After Time Travel, I Became A World-Destroying Anomaly

Chapter 21 A Good Boss Who Wears Women’S Clothing At Work

"So...the exchange plan was cancelled? Why?"

After hearing the news, Lin Zheng's first reaction was not surprise but confusion, because he really couldn't think of a reason for the superiors of the war zone to give up the experiment. This was their only channel to understand and study two-dimensional extraordinary beings, but they blocked the channel themselves.

Professor Zhang looked at the experimental equipment being dismantled and sighed softly and said: "The decision was not made by the higher-ups, but by the Suzheng Agreement."

"Reconciliation agreement?" Lin Zheng was stunned for a moment by this term.

He knows this organization, the world's most powerful supernatural organization, the guardian of mankind, and the ghost of justice.

Three years ago, they invaded the United World Conference and asked all countries to put aside their disputes to fight anomalies, and they were responsible for providing technology and power.

Of course, no one cared about this absurdity at first, until the Three-Day Apocalypse War occurred, which was the last war in the world.

The puppet state of a certain big country launched a war despite warnings. They possess advanced weapons supported by the big country, have a large number of mercenary troops, and even provoke the Suppression Agreement.

But three days later, all their armed forces were wiped out, not even a gun was left, and it is said that only three people were dispatched in the Austerity Agreement.

Just as the Gulf War on Earth woke up the whole world, the Three-Day Apocalypse made the world realize for the first time the importance of extraordinary beings, and at the same time, it also felt the horror of the Solemnity Agreement.

But fortunately, this ghost-like organization has indeed fulfilled their promise, leading the world to fight anomalies, setting standards, providing technology, and fighting anomalies that are more terrifying than natural disasters.

So far, they are all qualified messengers of justice.

"So, why did the Suzheng Agreement intervene in this matter?" Lin Zheng was a little curious as to why this organization that was out of reach for him would intervene in this matter.

Professor Zhang was silent for a while and said: "Yesterday, the liaison room for the Zhengzheng Agreement appeared at the Seventh Theater Headquarters and the General Headquarters of the Foreign Affairs Bureau at the same time."

"Feng Kefeng talked with the other party for less than five minutes, while the General Headquarters of the Foreign Affairs Bureau talked with the other party for about two hours. The other party had only one core argument, that is, the visitors are very dangerous and must be eliminated."

Lin Zheng was stunned for a moment. Yesterday he was the savior of mankind. When he woke up, he became a target that must be eliminated. This huge turn of events made Lin Zheng unable to react for a while.

He originally thought that his only enemy was that mysterious voice, but he didn't expect that suddenly the most powerful combat unit in mankind also declared war on him.

Lin Zheng felt a bit of pressure. He couldn't measure the strength of that mysterious voice, but the power of the Suzheng Agreement was real. Even if they couldn't do anything to them now, it didn't mean they wouldn't be able to do it in the future.

He had to become stronger as soon as possible, become stronger and escape from the control and surveillance of the mysterious voice and the solemn agreement. If necessary, it would not matter if there was a head-on confrontation.

"So...are you planning to eliminate the visitors now?" Lin Zheng asked.

"I heard that the Sovereign Agreement provided a series of evidence about the destructiveness of the visitors at the theater headquarters, and in comparison, the Sovereign Agreement is indeed more credible than the visitors."

"However, we will not completely obey the Zhengzheng Agreement. We trust our own judgment and weigh our own interests."

Professor Zhang took out a cigarette and continued: "The order issued from above is to form a special visitor annihilation team, but the starting point is not annihilation, but basic research. As for when the research results can be obtained and the annihilation stage will be entered... That’s entirely up to us.”

Lin Zheng immediately understood that this way of coping was the legendary "doing it."

It's like the boss asks you "Have you finished the ppt?", you answer "I'm working on it.", and then create a new folder and continue playing games.

To put it bluntly, it is difficult for them to refuse if the Suzheng Agreement is to be implemented, but they have the final say on how to implement it.

"Aren't you dissatisfied with the Zhengzheng Agreement?"

"That's not the case. It's better to say that they definitely know that we will respond this way, but they just don't care. I think as long as we don't restart the communication experiment and don't openly confront them, they won't care what we do."

Lin Zheng sighed: "But you have obviously made so many preparations. It is a pity to cancel it just because you said it was cancelled."

However, Professor Zhang smiled and said: "Actually, this is quite good. Communication experiments themselves are not a field that I am good at. Even if I do it, it may not be successful. Everyone is paying attention to this matter. I am quite stressed. Now back to I actually relaxed after the basic experiment.

By the way, the above has asked me to prepare a visitor annihilation team. Your name is on the invitation list. You should think about it carefully in the past few days and accept it as best you can. "

"Well, I'll think about it carefully."

