After Time Travel, I Became A World-Destroying Anomaly

Chapter 60 The Showdown Between Anomalies

The camp was empty. Although the tents and some equipment were still there, the already somewhat desolate city became even more deserted.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, the sun was bright red and huge, and the afterglow of the setting sun poured over the buildings and the earth, stretching the shadows of the three people very long.

"It's so quiet." Lin Zheng said.

"Let's eat here today next year and find a better restaurant. Maybe this place will be more lively by then."

"Your treat." Lin Zheng said.

"I'll just ask you. What's the point?"

Lin Zheng looked towards the city. At this moment, the huge city was crowded with all kinds of "people". They could no longer carry out regular activities. The windows of the building were crushed, and people kept falling from above, hitting the crowd and then Caused a commotion.

They have not yet reached the limit mentioned by Chen Yushi, but they already have the tendency and desire to spread outward.

"Then let's get started." Lin Zheng said.

He slowly walked deeper into the city, then closed his eyes and activated his unique two-dimensional ability.

Without any process at all, Lin Zheng appeared in the sky like a god, his whole body showing a huge cross shape.

Subsequently, the spiritual realm belonging to the visitor also suddenly unfolded in the real world. This is a realm completely different from Lin Zheng's spiritual realm. Its expression in the real world is also different from that in the Dark Domain of the Moon. The form of expression is completely different.

In just an instant, the entire city was shrouded in night, forming an extremely huge night curtain under the majestic sunset. An incredible moon appeared in the sky, shining coldly on the entire city.

The mighty golden-red sunlight shines on the huge night curtain, and then is reflected, forming a sharp and bright boundary line.

It was as if the city was separated from the world. Outside the curtain, there was a blazing fire, but inside the curtain, there was silence and silence. The sky is about to burn up, and the curtain is the burning embers.

In an instant, the humanoid creatures crowding the streets disappeared without warning, as if they had never existed.

At this moment, Lin Zheng, Bai Qingxue, and Feng Moguang all saw the elephant.

No, the first thing they saw was the two-dimensional transcendent. He became extremely huge, with a height of more than thirty meters. His head and body were huge and bloated, but his limbs appeared skinny and short. He looked like a strange newborn. baby.

At this time, he was hanging upside down above the city, with black liquid flowing continuously from his swollen mouth, like a slender waterfall, which had already flooded the streets and alleys of the city.

One end of a huge, thick umbilical cord is connected to its abdomen, and the other end is connected to a twisted void. The elephant... the elephant's true body is conceived in its body, right in his abdomen.

His abdomen has been stretched out, like a blooming flower, and the elephant is hidden in his abdomen.

It has all the traditional and universally recognized characteristics of an elephant, such as a long trunk, huge tusks, and thick legs, but that's all. These inherent characteristics are integrated into one in an extremely distorted way.

In addition, there were huge tentacles, a huge beak, and huge horns, and in the center of this strange creature was a huge, slanted eye, staring directly at Lin Zheng coldly.

Bai Qingxue looked at this strange thing that was completely beyond common sense. Even though it was separated by a thick curtain of night, there was still an unparalleled fear that suddenly exploded in her heart.

This seems to be the most primitive fear engraved in the bones and genes. Feng Moguang on the side was almost suffocated.

This may be the first time that humans have witnessed the true appearance of an elephant, even though it is only a cub!

A showdown between anomalies and anomalies.

The next moment, Lin Zheng's abdomen exploded with a bang, and a long trunk hung down from it. His body began to twist, his skin began to break, and countless tentacles surged out from his body. Then his limbs disappeared and became It turned into thick, pale elephant hooves, and it grew into a long beak and huge horns. Then it fell from the sky and hit the ground with a thud, hitting the dark pool.

The fluids were warm and sticky, like returning to the warmth of the womb.

What is he?

He is human.

How do you define human beings?

Humans are the largest terrestrial animals in the world. They have long noses, a pair of huge teeth, tentacles, beaks, and huge horns. They often appear in the room, often in the refrigerator, and often Haunted in...

It will always crawl...slowly...slowly, just like all humans.

Lin Zheng suddenly wanted to laugh...

He knows what a duel between reality interfering entities is like. How should I put it? It's like a duel between the narrator and the narrator in the same worldview.

This guy is a collection of fallacies, all the misunderstandings that humans have generated in the process of exploring the world. After they were abandoned, they became... "human beings"?




