Lin Zheng was stunned.

The logical chain was broken again, and it was broken at a place that absolutely shouldn't be broken.

Is Lu Zhengyuan’s body structure normal? what does that mean? Does this mean there are really two Lu Zhengyuan in the world?

"Could it be his brother?" Xiang Ting tried to find a reasonable explanation.

"He is an only child." Wang Feng interrupted.

"But this is unreasonable. If he is real, what is the giant Lu Zhengyuan? A clone? Lu Zhengyuan from another world?" Xiang Ting didn't understand either.

"I don't know, it's not clear yet."

Suddenly, the slightly dim fluorescent lamp in the room began to flicker, the water glass rippled, the fence of the detention room shook slightly, and the paper, pens and documents on the table even floated slightly.

Everyone present heard a certain kind of roar almost at the same time. It was a silent roar, as if it was happening in the distant depths of the mind.

Lin Zheng was thinking. This was an abnormality caused when he was concentrating on thinking. Feng Moguang was a little nervous and wanted to remind Lin Zheng, but was stopped by Wang Feng.

so what? Lin Zheng thought, are there two Lu Zhengyuan in the world?

Impossible, even if there are abnormal factors in it, the abnormality has inherent laws, and it is impossible to produce two identical people out of thin air.

So what are the internal laws?

Basement, huge entity, dark yellow light, squirming flesh.

A sentence came to Lin Zheng's mind: "Hello, I am Su Yunning. I am a primary school music teacher. I like reading and dancing."

Suddenly, Lin Zheng seemed to see some pictures. He saw a sunny room. The room was simple with a hint of staleness. Su Yunning was sitting in front of the book in a plain white dress. The curtains were gently floating, and there were green radish flowers in front of the window. Shake slightly.

"What...are you?" Lin Zheng asked.

Su Yunning turned around, smiled at him, and then uttered two words from his lips, two words that made Lin Zheng's hair stand on end. He once again experienced that primitive and instinctive fear.

"Adult, he is an adult." Lin Zheng murmured.

Yes, the Lu Zhengyuan in front of him is an adult, the adult after the nymph sheds its skin.

Xiang Ting and Zhao Sicheng both looked at him with doubtful eyes, but Lin Zheng didn't even know how to explain to them.

He remembered that when he communicated with the monster yesterday, the monster once told him that she was Su Yunning's nymph, and when she grew up, she would become an "adult" and become the real Su Yunning.

The Lu Zhengyuan in front of him is an adult. He is a complete, real Lu Zhengyuan, a complete Lu Zhengyuan. His appearance, genes, and personality are all Lu Zhengyuan.

Even his self-awareness is Lu Zhengyuan!

A foreign life form that could completely replace Lu Zhengyuan, but he was a counterfeit, a counterfeit born of a strange ecology through countless evolutionary attempts.

Lin Zheng could even imagine that there was no business trip at all. When Lu Zhengyuan's nymph transformed into an adult, he left the villa where he was born and knocked on the door of Bai Shuang's office.

At that time, his actual age was only a few days old...

So, can one life really be completely replaced by another? Just like the dead woman said, one day she will become Su Yunning?

The uniqueness of life is broken? Or is this a kind of deformed immortality?

but why? Why is there an adult of Lu Zhengyuan? What has Su Yunning become?

"Lin Zheng, are you okay?" Xiang Ting stretched out his hand to support Lin Zheng, pulling Lin Zheng back from his thoughts, followed by a crashing sound.

Only then did Lin Zheng notice that when he was thinking, he unconsciously made many things in the room levitate weightlessly, and then a sense of dizziness invaded him.

"He... isn't real." Lin Zheng said tiredly.

"How do you prove it?" Lu Zhengyuan suddenly roared, shaking the fence almost crazily.

"I can't prove it, maybe not at all, but... you're not real."

"Lin Zheng, I will kill you. I will spend all my family property to kill you!!" Lu Zhengyuan was almost mad, but his anger disappeared as soon as he finished shouting, because even he knew that he had no chance at all. .

He slowly returned to the corner of the detention room and curled up. He didn't know where he went wrong, nor did he know that his own existence was a mistake.

Then everyone came to Feng Moguang's office, and Lin Zheng leaned on the sofa to take a rest.

"In other words, this Lu Zhengyuan is fake?" Xiang Ting asked.

Lin Zheng took a sip of water and nodded and said, "Yes, he is fake. If you check his business trip records and vehicle usage, you will definitely find illogical things."

"But what you said can only prove that there is something wrong with him, but it cannot prove that he is fake." Feng Moguang said.

"This is the problem, because there is no way to prove that he is an abnormal creature that can completely replace Lu Zhengyuan." Lin Zheng said.

Feng Moguang thought for a few seconds, and then shuddered. He could imagine the result of this abnormality continuing to spread. This abnormality would gradually erode the entire world like an asymptomatic disease.

"I will send Lu Zhengyuan to the research institute and let Professor Zhang find out the identification method as soon as possible. I hope it will be useful. In addition, I will also draft an early warning letter and see if I can submit it through the Seventh War Zone so that all war zones can automatically Check it out.”

"But why was Lu Zhengyuan born instead of Su Yunning? Wasn't Su Yunning born there?" Xiang Ting asked another question.

"No, the mother's body is Lu Zhengyuan, and the gestation is of course Lu Zhengyuan. Su Yunning was grafted on. She is like... a persimmon seedling. This is why Lu Zhengyuan has adults, but Su Yunning has always failed." Lin Zheng replied.

"In other words, some anomaly interfered with Lu Zhengyuan, and then wanted to use Lu Zhengyuan as a carrier to create a bunch of Su Yunnings?" Xiang Ting said.

"In principle, that's the case."

"But what's the purpose?"

Very good, this is a very good question, and Lin Zheng doesn’t know the answer either.

At this moment, the door outside the room was pushed open, and a young police officer walked in and whispered a few words to Feng Moguang, and then handed a piece of information to Feng Moguang.

Feng Moguang walked up to Lin Zheng with the information and said, "The information you want was actually sent last night. I asked the intelligence department to streamline it."

Feng Moguang handed the information in his hand to Lin Zheng. There was an ID photo in the upper left corner. The face was very familiar to Lin Zheng, with gentle eyebrows and a small mole at the end of the eyebrow. Even if his face was expressionless, he still looked gentle and pleasant.

Su Yunning, a primary school dance teacher, is an indescribable monster.

"Where is the person? Has the person been found?"

"The man is dead. He died five years ago."

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