I have to say that this woman Bai Qingxue has a really bad character, she is not gentle at all, she is quite unreasonable, she also likes to act smart and has a lot of evil intentions.

If there is any advantage, I'm afraid it's just that it looks better, right?

Hmm... maybe it counts as a good figure, and it's quite comfortable to hold, very soft and warm.

No, no, now is not the time to think about this. The first priority is to hunt the red fish. Even though that guy is not strong, Lin Zheng must kill all the threats he may bring.

His spiritual realm was released, forming a huge sphere, and began to sweep a large area where the red fish escaped.

There were no particularly tall buildings in this block, which was very advantageous for Lin Zheng's sweep. After only five or six minutes, Lin Zheng captured a life response in a seven-story building.

But not one, but four!

"Third floor, left." Lin Zheng said, "There are other things."

Bai Qingxue said nothing. She hovered in the air and suddenly flapped her wings, causing countless feathers to fly out.

"You... lost your hair?" Lin Zheng complained.

The next moment, these feathers turned into white butterflies and slammed into the wall at an incredible speed. The wall shattered. It was not shattered, but was ablated and dissolved in an instant. In the blink of an eye, a passage was opened on the wall. .

She led Lin Zheng and rushed into the building along the passage, and then the two of them landed smoothly.

Red Fish was indeed here, but he was about to die. Lin Zheng knew it just by looking at the scene in front of him.

Three "Su Yunning"-like creatures surrounded him. Their upper bodies had taken preliminary shape in human form, but they did not seem to distinguish the difference between clothing and body. Their clothes were all thin films growing from the body, their arms were slender, and their fingers were slender. There is also a webbed membrane in between, which looks like an aquatic creature.

But its lower body is not legs, but a structure similar to that of a jellyfish. The huge, layered, flower-like membrane is like a wide skirt, with countless tentacles in it.

At this moment, one of the three creatures has entangled the red fish with its tentacles. Although these translucent tentacles are slender, they are quite tough, and there are a huge number of them. No matter how hard he struggles, he cannot get rid of them all.

"Save me!! Save me quickly!!" He shouted towards Lin Zheng and Bai Qingxue, but it was too late. The layers of jellyfish-like membranes suddenly opened and wrapped the red fish in them in an instant.

Red Fish's cry for help was blocked instantly. Lin Zheng could see him scratching and tearing like crazy, but not even a scratch was left.

Then his fingers dissolved like marshmallows in water, followed by his legs.

Just a few seconds later, only his head and body were left, but he was not dead, not even wounded. He was tightly wrapped in this strange creature, as if he was integrated with this creature.

Lin Zheng even felt that his mind was still there, even very clear.

"Summoning, Night of Coranxis." The three creatures made a sound almost at the same time, and then a blue magic circle appeared at the feet of each creature, and a blue-black long bow appeared in the hands of each of them.

The monster that swallowed the red fish looked lovingly at the red fish with an extremely frightened and distorted expression and said, "You will become an excellent core and stay with us forever."

Then he looked up at Lin Zheng and said, "I know you."

"Oh? Really?" Lin Zheng glanced at Red Fish and said, "Tell me how you met me? Are we WeChat friends?"

"The high priest said that you are a god-killing beast who once killed young gods." The creature said slowly.

Lin Zheng was stunned for a while before he remembered the monster under the West Bank Lake: "Then your god's ability to withstand stress is not good. It died after just saying a few words. It's really hard to break."

However, the description of this creature also made me realize an error in judgment.

So that is not a hunting body, but a core individual bred by ecology? But this doesn't seem to matter, as long as the mother body and this so-called "god" are destroyed together.

"God-killing beast, the high priest has prepared a gift for you. You will be killed by the one you love, your limbs will be used as nutrients to feed the Mother of Creation, and your body and soul will become A breeding ground for infant gods.”

Lin Zheng frowned slightly: "What do you mean? Who is the high priest you are talking about?"

"The Guide of Creation."

“What does it mean to be the guide of creation?”

“The guide of creation is the high priest.”

"It's over, this thing has no brains, just try to catch him alive." Lin Zheng turned to Bai Qingxue and said.

Bai Gengxue was about to take action. The next moment, without even the slightest resistance, these three strange living entities suddenly expanded strangely, and then exploded with a bang, shattering into a transparent solution.

Red Fish's eternal sentence ended abruptly at this moment, but he did not gain freedom, and his remaining body bounced feebly on the ground.

Lin Zheng looked at him blankly, and after a while he said: "Now he has really turned into a red fish."

Bai Qingxue was so amused by Lin Zheng's hell joke that she laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up straight.

Well, although Lin Zheng never sympathizes with his enemies and supports inflicting insults on them, he still respects life.

After telling the hell joke, he pulled out his pistol, pointed it at the red fish's head and shot twice. The red fish stopped struggling and died quietly.

After this major hidden danger was resolved, another hidden danger appeared next. He turned around, pointed the gun at Bai Gengxue and said, "Stretch out your hand."

"You...what are you going to do?" Bai Qingxue suddenly panicked.

"Nothing, I want to test you just to be on the safe side." Lin Zheng replied.

Bai Qingxue's face suddenly turned red, and her eyes began to dodge.

After a long time, she glanced at Lin Zheng slightly and quickly turned away as if he was electrocuted. Then she made an indifferent look and said, "Okay, okay, I'll test you, I'll test you."

She stretched out her white and tender arms, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Lin Zheng didn't understand what was going on with this woman, but he still started to verify according to the conventional inspection methods he knew. Simply put, he checked Bai Qingxue's bones, joints, and blood vessels.

"Well, it's normal. There's no problem at all."

Lin Zheng let go of Bai Qingxue's hand. At this moment, the woman acted even more abnormally. She tilted her head and stared at the wall, her face already red to her ears.

"No, boss, what's wrong with you?"

"Ahem, it's okay, just... let's deal with the task first." Bai Qingxue interrupted him.

"Okay, let's deal with the task first."

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