After Time Travel, I Became A World-Destroying Anomaly

Chapter 55 Landing In A Different Place


The huge tentacle suddenly fell down, landing dangerously on Lin Zheng's side. Almost in the next moment, Bai Qingxue's parasite came to kill him at an extremely fast speed.

It was caught, but failed to avoid completely, leaving a bright red blood mark on Lin Zheng's arm. This was the first time Lin Zheng was injured in this battle.

Lin Zheng lightly clicked his tongue: "It's not good, the achievement of no injury is gone. Forget it, as long as there is no cat car, it will be considered a success."

His indifferent attitude made Zhao Xingyu seem a little annoyed: "Didn't you say there are two ways to kill me? Why is it so embarrassing now? I'm still waiting for your trump card."

"There are two methods." Lin Zheng waved his hand and cut off the incoming pale tentacles. "But to be honest, it shouldn't be used because you are much weaker than I thought."

"You're still talking hard even when you're about to die!"

There was a loud bang, and the tentacle fell like a heavy hammer, but it was blocked by Lin Zheng's huge skeletal frame with a triangular structure.

Lin Zheng dodged out of the attack range, and then received another slash from Gentle Snow. He launched a mental bombardment to interrupt Gentle Snow's attack, and then used countless bones to fix her in place with a wave of his hand.

"Can I ask you a question? Why do you want to resurrect Su Yunning at all costs? Because of what? Because of undying love? Then I have to say that you are really tough. How do you usually play? Outsiders "?" Lin Zheng asked.

The expression on Zhao Xingyu's face suddenly changed slightly, and he stopped smiling.

"Unfortunately, I have to tell you a tragic fact. The reality is that there is no undying love in the world. Love is essentially just the effect of some chemicals, such as phenylethylamine, dopamine, and norepinephrine. hormones, oxytocin and endorphins.”

"So? What do you want to prove?" Zhao Xingyu suddenly became ferocious, "You want to prove that I don't really love Su Yunning, and then ask me to give up? How much have I paid and how much have I sacrificed to get to where I am today? Do you think it's ridiculous to rely on you? Do you want me to abandon everything just because of your speech?”

"No, I'm just laughing at you. I'm laughing at your stupidity and ignorance. I'm laughing at your arrogance. I'm laughing at you for trying to conquer rational life with such ridiculous sentiments. You are the stupidest person I have ever seen. Opponent." Lin Zheng said.

The huge tentacle crashed down, but this time Lin Zheng did not dodge, because the tentacle suddenly stopped in mid-air. It should be said that all attacks seemed to have been hit by the pause button at this moment.

Even the Bai Qingxue parasite next to him stopped moving.

Zhao Xingyu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately ordered: "Xiao Ning, what are you doing? Kill him, quickly!"

But this monster did not take action. Instead, she began to "compress" the huge alien limbs and retract them into her body. She was transforming into a human form again.

This was the first time that Su Yunning did not respond to Zhao Xingyu's order.

A certain uneasiness exploded in Zhao Xingyu's heart, and then he realized that all this was Lin Zheng's fault. He roared in panic: "You...what did you do? What did you do to Xiao Ning?"

"Yes, what did I do? How should I put it? To put it simply, your account was logged in from another place." Lin Zheng took some time to straighten his body armor that was completely soaked in blood.

"Before we started the war, I sent a spiritual message to Gentle Snow and asked her to connect your adult insect into the ecology."

"Think about it, what is your adult? It's a guy exactly like you, with the same appearance and the same DNA."

"As for your creation, she is very young in spirit, but she still possesses Su Yunning's original spiritual prototype and retains Su Yunning's memory. She can't tell which one is the real you. Even to her, your adult is more Like Zhao Xingyu in her impression."

"So now she's dead."

Zhao Xingyu's body trembled suddenly, he immediately closed his eyes, and the pipe connected behind him began to glow.

"Isn't it a little late to think of the troubleshooting system now?" Lin Zheng smiled.

The next moment, the huge bone blade suddenly cut off Zhao Xingyu's connection with the ecology. He fell from the air and landed heavily on the flesh and blood layer.

Suddenly coming to the ground and seeing Lin Zheng standing more than ten meters away from him, an unprecedented chill filled Zhao Xingyu's heart.

He knew, he knew that Lin Zheng wanted to kill him, a few seconds would be enough.

He must go back, he must return to the ecology!

Zhao Xingyu began to panic. He wanted to sneak into the flesh and blood layer regardless of the cost. He looked like a cricket trying to burrow into the ground.

But he only sneaked in halfway, and the entire area he was in was torn apart by Lin Zheng. It became uncontrollable and began to compress inward. His hiding place turned into a flesh and blood prison that restrained him in an instant.

Lin Zheng was walking towards him, the silver dagger flying towards him, hovering above his palm and spinning continuously.

"So." Lin Zheng said, "Are you a little afraid of me now?"

Then, in Zhao Xingyu's horrified eyes, the dagger turned into a stream of light and shot towards Zhao Xingyu.

But clang...

There was a crisp sound, and the dagger bounced away. It was Su Yunning who took action. She did not launch an attack, but stood on the spot after deflecting the dagger.

Even Zhao Xingyu himself did not expect this sudden protection.

Zhao Xingyu was surprised at first, and then suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, passive protection mechanism, this is a passive protection mechanism. Even if she can't confirm who is the real owner, she still remembers me and she will still protect me. This is the love that you can't understand and transcends death!"

"You still can't kill me, you still can't kill me!!"

Lin Zheng said nothing. He glanced at Zhao Xingyu with almost pity, and then walked towards Su Yunning.

Passive defense means no active attack.

"Look at me." Lin Zheng said, Su Yunning raised his head, their eyes met, and a subtle light flashed from Lin Zhengde's eyes.

"Do it." Lin Zheng said.

The next moment, Su Yunning's empty eyes suddenly turned cold and fierce, and a slender tentacle with spikes suddenly stretched out from behind her.

Then it stabbed into Zhao Xingyu's shoulder fiercely. The tearing pain made Zhao Xingyu scream, and the pain and disbelief almost tore him apart.

Lin Zheng, on the other hand, put his arm around Su Yunning's waist affectionately and turned to look at him, showing a ferocious smile.

"Do you understand now? Is your mind clear? What you think will last until death, what you think is the spirit and emotion between you, to me, is just a few wisps of dust, all illusions, all Your own, ridiculous hallucination."

"Now, I have a question for you." Lin Zheng said, "How does it feel when you are about to be killed by the person you love?"

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