A quiet and subtle atmosphere still spreads in the vast building, with a certain uncomfortable feeling.

Fortunately, there are no microorganisms or spores, and the air is very clean. This is a good sign, indicating that this infection is not transmitted through the air, and they can move around in the infected area for a long time.

The next thing they have to do is to find the source of ecological infection and clean it up, but this is just as simple as saying it.

Lin Zheng didn't know what other weird things there were in this place. He didn't have any experience in dealing with ecologically infectious anomalies and had only read some paper information.

At this moment, the three of them were carefully patrolling the manor. Lin Zheng turned around and asked Zhao Sicheng, "I remember that you and Bai Qingxue solved ecological anomalies? Do you have any experience?"

"I have had experiences, but those experiences are not worth learning from." Zhao Sicheng said calmly.


"That crazy woman created an autologous virus, and then actively integrated it with the ecology, poisoning the entire ecosphere." Zhao Sicheng said.

Lin Zheng couldn't help but was speechless for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, this seemed to be quite in line with Bai Gengxue's style, turning himself into toxic garbage and killing others.

"Then what was your mission at that time? Help him clear the way or something like that?" Lin Zheng asked.

"Hurry up and make up for your homework." Zhao Sicheng replied.

Lin Zheng was speechless, but he did not blame Zhao Sicheng for his inaction, because it was much more uncomfortable for the child to do his homework than to fight.

At this moment, Xiang Ting, who was walking in the front, made a silent gesture. He pointed to a room door to indicate that there was movement in the room. Zhao Sicheng prepared his hand to summon the magic sword, and then Xiang Ting Kick open the door.

This was a luxurious and comfortable room, at least it should have been a guest room once. As for now... what was presented to them was an extremely strange scene.

Intestines, countless intestines were intertwined in this room, forming a giant web that was randomly intertwined. On top of the giant web were more than a dozen strange spider-like creatures that they had seen!

Those intestines are swallowing them bit by bit, and in the center of this giant net... is a person, or half a person. It is a woman, with an unusually thin body, and is incredibly thin, like a skeleton. Covered with a thin layer of skin.

Her hands were unusually slender, almost over two meters long. What was even weirder was that she had no legs. To be precise, she was hollow below her abdomen, and the intestines that intertwined throughout the room, like a python, spread from her abdomen. from.

She was slowly raising her head at this moment, her gray eyes extending outward, like a snail's handle eye, slowly protruding from its socket and then locked on the three uninvited guests.

Predatory creatures in this ecosystem! ! But why... would it look like a human female?

Even if this virus is closely related to humans, it should not look like a human woman, and the facial features are so obvious! !


This weird creature suddenly let out a heart-rending scream, and the next moment it seemed that the whole room was squirming, and hundreds of intestines were flying at the same time, like countless tentacles attacking the three of them.

"Protect Lin Zheng!!" Zhao Sicheng roared again, and the huge demon sword Zaolis suddenly rose up. The brilliant light from the sword was like a scorching flame, forcing back the tentacles that were attacking.

The situation on Xiang Ting's side was not optimistic. In order to protect Lin Zheng, he stood in front of Zhen Zhen. In an instant, his arms and body were wrapped tightly by several intestines!

It’s finally time to take action yourself! Lin Zheng thought to himself that so far only he knew how powerful his mental interference ability was, but now he could finally find a chance to use it!

But this thought only lasted for two seconds. The next moment he saw Xiang Ting grabbing the intestines wrapped around him, and then gently exerting force, as if tearing toilet paper, the intestines wrapped around him were easily torn away. open.

The next moment, he suddenly stepped forward and strode towards the monster like an unstoppable bison. The monster's scream was even more heartbreaking. It seemed to be aware of the danger and wanted to escape. Its long arms struggled on the ground. Grasp.

But then his arm was stepped on by Xiang Ting's forty-four-yard foot. Xiang Ting squatted down and looked at the strange creature in front of him, with a look of compassion on his face.

"May the servants of the Holy Spirit guide you to the paradise world." Xiang Ting made the sign of the cross on his chest with his fingers, then raised his fist and smashed it hard on the monster's chest.

There was a loud bang!

Lin Zheng was sure that what he heard was a loud bang. With this huge sound, the monster's chest cavity and the bottom plate sank downwards, and the sternum was almost completely shattered.

The next moment, all the tentacles dancing wildly in the sky stopped, and then crashed to the ground.

The corner of Lin Zheng's mouth twitched. There was a kid with a great sword in the middle and a compassionate steel priest. These two teammates of his were so reliable that he couldn't find any fun in them.

But this thought was just a thought. If it could be done badly, he would definitely do it right away.

"Thank you for being merciful and not hitting her in the face." Lin Zheng said with a smile.

"You're welcome, I knew you could use it." Xiang Ting smiled a gentle and almost divine smile, if his fists weren't bleeding.

Lin Zheng forced himself to ignore Xiang Ting's fist, then took out his phone to take pictures of the monster.

Viewed from a close distance, although this woman's face is extremely thin, you can still see some beauty. Her lips are very thin and well-shaped. Her eyebrows are like thin willow leaves. You can still see the tip of the left eyebrow at the tail. A small black mole.

"There's something wrong." Lin Zheng looked at the face of the corpse and said, "The personality characteristics are too obvious, so obvious that it seems to be based on a certain person."

"Could it be related to Lu Zhengyuan? Or were the nearby residents who accidentally broke in and were assimilated?" Zhao Sicheng asked.

Lin Zheng was silent for a while, then pulled out the dagger he carried with him and slowly cut open the side of the entity's neck and shoulders. Under the skin were clear layers of fat, flesh, blood vessels, and tiny bones like a cocktail.

This is definitely not how the human body should behave.

"This guy is a native creature. It is transforming into a state closer to humans through hunting, but this guy is essentially a native creature of the ecosystem." Lin Zheng frowned and made a judgment.

But then another question appeared in his mind.

"Who is this woman? Why do the creatures in this ecosystem imitate her? Are the creatures in this ecosystem trying to evolve into her look?"

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