Turned into a room?

Became his brain?

Lin Zheng opened his eyes. He was sitting in a small room with no doors or windows. His wife Su Yunning was preparing dinner in the room.

She handles a primate called an elephant with her tentacles, picking off their heads and limbs and throwing them into the trash can, mincing the remaining parts into a paste.

A skit was playing on TV, and there was a funny joke in the skit.

"How many steps does it take to put an elephant in the refrigerator?"

"Three steps, open the refrigerator door..."

Someone was giggling outside the "door", and someone was knocking on the wall and saying this joke was really funny. Su Yunning also giggled.

Lin Zheng heard himself laughing too, but when he looked in the mirror, he was not smiling.

Because he's not a human, not an elephant, not a refrigerator, not a dinosaur, not his brain.

Suddenly, the scene shattered. Lin Zheng was crawling slowly on the ground, and those people surrounded him. They were tearing the flesh and blood from his body and stuffing it into their mouths to chew.

He waved his tentacles to drive them away, but he couldn't, they were like ghosts.

Distorting reality, distorting cognition, and distorting life, this collection of human fallacies has already shown such terrifying abnormal interference as just a cub.

It is the embodiment of error, everyone's misunderstanding of everything, and a divine punishment for mankind.

Lin Zheng asked: "Do you understand human beings?"

The elephant replied: "I know human beings. I was born when the first thought of human beings appeared. I know human beings in every form, every human being in history, and every human being in the existing world."

"Then do you understand me?"

"You are human too."

"No, I don't have any form, I'm not in any history, I'm not in the material world, I don't even meet this world's definition of human beings. I - am a visitor, a visitor from the macroscopic and surreal world .”

The elephant was silent. It wanted to erase this conversation, but it found that he couldn't. Lin Zheng's answer was based on its answer. If the answer was erased, the cub would cease to exist.

It wanted to twist the conversation, but it found that it still couldn't, because it realized that it really couldn't understand what the creature before it was.

He is so... absurd. How can a human being not exist in any history and space?

It went back a thousand or ten thousand years in time, but there was no trace of this guy's existence at all. It was as if he appeared in this world out of thin air.

Suddenly, the elephant realized something even more horrifying.

It shouldn't be able to speak, it shouldn't be able to think, it's just a phenomenon, an abstract force, and the reason why it can speak and think... is because it was distorted by this weird creature in front of it.

But it cannot think. The essence of thinking is self-reflection, exploration, observation and revelation of the nature of things. Human beings use thinking to fight and correct mistakes.

And it... is both a mistake.

Thinking is the deadliest virus to errors!

Buzz, buzzing softly.

Above the sky in the city, Lin Zheng was silently suspended in the air in human form, facing the huge corpse of the two-dimensional transcendent and the slowly squirming elephant in its belly.

Everything seemed to be back to the starting point, and the battle just now seemed not to have happened at all.

It’s not that it didn’t happen, it was vetoed.

With a soft snap, the umbilical cord in the sky broke. A huge thirty-meter corpse fell from the sky and crashed to the ground. The building roared, and countless glass was shattered, turning into flying fragments and falling to the ground.

The belly of the corpse began to bulge and squirm continuously, as if something was about to break out of it, and the elephant cub was about to arrive.

The skin on the abdomen exploded with a bang, and red and black blood spurted out, splattering on the street and the facade of the building. A large amount of meat surged out, and the elephant cub was expelled.


It was a pink baby elephant with a long nose, two big ears, four legs, and young teeth. It was very young, with a shoulder height of only a little over one meter. It looked docile and naive.

The elephant escaped. In order to avoid being infected by the virus, the elephant cut off its tentacles, abandoned its cubs, and curled up somewhere outside the physical world.

Its cub also became the first elephant in the world to be liberated from the twisted concept of "elephant".

And this is also the first time that humans have truly used passive defense to tear off a piece of meat from an elephant.

Lin Zheng slowly landed on the deserted street, but then, something seemed to rush upward in his chest, and he covered his mouth with his hand and coughed violently.

When the coughing subsided, he opened his palms, and there was black blood and fragments of internal organs on his palms.

Sigh... This Lin Zheng is really in tatters. If the girl doesn't like it, maybe he should be thrown away.

I have to take good care of my health from today on, and I can’t stay up late.

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