After Time Travel, I Became A World-Destroying Anomaly

Chapter 14 The Cross That Deprives Life

"Dead?" The innocent-looking woman stood in front of Lin Zheng in disbelief.

"Well, although it is very strange, he is indeed dead." The man squatted on the ground to look at Lin Zheng's body. He knelt there motionless, not breathing at all, and his heartbeat and pulse had stopped.

"What are you doing? He died so inexplicably. Then wouldn't my makeup turn white? It's a shame that I'm wearing such thin clothes." The woman wrapped herself in a coat, with complaints written all over her face.

"There's nothing anyone can do about it, but this is the first time I've seen such an inexplicable thing. Well... just to be on the safe side, let's take another shot." The man pulled out his gun and pointed it at Lin Zheng's head.

But just when he was about to pull the trigger, the woman next to him suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, can you let me do it?" The woman smiled mischievously.

"Don't you like doing such bloody things?" the man asked.

The woman pouted and said, "But he made me waste a lot of effort, and I also suffered from the cold all night. I might catch a cold tomorrow."

The man was a little helpless, but in the end he handed the gun to the woman and then gave instructions.

"Hold it with two hands, hold the trigger with your finger, yes, hold it, it's not that easy to trigger, and it's not weak."

With the help of the man, the woman pointed the gun at Lin Zheng's forehead, then turned her face, narrowed her eyes slightly, and nervously pulled the trigger, as if she was carefully lighting a firework.

With a soft sizzling sound, the bullet flew out of the gun barrel and instantly hit Lin Zheng's forehead. The powerful kinetic energy it carried penetrated the brain, and finally opened up a half-fist-sized bone in the back of the head, leaving a somewhat horrifying hole.

The woman screamed softly at first, and then giggled, her branches quivering with laughter.

"Are you happy?" The man touched the woman's head.

"Well, I'm happy." The woman nodded, "What should we do next?"

"Let's find a place to eat first, just enough to keep you warm. Then we'll stay in a hotel and we'll go out to play tomorrow."


An easy and enjoyable mission, the man thought. He put his arms around the woman's shoulders, and a pleasant smile appeared on his lips. He glanced at the woman's slightly revealing and alluring dress, and thought to himself that there might be some sideshows later.


A sound spread out, a very indescribable sound, like his own brain suddenly vibrating.

His footsteps stopped, and a "spire" suddenly appeared in front of them without warning!

The spire is tall and narrow, and the whole body is pitch black. The body of the tower is engraved with strange patterns that have never been seen before. At first glance, the patterns seem to be alive, flowing and twisting.

It suddenly appeared in the alley, blocking the way for the two of them. The part of the wall that was in contact with the spire did not collapse, but disappeared, as if the tower had always existed there.

Then came the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth!

Without exception, they appear abruptly in the material world, distributed in a circular shape. One of the spires even appeared directly from the building of Bai Shuang Office!

The man turned around and saw a scene that he couldn't believe no matter what.

Lin Zheng's corpse... was floating in the air, with his hands spread out and his body forming a nearly perfect cross shape, with a strange mechanical and symbolic feel, not like organic life at all.

He didn't even need to actively think about it, a name had already appeared in his mind.


S-class anomaly, the hunter of extraordinary beings, a nightmare-like existence with unknown attack methods and unknown preying methods. However, in just a few days, it has killed 7 extraordinary beings, including Bai Qingxue. .

"Run, run!" He grabbed the woman's hand and was about to rush out, but the next moment, he heard a soft pop, and then the weight on his hand suddenly lightened.

He turned around, and a spray of red liquid mixed with white powder spread on the ground and walls, and the air was filled with red blood mist.

What he was holding was just a palm that was broken off from the wrist. The section was smooth and flat, and there wasn't even a trace of blood flowing out.

After death, a living person was destroyed without warning and without mercy, turning into liquid and a wisp of red mist. There was no farewell, no last words, just a pop.

The man's pupils suddenly contracted, and he fell into a brief trance, as panic, despair, and anger violently impacted his brain like a torrent.

"I'll fucking kill you!!" He roared at Lin Zheng, who was floating in the air. He raised his pistol and poured bullets at Lin Zheng almost madly, but only left a few bullet holes in Lin Zheng's body. Nothing else.

