanyu said jokingly.

Nakiri Erina folded her arms and maintained a proud attitude:

"This level of cooking test is not even an assessment."

"Even though we are the first group to arrive at the assembly hall, there is nothing to be proud of."

Lu Xuanyu:"Hahahaha!"

"Erina, you're just short of having the word"proud" written on your face"

""Okay, okay, you continue to be proud. I'll go and wait for the meeting. We'll talk next time."

Lu Xuanyu walked around Erina and deliberately passed by the side where Hisako was.

In the interlaced time, he stretched out his hand imperceptibly and hooked Hisako's hand with his little finger.

The electric shock-like feeling made Hisako tremble all over.

She clenched her hands and bit her lower lip to prevent her expression from being too obviously happy.

The feeling of secretly dating the secretary behind Miss Nakiri's back felt like a different kind of taboo.

Before returning to Tadokoro Megumi and Yoshino Yuuki, a coquettish and overly loud shout attracted the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Xuan Yujun!!"

"Dear Xuan Yujun!!"


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