So the series of events triggered by the visitors ended like this. The ending was inexplicable, even a little weird, an ending... similar to a deus ex machina.

The communication plan between the protozoa and humans was ruined, and Lin Zheng's channel for obtaining intelligence was naturally cut off. Fortunately, he was already preparing for the second path - he was applying for the qualification of an investigator.

Not all extraordinary people are investigators. Only those who work in the anomalous confrontation industry and are recognized by the Bureau of Strange Affairs will receive this title.

Take Bai Gengxue, for example. Although she works alone, she is technically an investigator in Qinghe City, and she also serves as Qinghe City's emergency response consultant.

There are two advantages to becoming an investigator. The first is that as long as you are in Dongzhou, you can get help no matter which city you are in. There are even certain channels for assistance abroad.

The second is to be able to obtain information. Bai Gengxue is an investigator with Level 2 authority and can retrieve any information below Level 2 authority. For Lin Zheng, this is also one of the most realistic channels.

The morning after Lin Zheng returned home, he received a message from Feng Moguang, saying that all the procedures had been completed and he was asked to go to the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

Lin Zheng originally made an appointment to go see the house with Bai Qingxue, but it could only be postponed until the afternoon. He took the subway for half an hour and rushed to the Foreign Affairs Bureau, where he met Feng Moguang in the office.

Feng Moguang took out a document bag and handed it to Lin Zheng and said: "Your contract, investigator ID and authority card, as well as the investigator manual. You must read the manual carefully. It contains the investigator's code of conduct, as well as the instructions for seeking assistance." Please read the various channels of intelligence several times, but the contents are not allowed to be leaked."

"okay, I get it."

Lin Zheng took the folder and counted it, then opened his ID card. The photo inside was the file photo he had left in the Foreign Affairs Bureau when he joined Bai Shuang Firm.

Printed on it in block letters is "Qinghe City, Dongzhou State's seventh war zone against anomalies, investigator number QH00241, Lin Zheng."

These words are distributed in an orderly manner on the paper of the document, as well as security codes and seals.

"241? Are there so many investigators in Qinghe City?" Lin Zheng was a little curious.

"Well, almost the same, but most investigators are not extraordinary people, but ordinary people with special talents. They need to take exams to become investigators, and they are not usually assigned particularly dangerous tasks. Unlike you special people, The invitation is different.”

"Oh." Lin Zheng looked at the certificate in his hand and nodded.

"By the way, the mental damage fee you mentioned last time has been charged to you, as well as your first-month subsidy of 5,000 yuan, a total of 55,000 yuan."

"Wait a minute, is the monthly subsidy only 5,000? Isn't it a bit small?" Lin Zheng interrupted him hastily.

"No, don't you think it's too little for you to get five thousand for nothing every month? You are a novice, a novice with level 1 permissions, and you want to be a freelance investigator. I will let you join the other side. You don’t want to do it. To take a step back, the subsidy is meant to maintain basic living, and it is not the investigator’s main source of income.”

"What's the main source of income?"

"Of course the mission is completed. We will estimate the value based on the difficulty of the mission and the final impact. As for Zhao Sicheng's last abnormal creature encirclement and suppression mission, he was on it for less than ten minutes, and the final estimated bonus was 78,000. "

Lin Zheng was shocked: "Is this how you make money?"

"What do you think? Let me tell you, your boss is very, very rich. Do you remember the two-story building in your company? She bought it for 16 million, and I held the strings. Good guy, you didn’t even blink when you paid. The 300,000 you owe him is not even a drop of money to her. It’s really abominable that she’s pushing you so hard.”

Although 16 million was extremely shocking to Lin Zheng, Lin Zheng still smiled and said: "After all, I do owe her money, and it is fair to be called on the debt. It has nothing to do with how much money she has." big."

"Well, if you ask me to say that you are too honest, I really don't know why you want to follow her. What are the benefits? I am not much better than her as a leader? I am approachable, right? I can also... know how to buy snacks, right? Right? And it’s capable, right?”

Sure enough, even though he had already refused once, Feng Moguang still wanted to join the Foreign Affairs Bureau, but in fact, this was not a better choice for Lin Zheng.

Because although the positions in the Foreign Affairs Bureau are safer and risk-free, the work they arrange is relatively tough. Lin Zheng's authority will not increase even if he works in the interrogation department for ten years, and only by increasing his authority can he obtain intelligence.

Lin Zheng thought for a moment and said, "Probably because she is good-looking and wears women's clothes at work."

Feng Moguang was stunned for a few seconds and then suddenly shouted: "Superficial!! Superficial!! Lin Zheng, I really misjudged you! Superficial!!"

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