The visitor showed no signs of "death" at all.

The man was still roaring, and he didn't know whether he was roaring in anger or screaming in fear. The next moment, his body exploded with a bang, turning into liquid and blood mist that spread all over the sky. Lin Zheng's gunshot wound was instantaneous. restored as before.

Lin Zheng was conscious at this time, and this was his first subjective killing.

He thought he should be afraid, afraid, or have some other negative emotions, but unfortunately he didn't, and he didn't even have any mental fluctuations.

He just suddenly remembered his life on earth. If those lives taught him anything, it was that he understood that life itself is meaningless.

The birth of a life will not be given a mission, it is just an accidental result of natural selection, and the inevitable death will not let you go because you "work hard enough".

Human beings have social significance, civilizational significance, and historical significance, but they have no meaning at all for life.

That's why he kept thinking over and over again, what was the meaning of saving Bai Qingxue? To continue a meaningless dependence between two lives? Still out of my own guilt.

"What are you? Human or abnormal?" This was not the mysterious voice speaking, but Lin Zheng's own voice.

"I am an anomaly, a visitor from another world."

"So get started...start defining yourself."

"Then let's get started."

This is how Lin Zheng saved Bai Gengxue.

“Being both here and there.”

This definition of himself affected the entire world, and occurred with great intensity in Qinghe City and surrounding areas, causing the "reality" of Bai Qingxue's existence to be unable to be projected into the material world.

It was the theory of the two baskets that Wang Feng mentioned at that time. Bai Gengxue existed on the real level, but could not find her only position in the material world.

It is impossible to eliminate this definition unless Lin Zheng destroys himself or the world, but Professor Zhang's point of view gave him inspiration.


In short, he wants to extend his definition and add a new definition based on "life that exists here and there", "two locations can be the same place".

In short, make the two baskets absolutely overlap!

He tried to extend his definition of himself in the Foreign Affairs Bureau, but failed. Then he spent several hours repeatedly trying and thinking, and finally determined a fact.

The definition is not given casually, otherwise the first definition he gave himself would be among "the awesome king of the world", "super rich man", and "the handsome guy who is loved by everyone and has an indestructible waist" Category.

The definition can only be realized when the facts are available.

In other words, the last time it was because he already had the fact of having two bodies that he could define himself as a life that existed both here and there.

For this reason, he came here, found the location of his original body, and endured the pain that was enough to make him collapse so that the original body and the current body could exist at the same time, allowing the positions of the two to overlap.

Then redefined myself.

He succeeded, but the results and impact were more serious than he expected. He brought some things from the other world into reality, and even brought some of the power of the original body into reality.

"You did something extremely stupid." The mysterious voice sounded in the original body's mind.

"I'm just correcting the mistakes I made." Lin Zheng replied.

“You use one mistake to make up for another mistake.”

"But it turned out pretty well, at least for me."

The conversation ended, Lin Zheng slowly landed from the air, and then cut off the link with the original body. At this moment, his body recovered from an uncontrolled state.

The state he just presented was not the real original body, but the state of overlapping the original body and the real body. He understood a truth from this overlap.

That is...absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, you cannot let your original body come to the main material world.

He looked at the six towers surrounding him and couldn't help but feel horrified. He didn't have any subjective malice, but the mere overlap caused serious distortion of reality.

If his original body really came to the material world, just existing and thinking could bring about an unparalleled disaster. More specific results, he could not even imagine.

He must understand himself better and find ways to better control his original body.

He looked up at the surroundings and the eye-catching scarlet color on the ground, and then sighed softly.

The matter seems to be a bit big, and even the buildings in the different space have been moved to the main material world. It is impossible to hide this matter from the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

But it would be good to let the Foreign Affairs Bureau know, after all, there are two guys who suddenly want to kill him.

Moreover, this is a back alley, and there are no densely populated areas around it. The only camera belongs to Bai Shuang Office, but he had turned it off when he had a power outage a few days ago.

He looked at Bai Shuang Office. This two-story building was pierced by a spire. If Bai Qingxue knew that she had done this, that woman who was obsessed with money would definitely want to bite him to death.

But she probably wouldn't know that.

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